Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sen Kai


Sen Kai

Weight225 lbs
Force SensitiveForce Sensitive


Sen never takes his mask off save in private, and so no one knows what he looks like.


Sacred Tuskan Mask forged of Beskar
Sacred Tuskan Robes
Lightsaber (yellow jasper)
Krayt Bone Gaderffii Stick
Leather Brown Gauntlets


Sen has blended his Jedi training with The Mandalorian Way, this makes him a fierce warrior capable of rivaling a Sith in intensity of combat while retaining the faith of the Jedi. Sen finds peace in violence, the sweep of his blade makes him calm. Suffice to say scholarly pursuits are not his focus, though he is not unintelligent, rather he believes knowledge is not the exclusive purview of the Jedi; he combines Jedi, Mandalorian, Tuskan, and even some Light Sith ideals. It is this blend that makes him a well rounded individual.


Jack of All Trades:

Sen us wll rounded in many diciples from Saber combat to wiledimg The Force to piloting and using technologies.

Mandalorian Valor:
Sen is a warrior who once he enters the field of combat does not recoil or retreat, he fights to the bitter end. This makes him dependable in a fight, he will not abandon his comrades.

Sen is really good at adapting in a fight, using anything to his advantage, he is keen to grab blasters, take over a turrent, use his saber or a thermal detonator. His motto is, “get the job done, who cares how.”

Sen despite being a Son of War tends to resolve issues with words rather than a saber. He is a skilled diplomat and resorts to trying to create rapport rather than ruffle feathers.


Master of Nothing:
Because of Sen’s unique world view, combining knowledge of Jedi with knowledge outside The Order, and his balancing disciples of the lightsaber, The Force, and practical skills, he is neither a Master of the Force nor a Master in any area.

Hidden Identity:
His strict obsevance of Mandalorian Way of never showing his face causes distrust and makes relationships outside The Jedi difficult, particularly romantic ones.

Refusal to Withdrawal:
His refusal to back down from a fight can mean that he commits to a battle he cannot win.

The Ends Justify The Means:
When in deep cover, he like Jedi Shadows is willing to participate in not very Jedi like activities, behaviors, and actions to achieve trust so that he can better make the house of cards collapse from within. This however, has a cost.. his soul is burdened by tolerating scum and villainy and being put in positions where he has to compromise The Jedi Code and The Way.


Sen was born on Mandalor, and was steeped in his people’s culture, particularly The Way faith. To his family's dismay he was found to possess The Sorcery that marks The Mandalorian’s enemy through the ages, The Jettise (Jedi). His parents tried to hide his talents in The Force, until one day trying to save his comrades on the Hunt from a Trinitaur his sorcery was exposed. Rather than appreciate his use of this power to help his people, he was banished. Leaving the only home he has ever known, he went in search of those who would help him temper the Sorcery within, and give him a new Clan to fight under, this brought him to The Jedi.
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