Speaking on the broader topic of faction writing overall, I think what will give our writing more vigor, and draw more interest, would be to have solid events written for the particular entities that compose the faction: Senate/Government, Military, Jedi, Economic.
These threads should be designed with a plan in mind.
1) Decide if the thread will be Faction Only or Open. Keep in mind, Invasions will have to be Open threads.
2) Determine if the thread will serve as Development, Skirmish, or Invasion. I suggest these three specifically because they all serve a greater purpose. I find it's best to perform our faction's writing in thread types that can serve other functions as well, like invasions or the development of new technologies.
3) Design an overall story for the thread. This can be completed by answering questions such as:
a) What branch(es) of the faction do we want to focus on? (OOC)
b) How do we want to improve the Republic? (IC)
c) What other factions can we work with? (OOC/IC)
d) What was our last thread about? Can the new story be a continuance of that one? (IC)
e) Is this a story we've written before? (To avoid redundancies) (OOC)
f) What are the implications of this story? (IC/OOC)
4) Determine which writers will contribute which parts to the story.
5) Write.
That seems like a fairly straightforward and managable way of organizing our faction's writings. We don't want to waist our writing, it should all serve a purpose for the faction. One issue I think we have is we give way too often to writers "doing their own thing." This leaves us without an organized story, or even a cohesive writing effort.
We need to tighten up ship. If you're writing in a Dominion, have a purpose. If you're writing in an Invasion, have a purpose.
If you don't, your writing might be better served in a Private thread than a Faction thread.