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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Senate Vote: Ambria

if they're watching anyways
Topic: Expand freedom of movement rights to self-aware droids
Proposed By: Auteme Auteme
IC Information: The Alliance's integration of Ord Vaug has, for the first time, given us a droid sanctuary world. However, such sanctuary is completely ineffective if droids are prevented from reaching it. Droids that declare their intention to move to Ord Vaug (or similar future sanctuary worlds) should be given not only the right to do so but also the means. Mandates free passage to Ord Vaug from anywhere in the Alliance for droids who consciously and actively declare their intent to go there.

Only vote if you wrote in the thread (if you have a Senator but wrote in the thread with a different character, that's still fine). Ayes, Nays, and Abstains will be accepted. As usual, voting closes in 48 hours.

To the honoured representatives of the Senate

Whilst deviation from the recommendations set out by this House is not typically the way of Constancia. We, the dufully and legally elected planetary government, have determined that due to its incompatibility with Constancian property laws and the harm it would cause to our economic prosperity and environmental projects, this law cannot be applied to any droids built or registered on Constancia regardless of the outcome of this vote.

We have instructed out senatorial representative to vote nay and invite all other senators to do so.

~ Constancia
"And how is it to be determined whether a droid is self-aware? Or merely malfunctioning? Droids have often been designed to interact in ways similar to living sentients. Are we being deceived by these simulations of humanity?

Until we can quantify what self-awareness is, and the threshold by which a droid is to be judged 'free' then I must vote nay on this subject. We might otherwise end up with citizens deprived of their property and a planetary junkyard of malfunctioning droids that we foolishly call a 'sanctuary.'

Obulette votes Nay."

Edited to Add - You may disregard this. I did not notice the prerequisites for voting.
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