Senator of Jedha
- Intent: I intend for this to be a home for Barrac Hivlar, he will also have a secret underneath the apartment
- Image Credit: Bing Image Search
- Canon: Coruscant
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: Barrac Hivlar
- Structure Name: Senator Hivlar's Apartment Building
- Classification: Apartment Building
- Location: Coruscant, near the Senate Building
- Affiliation: Galactic Alliance, (Secretly: The Final Dawn)
- Accessibility: Private Access with some events being public
- Description:
The Points of interest include the Senator's apartment, the statues adorning the interior of the apartment, and records of past achievements by the Galactic Alliance
The Security of the Apartment Building for Senator Hivlar is High because of the immense amount of Guards in the area and security cameras report everything back to the Security Senator
Senator Hivlar built it with a construction Crew near the Senate Building