Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Send Me To Hell

Taneas Haring

Please check in before entering

[member="Jagen Wren"]

The man sat in the cockpit staring down at the world as he drank the hapen mead. An attack had happened here in the past several months. Criminals ran round in hiding. Escaped from prison. Even if the bounty for all of them was small he'd earn pay bay capturing most and killing those who served the worst crimes. All within the respects of the bounty. While he searched for the bottom of the bottle he was going over leads of a sith girl. One of the many kill orders out of the list. He'd taken notice of seven dead civilians. All died from been deprived of oxygen, all laid on the floor with hands clutching their throats.

The man didn't know the power of the woman. He did know she'd be dead by the end of the week. The woman would face the jury and sentenced to death by the relentless judge. His guns had brought many unlawful people to the end. Taneas groaned leaning forward pushing the controls to move position in orbit.

Gear + ship:
Ship - Dynamic class Freighter II (red)

Armor - ACS-002 tempest Jedi expeditionary
Shield - paragon-class personal energy shield
Weapons -
2 Beskad
combat knife
The raging judge and relentless jury
The violent nomad loved taking on assassination contracts. Was easier dealing in death then it was with the living. The gripes and cries of the desperate, though music to the bounty hunters ears, got old fast during transport. Guess Anse could be at fault for such, he has been known to accept bribes that were far worth more then the bounty itself. Unlike the hunters of the guild, with their code and own sense of honor, Anse was only loyal to credits. So usually, when a client hired the likes of Anse, they made sure the price was beyond re-approach. Was good business, but he would have to sit there and listen to his targets pleas. Assassinations were straight to the point. Hunt your quarry and kill it. Not much talking was needed in the process.

Now this human[member="Taneas Haring"] had the misfortune of being on 'Devil' Anse Tahvo's agenda. The contract was forty thousand credits dead. His body and gear were to be left alone, but the man's ship was also marked for death. The duros could only imagine what a man would of had to do to peeve someone off that not only you warranted death, but your ship also had to go. Such a waste of vehicle that could be resold for more profit. But, like a good hunter he did not question the circumstances of the contract. So, here he was set to purpose.......

Anse's intel on said target had lead him to Hapes. A planet rich in beauty of all sorts, even if it had suffered recent calamity. His oversized red hues took it all in as he waited for his prey to arrive. Like a patient spider, the web had been spun and now he had time to spare while the fly took its time to spring the trap. He sat patiently outside one of the control towers for the landing pad. He had paid the male haponian operator access, and with the current activities happening the bribe wasn't that hard to push. The winds would bristle against his large leather duster as the duros puffed on a cigarette.

"Bounty Hunter!" The traffic control operator called out to him "A Dynamic Class light frieghter matching your description has entered orbit!"

The hunter exhaled the smoke he had rolling around in his lipless mouth "Exellent!" His voice was low with a resonating metallic edge, synthesized by his cybernetic breathing tubes. "Bring the ship to me!"

The man nodded and went to work. "Dynamic class Light Freighter II! This is Hapes Space Traffic control! You have clearance to land in bay 113!"

Anse tapped his fingers on a medium sized rectangular crate that he had carried up into the tower. "Come to me!" He whispered to himself, pleased with the outcome thus far into the hunt. Was always a good feeling when hard work began to pay off.

[member="Taneas Haring"]

Taneas Haring

[member="Anse Tahvo"]

The ship sored through the black ocian of space around the illuminated world. He had noticed a pattern in the killings down on the world below. Each of them went in a direction. The ship was about to be prepared to head down but before he could make the connection to the traffic control, they had contacted him. "Uhhhh yeah. Sureee." He said in reply. For a moment the ex soldier thought nothing of it. A happy mistake but given the worlds current crisis, his involvement the past few weeks of poking around. Well this could be something. Little did Taneas know that now he was the hunted and no longer the hunter. His assassination wasn't made public like the criminals below... No his death certificate had been sent to the worst of the worst.

Sith, bounty hunters and assassin's. Each of them have their reasons for going after the death marked man. Fun, sport, the hunt, the credits. Enough to win over the scum and villainy for this. "Traffic control. My left thruster seems to be packing up again. Damn thing has been playing up all month. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it to that hanger." Taneas was calling the bluff or he was been paranoid and a idiot. He shake off the bad feeling he was getting. Although enough booz was could impair anyone's judgmemt.

The ship began it's slow decent to the world making it's way down. If he was guessing right that sith woman would be there. Letting something like that creepy situation stop him would hinder shis chances of the target. He needed the credits badly. Another week without pay it was either no fuel or food till he did. As the red dynamic class rushed through the atmosphere and through the clouds, the man would look out the sensor's to check if he was been followed befor landing.
"Sir! He...."

"I heard!" The duros hissed while looking to the heavens. His quarry was hyper vigilant to the classic case of rigid paranoia. The spider in the web was to be left hungry, his plan was not going accordingly. Anse flicked his cig over the railing and downwards to the empty landing pad. "Such a pity"

The hunter rose from the bench, his duster flapping in the wind and his wide brim hat shading his eyes from the sun. A long blue finger would press a button on his left gauntlet, opening a secure channel to his partner [member="Rika Anor"]. "Your up Peach!" His metallic voice reaching out to the female twi'lek knowing full well the code name would make the woman's blood boil. Anse would walk into the control and look over the shoulder of his bribed accomplice. He could sense the man was nervous and rightfully so. Was not a great feeling to be in the presence of an assassin, especially one you have failed. "[member="Taneas Haring"] coordinates and heading are inbound!" The duros relayed, plugging in his prey's current location and direction that he could see on the space traffic control's computer.

"I am sorry.." The control officer whimpered, honestly believing death was reaching out to him.

"Don't" Anse growled turning away from the officer and walking back to the outside railing. His hand itched to draw his blaster and punish the man for his poor acting skills and wasting his credits. But he had bigger fish to fry, once again his eyes looking ot the skies while he approach the open door.

"I am really sorry Tavh......"

The the unique sound of the LL-30 blaster pistol ripped through the control tower. The officer fell backwards toppling his chair and crashing into the ground. The surprise look on his face faded as death took him fully. The expression Anse did not witness for he wasn't even looking when he fired. the man wasn't worth that honor. He cleared the railing in a single leap and free fell a few meters before igniting his heel rockets to slow his decent to a safe speed. The true trait of a professional hunter was adaptability. One always needed contingency plans upon contingency plans. Rika was his plan B and now it was time to set himself up to back her up for the next step. A hunt, always evolving. That was the thrill of it all.

Jagen Wren

It had been an ugly day for Jagen, A lead for his bounty on the planet of Hapes had been a hoax, A trandoshan by the name of Sk'raas was supposed to be holed up in some hotel room with some associates; a perfect payday for the Mandalorian bounty hunter. He had thrown a stun grenade into a hotel room and frightened a couple on their honeymoon. One rapid apology and 10,000 credits later, and Jagen was angry. He was just about to enter the coordinates in the navicomputer for hyperspace when his display suddenly lit up.



Jagen smirked, 'Another bounty and in the same system? My luck must be up.' He thought to himself as he veered the Mando'ade Sentinel around and throttled up the sublight engines, blasting towards the target that had appeared on his displays. The ship was in view, he was approaching it at a steady past and charging up the main weapons on his ship, a heavily armed freighter. A targeting reticule appeared as he looked down at his targeting computer, it was steadily targeting the engines of the ship for him as he inputted commands.

He exhaled steadily and pulled the trigger; light twin turbolasers, ion cannos, and concussion missiles were launched, which sped towards his target quickly. Jagen released the trigger, waiting to see what would happen in the next few seconds. Would his target just submit and die, or would they be able to lead the Mandalorian on a wild bantha chase?

[member="Taneas Haring"]
A snort of andris and all was right with the galaxy. The euphoria of the white powdered spice-derivative flowed through the orange-hued Twi'lek's veins, lessening the chronic headache that plagued the former slave turned mercenary pirate ever since losing her right brain tail in the daring escape from her slave master. The drug also helped Rikaa'nor sharpen her edge, which would come in handy when called upon to use one of her many skills... Today's being a pilot, and more importantly Plan B.

"Your up Peach"

Rika hated it when the irritating Duros called her that. She was orange-apricot colored not peach for Force sake! Anyone with a half brain could discern that. Course just like all men, the working part of his brain wasn't located under his hat... That was something the slave in her had found out the hard way during her bondage. Never again would she be beholden to a master, and do his bidding. That is why working with Tahvo was preferable to some of the other scum out there. At least he gave a rip about a good payout and equatable split with his partner, or had thus far. Time would only tell, and if ever the Duros back stabbed her, he'd find out the true flavor of blood tangerine inside of her.

"I'm all over it, my sweet, little, blueberry," Rik replied back to [member="Anse Tahvo"] over the Pay Day's comms with thick sarcasm laced throughout her Twi'lek accent. "And it's you are up, not your," The "Devil" didn't like being called little nor corrected. hehe

With the coordinates uploaded, green eyes searched for the target's vessel as the skilled pilot weaved the Lancer-class pursuit craft in and out of the planetary traffic. Frak, frak, frak! She was too late to grab first dibs on [member="Taneas Haring"] as another ship was giving hot pursuit, though the Twi'lek had a few tricks up her sleeve.

"Tavh, we got competition... going for it!"

Coming in behind the Dynamic-class freighter from high above, Rika quickly opened up with the forward laser cannons on [member="Jagen Wren"]'s ship. If she could just disable the other bounty hunter for now, then the Pay Day could move in with its tractor beam to secure the prize for the fruit team. Also, hoping Hapan security didn't join in the chase as well... that would put another wrench in things.

Taneas Haring

Hunter group 1 - [member="Anse Tahvo"] ₪ [member="Rika Anor"]
Hunter group 2 - [member="Jagen Wren"]

The sensors bleeped from two incoming ships. He dived low as one began to open fire. At the moment he only had use of forward facing weapons. If he had a crew or at least one more person then the turrets could have been put to use. Although he's on his own for this. Looking up taneas could see the concussion missiles fly over head. The decision to go low had possibly saved him from certain death. A building soon came up towards the ship. Tall and collapsing from neglect and time. The freighter tilted so it was side ways before pulling around the building then up.

He didn't wait for the targeting computer to lock. Taneas was more that proficient of the old way of dog fighting. The two duel heavy lasers opened fire across on the mandalorian ship. The very same one the other person was shooting at. As the ship turned away from that target he sifted down still firing to hit the second ship underneath. "Like kark you come at me." He said with a scowl in his face. He activated open coms so the other two could hear him. "JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!? you think I'll go down without a fight? HA, I may be old but never have I backed down for a fight." The coms closed as his scowl became slight confidence. The odds may be against him, but the old space dog had tricks up his sleeves. By the time he had looped around he wasn't sure if the other two had engaged against each other or coming back at him. Either way he'd charge the first and closest of the two. The sheilds had been diverted to the front and top. Letting them get behind him wasn't an option, but he was ready for it. Still right now he had no idea of the real reason he was been hunted. The man wanted to know, the question was would he?
"Copy that!" Little blueberry, who the fek was she calling little? And now for this bounty intruder... this day couldn't get any worse.

"Think, Think, Think" The duros hunter mumbled to himself as he hustled out from the landing bay and down the main corridor of the spaceport. His nerf hide duster sailed behind him like some cape of a holo-vid superhero. "Come on...." He snarled, his teeth gritted in desperation and anger. "EUREKA!" The word busted out from his lip-less mouth as he skidded to a stop in front of an open landing pad bay doors. Anse's red eyes zeroed in on antique luxury yacht. "Didn't know those were still in fashion!"

The hunter rushed towards the loading ramp, drawing a single pistol with his right hand. There was luggage at the bottom of the ramp, so that meant there was passengers aboard of some sort. Anse didn't have time to be delicate with the acquisition of this ship. He needed to get airborne ASAP. His long legs glided up the ramp. There was a human male, coming out of one of the side storage areas with in the ship. His face was all sorts of confused as he saw the dark clad and blue skinned humanoid rushing at him. He obviously was no man of arms for he froze not knowing what to do.

"HOWDY!" The metallic words comedically came from the duros a split second before he full on cold cocked the stunned individual. The man unconsciously collapsed to the ground with a large thud and Anse just kept running in the direction of the bridge. He slipped through the blast doors and saddled up into the pilot's chair. He was lucky, the security codes were already initiated by the ship's operator or operators. Few flips of switches, turn of a dial and click of buttons the ship's engines roared to life and the loading bay ram ascended to the closed position.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" The bounty hunter could hear a female voice outside the bridge. "NIGEL! WE ARE NOT READY TO LAUNCH YET!" She stepped in and to her surprise ti was not a nigel that was at the command of the ship "Who are you and what in the hell do you think you are doing?"

Anse slightly turned, his red eyes boring into the ice cold glaze of a elderly female. An old battleaxe of the hapan nobility if he was to make a proper guess from first impressions. He tipped his hat in respect "Anse Tahvo, bounty hunter... at your service, Ma'am!"

"My service?" She spat back with disgust.


"Where is Nigel and what are you doing with my ship?"

"Nigel..... is..taking a break!" He only guessed that was the name of the man he had cold cocked coming in. "And as for your ship, I am just borrowing her"

"For what?" Such a noisy old bag isnt she?

"To pursue my target!"

"You bounty hunters are all scum!" Aye, she may had a point there on that one. "Un civilized savages, heartless curs!"

"Oh come on Lady, you are in threat of hurting my one feeling!" The yacht was clearing the pad and Anse was bringing her to bare towards his quarry's location. THe ship was no starfighter, but this was what he had to work with in the time he had. Improvisation was what the hunt was all about.

[member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Rika Anor"] [member="Jagen Wren"]

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