Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Seniya Nehir




S E N I Y A​


FULL NAME: Seniya Nehir
CURRENT AGE: Late Twenties
HOMEWORLD: Kiffu; Azurbani Seystem
CITIZENSHIP: Kiffar; Galactic Alliance
AFFILIATION: Independent; Lone Star Detective Agency
OCCUPATION: Private Investigator


SIBLINGS: Jinan Nehir, Sahar Nehir, Zaynab Nehir
EXTENDED FAMILY: Clan Nehir (Paternal Line)
OTHERS: Clan Vaul (Maternal Line)


SPECIES: Near-Human (Kiffar)
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.67m
WEIGHT: 52kg
BUILD: Svelte
HAIR: Black; Short
EYES: Dark Brown
COMPLEXION: Type IV; Warm undertones
CYBERNETICS: iBorg Spark (Aurek Flashback)
OTHER: Traditional Kiffar qukuuf facial tattoos, marking her as being descended from Clan Vaul through her mother's lineage.


ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good / Chaotic
STRENGTHS: Bold, Calm, Creative, Direct, Perceptive
WEAKNESSES: Defiant, Insensitive, Impatient, Risk-Prone, Unstructured
Action Girl, Action Survivor, Anti-Hero, Brutal Honesty, Combat Pragmatist,Defective Detective,Deadpan Snarker, Facial Markings, Guile Hero, It's Personal, Jerk with a Heart of Gold, Knight in Sour Armour, Master Swordswoman, Screw the Money, I have Rules, Shell-Shocked Veteran, The Lancer


I, Jedi: Seniya was raised and knighted by the (defunct) Galactic Alliance's New Jedi Order during one of the most brutal periods in recent galactic history. Like her master before her, she was trained with a heavy focus towards infiltration, subterfuge and cocealment, learning the arts of a Jedi Shadow and Sentinel. Due to her master's influence, she has picked up several lightsaber forms, Tapani duelling styles and has notable 'esoteric' skills drawn from the Agents of Ossus force tradition.

I, Guardian: Long before she was a Jedi, Seniya was originally trained to be a Kiffu Guardian - a position she rebelled against for several years before taking on - and as such is highly knowledgeable in investigative techniques, law enforcement procedures, firearms and self-defense.

I, Slice: Seniya is also technical expert, unsurprisingly specializing in slicing security systems and associated countermeasures.

I, Alone: Always alone as a child, trained to be totally independent as a padawan, Seniya doesn't do teamwork. She has always relied on herself and struggles to let other people take charge or control her fate.

I, Survive: Seniya has very notable and deep rooted issues with the Sith and is haunted by her memories of Thyferra. Her judgement is very clouded where they are concerned and her thoughts less than fitting for a former Jedi.

I, Specialized: She has a very narrow skill set compared to most Jedi, being extremely skilled in certain areas and remarkably... subpar in many more.


APPAREL: Neo-Noir Special, Chase Explorer Jacket, Sentinel-Series Utility Belt, Hololink
WEAPONRY: Lightsabers, Blackout Baton, Veshet Blaster Pistol
PROPERTY: Lone Star Detective Agency
VESSELS: Wrangler Light Freighter "The Double Indemnity"
OTHER: Razzmatazz Holospheres


The first in clan memory to have been blessed with the innate racial gift of psychometry, Seniya's future commitment to the vaunted Kiffu Guardians was almost preordained as far as Clan Nehir was concerned. A fitting and long overdue repayment for the number of concessions the clan received over the course of several generations from the leading powerhouse that was Clan Vos. As a result, her formative years were more akin to one long training initiative rather than a traditional childhood, with a great deal of time and focus being spent helping her master her innate gifts and talents before she adopted the star. It is a little ironic then, that one of those very same instructors - a Jedi Knight in service of the (now old) Galactic Alliance - inadvertently sparked rebellion inside the young Nehir and inspired her to see out a different path than one preordained since birth.

And for a time that path appeared to be with the Galactic Alliance, even going so far as to join the Jedi Order itself for a handful of years, spending time as a padawan apprenticed to a Tapani Shadow before fate (and the resurgence of the Sith Empire) conspired to bring it all crashing to an abrupt and disastrous halt. Thyferra changed the course in more ways than one. Feeling abandoned and failed by her master, Seniya was left with very little choice but to return home to Kiffu and her clan with her tail between her legs and begrudgingly resume her training to become the very thing she had fled - A Kiffu Guardian.

Her experiences abroad made it a difficult transition, however. Even putting aside the four courses of crow pie she was forced to stomach on a daily basis, Seniya had become too influenced by her former Master's strong sense of independence and less-than-legal methods of acquiring justice. Struggling under the weighty expectations and rules suddenly thrust back upon her shoulders once more, needless to say, very few were surprised when she once again bucked against her Clan's wishes. Striking out alone, leaving Kiffu for the remote reaches of the galaxy. Hoping to find a sense of peace and her own way to serve - both the Force and herself.

Possessing a skill best described as half-Kiffu Guardian, half-Jedi Shadow, a life snooping into everyone's business quickly became a natural and obvious fit for someone looking to survive without the coffers of her Clan or Jedi Order at her disposal. Initially working freelance for every dirty cop shop on Terminus with talons to burn, she gradually managed to etch out enough to set up her own more formalized business to better market her skills and services. Soon the aptly, tongue in cheek named Lone Star Agency was born in the old lower levels of Terminus, offering justice maybe not in the traditional sense, but perhaps giving those that would otherwise fall through the societal cracks for whatever reason at least the illusion of it - all for a flat rate fee of course.

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