Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Senshi Tribe

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Shadow. Blade. Honor. Skill. Art. Senshi.
The Holy Mountain
Name: Senshi Tribes
Rank: Independent
“Freedom flows, though it does not stop. Shadow moves though it has no form, honor affects us all through it touches none.” –Proverb of the Senshi
Specialization: The Senshi hold themselves to be artists of death, artists above all, and death to be the highest of the arts. There is nothing better than a cold, clean death, and those who administer it without emotion, regret, anger, or rage are seen as the most prized. Other arts are prized but assassination and subterfuge are seen as the most desirable and honored.
Role: Most of those within the Senshi are artisans. Their mastery of stealth and illusion for hunting purposes have lead a few to become master thieves for hire, assassins, scouts, detectives, and spies (think; star wars ninja). A few see themselves as inquisitors that are hunting down witchcraft errors—and don upon themselves that title.
Population: Most of those within the Tribe are of Umbarian decent, though a number of other near-human races are not uncommon.
Focus: Members of the Senshi are masters of shadow and stealth. While there are those within who do find themselves inclined to the elemental powers, most distort shadows for their own uses in stealth and subtly. More than that, the mastery of weaponry will be high on their list. All manner of Force abilities that allow them to master the blade, the throwing star, and the whip chain are the types that one will find the most common among the tribe. Those within often master stealth and Force illusion, though the arts of the elemental change are not unheard of among them.
Formed from wanderers the, tribe of the Senshi spent many years wandering the planet itself. The members learned to become adept hunters, gatherers, and skillful in the arts of shadow and stealth through this time known as the Age of Wandering. Though primitive they came to hone in upon the cultural ideals of art. Those who brought home the best of the food was deemed as a skilled hunter. This era was brought to an end when the tribe found itself the Holy Mountain.
Here was an ideal location for the tribe to set up at first a temporary that became permanent hunting camp. The land around them as they found was abundant with hunting and foraging grounds, as well as a few ores that they needed to make bronze-age weaponry. The age of Enlightenment had arrived. Then, descending from the clouds like a god came a cabal of Force users. History is unclear whether these were Jedi or Sith, but what is known is that they all but enslaved these Senshi. They dazzled the clansmen their Force abilities and bought them off with their foods and housing of the Atrisian design. It was a dark age for the people, despite its name. They worshiped their overlords, who in turn required the most gifted an force-sensitive of their children. In return the Senshi were given clothing, food, and articles of necessity. For generations this age of subjugation lasted.
Then the Age of Power came. Using the very crafted arts that their overlords had taught them, the Senshi hunters became assassins and killed their deistic lords, creating the legend of the dead gods. A greater veneration was put upon the art of killing once more, and all arts were restored to their time. The Senshi became self-reliant, needing none and refusing to be made slaves once more. Each being was given their own rule and reign, though those who held them most honor were given the most veneration.
The Age of Connection came as their numbers and power waxed strong—a problem more than a solution. Over population began to strain on their food stores as a hunter-gatherer society. A few began to rely upon forms of loose agrarian natures with varying degrees of success. More commonly, those who were most skilled began to hire themselves to the outside tribes as assassins, thieves, and spies. A few even ventured off world, making names for themselves among the galaxy at large. Some began to sell their artist weapons and tools at large—the niche market for force-imbued weaponry and armor became one that they filled with great lucrative ability. Through it all, the Senshi have stayed true to their nature, though a more secretive side has rapidly developed within the community, one that holds their secrets close to their chest as they give the results of their arts rather quickly. If one shows themselves worthy of the nature, they may learn from a clansman of the tribe some of the parlor trick—only the most worthy of the Kro Var other tribes may come to learn from the Senshi their deepest secrets of shadow and illusion.

Members of the tribe practicing their martial arts
Equipment: The members of the Senshi have mastered a very archaic and unique field of weapons. From the Monk spade, to the meteor hammer, their equipment often appears bizarre to the rest of the galaxy. Though, for many the art of their own fists is enough to cripple most foes. Among the most powerful force artifacts and force-imbued weaponry is not uncommon, such as force-imbued swords, spears, armor, amulets, and so on.
>>>Clothing: Desires in fashion vary greatly within the tribe. Some wear loose-fitting robes that cover half of their body, leaving their chest and shoulders exposed. Others prefer full body kimonos that leave everything covered. Colors can vary from the bright to the dark.
>>Technology: Considered primitive by most of the Galaxy, the Senshi generally do not use blasters, warships, lightsabers or even speeders, however some do. It is by far more common for users to rely on Force speed and mounts to traverse land formations and follow other owners of ships. The most powerful of their weapons are force-imbued, as are their strongest garments. However, they largely hold that personal skill trumps possessions in any day.


Hunters of the tribe sparing for practice in the Pit of Blows
Locations: The Holy Mountain, the Temple of Souls, the Well of Secrets.
Allies, enemies: The Senshi will work for whomever gives them honor to do so. There is no honor in the easy kill, or the worthless death—genocide is not honorable, neither is the murder of children or mothers. Material gain is secondary, the honor of the kill is primary.

Members: Akio Diachi
Organization: The very little organization that is held is based upon honor and tradition. There are no sovereigns, counsels, elders, or anything of that nature that makes those within this tribe have a set leader. Anyone may lead, however the state of a being’s honor within the tribe determines whether or not they will be heard. If a person is renowned for their skills with the blade, then they will quickly find themselves heard more often than not. This does not only apply to the war-like; a skilled painter or potter among them will find himself heard more than those who are not. Warmongering is frowned upon, as is excessive pugilism. Those who kill within the tribe are met with swift and often fatal justice. Thieves are ostracized to the point of often self-exile. Some are branded for their crimes.
Culture: Honor and art are held in the highest esteem. Public displays of emotion are generally frowned upon and/or ignored. Though there are a few agriculturalists within the tribe, most food is gained through hunter-gatherers. While barter is preferred, in the past 100 years the tribe has finally begun to acknowledge outside currency. Their arts are some of the finest in the galaxy, and the most well-kept secret among those who trade in art, coinsures bring a regular influx of cash into the tribe, and keep their economy afloat. Even more than that, their hunters and assassins are sought out to do some of the most deadly work there is to do.
Their level of honor and self-respect are uncanny and unheard of. Their culture is rich with tradition, heritage, and a loose organization of honor. Outright warfare has not been committed by this tribe for many years, and the guile and subtly that is needed to keep this happening is seen as highly prized. Hate within is shunned. They are not excessively xenophobic, the tribe is willing to smile and treat outsiders with a level of respect. However, there are very secretive and it is not uncommon to hear of them tricking an outsider into doing their will to aid the tribe—or themselves.

The Well of Secrets
None yet.

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