Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sentapoth Findos

Sentapoth Findos
- General Findos, Trade Federation Expeditionary Force -
On-Loan General -

    • Species:
    • Homeworld:
    • Gender:
      • Male
    • Age:
      • 32 Years Old
    • Height:
      • 5'11"
    • Weight:
      • 130 lbs
    • Hair:
      • None
    • Eyes:
      • Red
    • Skin:
      • Light Green
    • Languages:
      • Pak Pak | Fluent |
      • Galactic Standard Basic | Fluent |
      • Trade Languages | Fluent |
    • Force Sensitive:
      • No

  • Raised in a modest family of bankers, Sentapoth displayed an early knack for numbers and strategy, swiftly climbing the ranks as an investment banker within the Trade Federation. His sharp intellect and astute understanding of interstellar markets garnered him respect and influence among his peers.

    However, his ambitions transcended the confines of financial dealings. Amidst political intrigue and corporate power struggles, Sentapoth navigated the treacherous waters of Neimoidian society with calculated precision. Through shrewd alliances and strategic maneuvers, he steadily amassed both wealth and influence, earning the attention of higher echelons within the Trade Federation hierarchy.

    His pivotal moment or rather unfortunate promotion, came during a critical trade summit on Rothana, where his clumsy prowess averted a potential assassination of the Trade Federation delegation, and secured significant profits.

    Due to this accident, Sentapoth was promoted to the rank of General within the Trade Federation Defense Force, assuming command of the 1st Expeditionary Army despite having no experience in commanding a military unit of such size and scale.

    • Accounting and Finance Skills
    • Knows the Basics of Military Command
    • Oath-Bound to the Federation

    • Cowardly
    • No Actual Military Experience
    • Prone to Talking in 3rd Person

    • Arc 1
    • Arc 2
    • Arc 3

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