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Approved NPC Sentinels of the Faith

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Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
Examples of Sentinels:

Image 1

Image 2


  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]To further flesh out aspects of Aelozath for future roleplay purposes.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Credit: [/SIZE]Image 1, Image 2, All Lawbringers from Ubisoft's "For Honor"
  • [SIZE=9pt]Role: Guardians of Aelozath's Church, and enforcers of its few planetary-wide laws.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Links: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Unit Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The Sentinels of the Faith[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Aelozath's Churches, their Goddess, and to a lesser degree the Monarch of Kalis[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Classification: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Infantry[/SIZE]
  • Equipment: Extremely protective durasteel armor, armor underlays for blaster protection, and mighty polearms

  • [SIZE=9pt]Availability: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Rare[/SIZE]
  • Deployment: Minor
  • [SIZE=9pt]Strengths & Weaknesses: [/SIZE]
    + Thick armor: To be a Sentinel is to become a wall. Walls do not move. As such, the armor of Sentinels is much thicker, and stronger, than other knights. Against blasters and others in melee, this can create quite an obstacle to conquer[SIZE=9pt]. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]+ Polearm Masters: Rather than wield the longsword, as many others of their stature, Sentinels instead choose to pick up and master various polearms, [/SIZE]versatile[SIZE=9pt] weapons with enough reach to compensate for their shortcomings. Though of course capable of using, say, an arming sword, their primary tool of judgement is their long, devastating polearm of choice.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]+ Faith Shall Shield Us: An unintentional result of their upbringing, the verses of their religious zealousness repeated almost constantly in their head, especially in battle, makes them more [/SIZE]resistant[SIZE=9pt] to Force abilities affecting the mind. They are by no means invincible, and enough force of will can overpower them, but it is a strength worth noting.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]- Slow: While normally, a Knight's armor is only somewhat inhibiting and exhausting to wear, a Sentinel's armor is, a bit much to say the least. The armor's abnormal thickness and level of coverage is not the classic balance of mobility and defense, but weighted to the latter. This does mean that the armor will wear the Sentinels down, and they are not able to keep up with lightly armored individuals. This also tends to force them to act more defensively than offensively.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]- Metal and Wood: Their armor is metal, and their weapon's staff portion is wood. Against a sword, this is fine, and blasters even are [/SIZE]manageable[SIZE=9pt]. But a lightsaber? That would be a problem. Even when it comes to swords, the polearm's staff is only protected in so far as it is thick. Which means that should their weapon be stressed too much, either in the course of battle or time, that the weapon can be destroyed by repeated strikes.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]- Zealous: While good for handling the Force, there are other ways to manipulate someone. Their zealousness to enforce their beliefs can lead to some, gross misunderstandings, if one knows how to manipulate the direction of their zealotry.[/SIZE]
  • Description: The Church has always been a cornerstone of Aelozath's culture, and life, since time immemorial. And for just as long, the Church has been at risk of those who viewed such a cornerstone as a... profitable target, or who wished to break their sacred laws. As such, the Church, long before the arrival of the Travelers who brought prosperity and technology, had created their own order of sacred knights, who's vows came first to their Goddess, and the Church, rather than any mortal being. These knights were, originally, nothing more than that, knights with sacred vows, yet overtime they began to separate themselves from the others of their kin. Their armor began to be crafted differently, specially, and with this development the knights began to use longer weaponry to compensate for their new shortcomings. At the height of their numbers, in the days of the great kingdoms, they were many, and they held the power to pass judgement on any and all who resided on Aelozath's surface. Thus, they took up a new name, no longer knights, but the Sentinels of the Faith, and thus did they enjoy a time of great prosperity for the order.

    When the Gulag Plague came, and the time of Darkness, their numbers began to be killed off, by sickness, and by war, as the Sarengoli remaining took effective control of the planet for themselves. Even so, the need for something to believe in, something, just, brought more to their numbers, keeping the order from dying out. The order suffered many defections in the later years of the Darkness, as faith in the Goddess began to dwindle, until the time of Nia's kingdom, Kalis, and the birth of hope once more. Seen as one of the Goddess's chosen, the order flocked to the city, helping in its rapid growth as others wished to be a part of such a place. The Sarengoli's choice of coming for negotiations was in part attributed to this, for it was said a single Sentinel was worth a thousand soldiers.

    An exaggeration to be sure, but their reputation proceeded them.

    Now, in the modern era, their numbers have settled, and for a planet of 43 million, they are quite rare, their numbers being quite stable in a secular age. Still, the Sentinels dutifully guard their Church, watching over their devout followers, guarding their holy lands. Furthermore, though the Church is no longer the power it once was, the Sentinels continue to enforce what few sacred laws remain, planetside or otherwise. The ban of firearms, namely.
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