Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sentros Hannascand

Sentros Hannascand
Scoundrel | Droid Wiz | Whiskey Connoisseur


Just like his grandparents and parents before him, Sentros Hannascand was an utterly skilled mechanic. From a young age, he used to watch his elders dismantle, examine, build and rebuild droids, engines and all sorts of mechanical constructs. They lived a peaceful life until war and strife became a dominating factor in their lives. In the grand scheme of galactic conflicts, the Hannascand family were mere pawns.

When disaster struck, the young Sentros lost those he held dear. Whether it be a stray artillery shell or a directed attack mattered little when it exploded at the manufacturing plant they worked at. Productive by both upbringing and design, the boy could still get by - but life proved to be hard. While the Arkanian Offshoot had good eyes and more strength to draw from than many adults - it was not enough to put everything back in order. Far from it.

He ended up on the streets where he leaned from those who made a living in a more ruthless way. When the galactic powers warred, people like Sentros learned to look after themselves, regardless of whether they had to go up against the government, occupational force or their neighbour. Camaraderie and trust was in short supply - especially for a strange kid like Sentros - but he was hard working and skilled enough to get a spot in various schemes. The skillset he picked up revolved around violence - but he never abandoned his roots: The love for mechanics he had grown up with.

Eventually, he managed to save up for a shuttle ticket offworld where he would take on odd jobs, either as muscle, mechanic or something in between.


Like so many of his kin, this Arkanian offshoot has white hair and relatively bleak skin. He has always been tall with relatively well defined musculature. Despite being on the more athletic end of the scale, he is deceptively strong, in particular in regards to upper body strength and grip strength - a trait desired by many Arkanians looking for good mechanics. His blue eyes had once been filled with a childish naivety but has long since been replaced by a more somber tone. Brows, once kind and hopeful are now often clenched in a determined knot.

He can often be found wearing mostly clean white shirts under brown leather wests or jackets with a bit of padding to them. When in colder environs, he can also be found wearing a coat with a warm Wampa fur over his shoulders. Whether it be cold or warm, he almost exclusively wears some boots with a jump jet function. His white hair can be found at various lengths but tends to be kept short enough to not get in the way in a tight spot. What remains a constant, regardless of what clothes he wears otherwise is his belt holding the holsters to his blasters and much of the other equipment he carries.

Additionally, Sentros can usually be found carrying a large duffle bag which more often than not tends to contain a number of smaller droids, drones and a toolkit.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Arkanian Offshoot: While the intents were poor, the Arkanians gifted Sentros with good eyes, powerful muscles and good coordination. He also carries slow acting Arkanian technology to improve or maintain aspects important for a mechanic including sight, strength and reflexes.
  • Gunslinger: Sentros is a really cool gunslinger who can quickdraw and ace a Bantha between the eyes at a hundred yards before twirling them and finally holstering. Pew pew
  • Mechanic: Sentros is a gifted mechanic who is pretty handy to have around when dealing with a damaged ship. He is particularly skilled in making small droids to sell or (/and) to do his bidding.
  • Whiskey: It brings a smile to his lips and washes his sorrows away. A trusted companion.
  • Smart: Sentros is, despite his limitations, pretty smart.

  • Arkanian Offshoot: Due to his heritage, Sentros is particularly susceptible to minor Arkanian illnesses and seems to have a poorer immune system in general.
  • Training: Sentros does not have any official training in combat which hampers his ability to see obvious threats and possibilities that someone with the right training would see. It also means that he is proficient with fewer weapons than the likes of Republic Commandos or Mandalorian warriors.
  • Skillset limitations: Sentros is a great mechanic and is great at treating a cold - but his skillset has always been limited due to a rather specific set of interests and a clear affinity for one field. His skillset is somewhat more narrow compared to others who have a much wider range of skills.
  • Lightsabers and such: Lightsabers cut through him easily, he doesn't feel very comfortable on the receiving end of a shock-stick and flamethrowers are far too hot for comfort. Sentros can throw a good punch but tends to get outgunned by those who spends too much time far too close to him.
  • Milk: Sentros is lactose intolerant and finds the idea of milk provocative.
  • Unpleasant: At times, Sentros has a far too mean tone. He can be assertive, rude and ignore the feelings of others and might allow his frustrations to get the better of him.
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