Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seperating Text

Alright, so as you can see this is pretty simple. I just need someone to advise me on the correct formatting with the BBCode of this board because I've been trying for about three days now and it's just going over my head.

I like to think I'm moderately savvy when it comes to formatting but for some reason I can't find the right code to separate two pieces of text on the same line. I tried the table route, using columns and such, but you can't center your tables here so it ends up looking shabby. I've tinkered with div and span a bit, but right now I'm just tired and frustrated and would very much prefer one of my friendly cohorts here on the site to just tell me!

Sorry for my laziness, and thank you for your sage advice.
Haven't messed with it at all, but you might look into whether the 'float' keyword is an option here. HTML has the style option to push a "float right" or "float left" kind of thing, they might have implemented it here.
Audren Sykes said:
Haven't messed with it at all, but you might look into whether the 'float' keyword is an option here. HTML has the style option to push a "float right" or "float left" kind of thing, they might have implemented it here.
This works with images, but I've yet to get it to work with text.
For images, you take the base image code and add "[ float=right ]" or "[ float=left ]" on the left side of the image code and add "[ /float ]" on the right side of it. Minus the spaces, of course.

Let me try it with text real quick, see if I can manage it.
This is a test paragraph. Honestly, it's not intended to do much. This is just a test.

Don't panic folks, this is just a test!

This is also a test paragraph. This is a test paragraph intended for testing uses only. Do not use this paragraph for anything besides testing, or face the wrath of an angry Van-Daalen. Just kidding.

Well, looks like that worked for once. Just put the same things you did for the image around one block of text, then put the second column's text below that, outside of the [ ]s.
[member="Arlan Zy'rosh"]
First of all thank everyone for trying to help despite my vagueness, but so far I'm still having trouble. A friend of mine that tried his hand at this site a long time ago, the person that directed me here actually, did the exact thing in his about me page like I'm trying to do but he can't remember his password or that to the email he used. I did go ahead and take a screenshot of his page to show you guys.

He can't remember the code he used and I can't figure it out. You can't do it using just normal spacing, or simple float code because when you do the second text appears lowers than the first section.

[member="Lady Medax"][member="Audren Sykes"][member="Akabane Jarvik"]

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