Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seph Nopells

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
FACTION: The Forceless Future Society​
RANK: Senior Propagandist​
AGE: 52​
SEX: Male​
HEIGHT: 6'1​
WEIGHT: 150lbs​
EYES: Grey​
HAIR: Jet Black​
SKIN: White/pale​


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
A man of the People: Seph is anything but a man of the people, but like what every true propagandist says: "It's not about what the people know, it's about what they think they know". Seph is a man who lies, deceives and blindfolds for a living. The man can quite literally get a planet to revolt against high taxes one day and then get them cheer as he raises them the next.
A Gentleman and a Murderer: Although Seph helps orchestrate the mass killings of Force Users, he is deceivingly polite and well mannered. He is as likely to order you a drink as he is to order your throat slit. Due to this natural trickery of his, Seph is the most secretive and purposely unknown of the FFS leadership.
Stealing the Stage: Seph has a natural talent for public speaking. Years of practice lecturing students all over the galaxy has given him a acute sense for how to interact with certain groups and when. He knows when he needs to charm and when he needs to enrage, when he must curse and when he must not. This naturally translates well to his written work, something that suits him well when he must stay anonymous with some of his FFS work.
Not the Face!: Seph is a speaker, a puppet master who works best behind the scenes. He is not someone who can pick up a gun and join the fight on the front lines. His job requires him to be behind a desk, podium or typewriter and he is perfectly fine with that.
A Fanatic and a Coward: Seph is highly fanatical about the FFS cause. In some respects this can be a good trait, but it mostly has negative impacts. He lives his life for the cause, secretly teaching the ideology of the Society to youth around the galaxy. Hyde himself is held up in Seph's mind as an almost saint-like figure, the man who gave him purpose and for which he owes his life to. These things make him weak in that his affection for Hyde and the cause can lead him to be rash, disregarding personal safety for the Society and Hyde. Putting himself at risk of being caught everyday, but never hesistating.
Death his preferable to him than losing his life, purpose or the Society. He won't fight for the cause, but he'll send others to die for him.
Incurable: Seph suffers from Polymyositis, a muscle disease that causes weakness in his arms and legs with minor muscle atrophy. He has been able use medically proscribed steroids to help with the symptoms, but he still suffers from pain and fatigue often.​
Most would describe Seph as a scrawny worm of a man and they would be right. Standing at just over six-foot, Seph looks more akin to a stick figure. This, combined with his wrinkled skin, gives him a look that some have described as ghoulish.
Seph was born on the outerrim planet of Bakura, where he was raised by his single mother who was only sixteen at the time of his birth. Seph's young mother struggled to keep her and her baby fed during the Darkness, having to work door to door jobs just to get by. Even so, the young mother spent every free moment with her child; making sure that he grew up in as happy of an environment as she could provide. Near Seph's 5th birthday, his mother began to put more and more of her faith in the local religion "Cosmic Balance" as it was widely known. This religion believed in the concept that when something good happened, an equal (but opposite) evil thing happened somewhere else. For example, if someone dies then someone is born at the exact same time. If someone loses ten credits, then someone else gains ten credits at the exact same time.​
Naturally, Seph began to partake in this religion as he got older; eventually leading him to hate force users. You see, one of the staples of The Cosmic Balance is that force users are greedy and evil for they break the galaxy's natural order by harnessing its power for themselves. Jedi, Sith, Witches and Greys are all looked upon the same by followers of the Cosmic Balance; sometimes breeding extremism among its followers. Seph soon became one of those extreme followers.​
Seph began to attend secretive meeting with radical Cosmic Balancers who talked of one day hunting down Force Users and wiping them out for good. At first, Seph became a fanatic but soon he began to realize something; the group he was apart of were nothing more than bark and no bite. They talked of action, but never took it. Seph didn't want that, he wanted real answers to the problem of Force Users. So, he left the group at the age of eighteen and began to attend community college classes at a small school near his house. Most of his time was spent helping keep the family afloat, but he studied long and hard every night. He knew that if he was going to lead a true group of Balancers, he would need to learn everything their was to know about history, cultures and psychology.​
His efforts were rewarded when he got a full ride academic scholorship to Bakura Planetary University. Tragedy struck, however, at the small celebration party his mother held for him. While he was dancing in his living room, Seph suddenly collapsed onto the floor when his leg tendons suddenly snapped. He was rushed to a hospital where he was soon diagnosed with Polymyositis. He had weak muscles for most of his life, soreness was regular but he'd never had such a violent incident. The doctors prescribed him steroids to help strengthen his muscles and scheduled regular bacta treatments, but without a true cure he'd be confined to a life of doctors and pills.​
Regardless of this set-back, Seph continued to work hard on his studies; eventually graduating with a doctorate in Psychology as well as a Masters in Xeno-Human Culture and Galactic History with a Bachelors in Holo-Communications and Public Communications. With his studies complete, Seph moved on to teaching at the same University he had just graduated from. He became the Professor of Galactic History and Xeno-Culture, but he was teaching far more than simple text-book material. Seph would sneak in his own ideals to lectures, influencing students to take up more radical ideas about Force Users. Eventually, he was caught for doing this and immediately fired from his position.​
With no university on Bakura willing to hire him, Seph was forced to leave his mother behind and move out of system. The first University to accept him was The Grand University of Ession, a planet outside of the Republic's reach at the time. Seph would teach on Ession for years, directly and indirectly creating millions of anti-force user sentiment among the planet's youth. After the Ession Reformation fell during the Rapture, Seph was contacted by [member="Theodore Hyde"] . Hyde was a radical man who had lost his wife and child during the rapture event and he had gotten wind of Seph's teachings. Hyde asked the Doctor to help push some of his current students to revolt against the force-user controlled government so that Hyde's organization (The Forceless Future Society) could take advantage and overthrow the old Reformation government.​
Seph accepted after being promised a secretive position as the organizations Senior Propagandist. Seph would incite the riot by giving mad, hate-filled speeches during his afternoon lectures; blaming the Reformation for the planets susceptibility to Sith invasion and accusing them of grinding the democratic process to a standstill so they could maintain power. The rowdy youth soon began to fall for their beloved teacher's lies, staging protests that Hyde turned into violent riots. The Doctor would use the chaos as an excuse to flee Ession, moving to Republic space to begin operations.

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