NAME: Sera Dresden
FACTION: Galactic Alliance
RANK: Seargant
AGE: 46 (Actual)
27 (Apparent)
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 115 lbs/ectomorph body type
EYES: Pale Aqua
HAIR: Wavy Rose Pink
SKIN: Pinkish yet almost pale
+Bladesmaster : Sera has been trained in the art of sword fighting since she was 6. After being taken to the Jedi and taught by Master Chu, Sera is an exeptional fighter and her skill has only increased when she was in her self imposed exile. She prefers the reverse hilt style and mastered Atura and Jar'Kai. She uses them to extreme effect and has even grown proficient in Niman.
+Natural Pilot : Due to her connection to the Force, Sera has been a skilled pilot. She's been able to survive multiple space battles and can tell when an enemy is going to attack her in advance. She's also been known to attempt the Kessel Run with her female companion and succeed thanks to her Force abilities and natural skill.
+Loyal : Sera has been to be extremely loyal to a cause. She stayed loyal to her master until the very end and stayed with the Rebellion instead of deserting them when things started to look bleak.
+Skilled Marksman : Not only did Master Chu teach Sera how to use a lightsaber, but she also taught her how to use a blaster alongside Commander Stac. Thanks to them, she has skill in several weapons ranging from pistols and sniper rifles.
- Close to The Dark Side : Due to facing tough situations, Sera has been known to become frustrated and nearly angered. At times, she unintentionally draws on the Dark Side of the Force. When she fought a pair of Inquisitors who were about to overwhelm Sera and her friend, she had to rely on the Dark Side for more power. Unfortunately, it's been getting easier for her to use the Darkside and she's now on a balance pole teetering on the edge and is in danger of falling off.
Sera was born on a small, relatively unimportant Echani colony on Alderaan. She had a relatively normal childhood, if constantly training to be a warrior/soldier could be considered normal. She was surrounded by 4 of her combat instructors and was fighting as best as she can. It looked like she was going to be overwhelmed, until something bizarre happened. She had thrown out a powerful shockwave and launched the 4 off their feet. It had stunned them, and when her instructors recovered, she was immediately secluded from everyone else. Sera didn't understand what was going on, and was understandably frightened. Her parents, instructors, and the the village council were having what looked to be an argument. She had caught several words including Jedi and the Force. Afterwards, Sera was dumbfounded when she was told that she could use the Force. All of it sounded like just a big bad dream until a couple of the village elders told her that a Jedi who was in the area was notified and would arrive there in a few hours. After that, things pretty much went by in a breeze. The Jedi came, examined her, confirmed that she could indeed use the Force and shortly after left with Sera in tow. Of course she was allowed to have a short time with her family and friends who ere also distraught. Sera and the master who introduced herself as Geth Chu, who was a Kel Dor, left the colony and arrived to Courascant and the Jedi Temple.
Many years passed after that, Sera had grown used to the fact that she could use the Force and wanted to learn everything she could about it. Most specifically she wanted to study combat. She warmed up to her master and went through intense training with her. She went thhrough normal and Force realted studies and practised swordsmanship. She even bested her combat instructors as well as her own Master on several occasions. When the time came, she went to Illum and obtained a green lightsaber crystal. Several days later, she constructed her own lightsaber. It was shown that Sera preffered to use the reverse hilt style Ataru and Jar'kai lightsaber forms when in training. She even touched upon Niman and quickly got the hang of it. When Sera was 18, she and her Master were thrown into her first combat scenario on Geonosis. They managed to survive the war that followed and were placed in command of the 29th Elite Corps alongside fellow clone, Commander Stac.
From then on, Sera and Master Chi fought in later battles such as the Battle of Cristophsis, the Battle of Mon Cala and the Battle of Umbara respectively. They suffered massive losses in such battles and Sera had become close friends with Commander Stac. After 3 years had passed and Sera was 21 years old, she and Master Chu were involved in the Battle of Kaller when Order 66 was issued. They had successfully repelled the CIS from ghe planet and had recieved news that Master Obi-Wan Kenobi had killed the Sepratist leader General Grievous. Everything seemed to be looking up and Sera was looking forward to taking a break and visiting her family for some well earned leave. But it was not to be. The 29th Elite Corps had recieved orders that they were to excute the two Jedi after several Jedi Council Members had failed to execute Chancellor Palpatine. Commander Stac and his men took aim at Sera and her master and before they can shoot, Master Chu took them off guard, grabbed Sera and ran. When Chu was running, the troopers had recovered and procedded to shoot her fatally. Before they closed tbe distance, Chu gave Sera her lightsaber and told her to run. To run as fast as she can and not look back. Understandably Sera was upset and didn't want to leave her surrogate mother behind. Eventually Chu forced her to go and Sera took off with tears in her eyes. That was the last she ever heard of her master and was surprised to run into a Corellian smuggler by the name of Paoliris Croheat who took her in and taught her how to be a successful smuggler.
For the next 15 years, Sera had been working alongside Paoliris as a smuggler. While her new friend already knows that Sera was a Jedi, Sera kept that fact hidden from the general public as she didn't want Imperial Stormtroopers bearing down on her and arresting her. She's been smuggling illegal items from Point A to Point B and making a profit out of it for most of that time. Hell, her friend was not in her right mind and wanted to attempt the Kessel Run. At the time, Sera didn't care much and wanted to have fun with her new life even if the Empire were chasing them when they crossed over restricted airspace. So Sera became a sort of free spirit with a love of adventure and just wanted a break from constant war. She's been getting on in age and somehow still looks like she's in her late 20s. Unfortunately, the time of being a nuetral smuggler wasn't meant to last as she had found out about how there was a civil war happening between the Empire and a bunch of upstart rebels. What surprised her was that the rebels were winning victories, albeit with heavy losses of their own. Her friend was very anti-Empire and wanted to join the Rebellion. Sera had no choice but to follow along to keep Cro out of trouble. What came after was that Sera and Cro enlisted to join the Rebellion and fought as many battles as Sera did in the Republic. There were many times when the troops followed Sera and Cro into battle that they would survive no matter the odds. Even Sera had a brush with death twice and survived.
Sera was now 46 and a high ranking officer in the Rebellion. She had participated in the Batle of Yavin and helped destroy the first Death Star. She was there in the Battle of Hoth and barely escaped Vader's clutches. She wasn't suprised when he knew that she was a Jedi. Vader was a powerful Sith after all. After that, she fought in the Battle of Endor as well. She was with her men on foot and fought the Imperial forces on the forest moon. They had allied with Ewoks and managed to wipe out the forces there. Sera refrained from using her Force abilities and lightsabers in combat as they would have given everything away. Eventually, the second Death Star was destroyed and Sera was relieved. Now, she could finally stop fighting. It felt like war was the only thing she ever knew. There was never time for anything else. After the celebration was over, Sera and Cro, alongside other Rebel soldiers, were sent to take care of the few remaining Imperial ships. Cro's ship was quite roomie and even had a a pair of cryo-cycle stasis pods. The hunt for the remaining Imperial ships were going well, until a large group of pirates came and disabled the ship. Currently, Sera and Cro were far from any Rebel vessel and any planet, and where prime targets for random pirates. The pirates came in overwhelming numbers and boarded the vessel, managing to wipe out most of the rebels on board except for 2 or 3 not counting Sera and Cro themselves. Sera had enough of holding back and decided to reveal her powers to her men and the pirates. Cro of course, already knew about them. Sera tore through tbe pirates but not without them managing to destroy their hyperdrive engines. Unfortunately, most of the systems were offline and anything they could have used to repair the ship was gone. Air was running out and a decision had to be made. 2 people had to go into cryo while the others were to keep an eye on things and make sure the ones in cryo were safe, even at the cost of their own lives. Sera immediately voluntered to be one of the ones that stays out as she can use the Force to prolong her life expectancy when the air expires. Cro as well, but the soldiers decided that their commanders were the ones that needed to be safe. Despite their protests, the rebel soldiers put Sera and Cro into cryo telling them that they'll do their best to get help with the limited tools they possess. One soldier found out that Sera was a Jedi when he saw her hidden lightsabers but decided to stay silent. After a while, the cryo-cycle stasis pods activated and Sera and her friend went to sleep. They had no idea that their men had failed getting help,and they would have been drifting through space for a really long time. The only good thing was that one soldier sent out a distress single that was never recieved. Not yet anyway.