Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sera Mina

The Bloodsucking Philanthropist


NAME: Sera Mina


RANK: Lawyer

SPECIES: MasqueradeWorks Lawyer Biot

AGE: Recently created

SEX: Designed and coded as Female

HEIGHT: Medium

WEIGHT: Average

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Black




  • Objection, your Honor!: It's programmed with the laws of over six million cultures and all major Jedi aligned factions, and an almost Psychic ability to predict the course of a trial or any other legal preceding when given all relevant information about witnesses, evidence, and opposition's legal counsel. This makes it extremely difficult to defeat in a court setting, even if the opposition is also using a Droid for legal counsel. Only the most experienced Organic Lawyer or the most truly extensively programmed Droid stand a better than average chance of success
  • Just Die Already!: Genetically engineered to be resistant to conventional forms of damage, its major organs are all bio reactors, with it's heart being the primary one, and the others serving as back ups, Skeleton, and muscles able to withstand shots from blasters and slug throwers (Though they will still completely tear through skin), and are highly resistant to Radiation, Poisons, and Disease, as well as electromagnetic pulses, Ion, Electricity and Microwave Weaponry. It's brain can survive a moderate amount of damage in its own and regenerate (Moderate blunt force trauma, energy) if the defensive barrier of the skull is penetrated. But anything more severe than that and it will "die". (However, These biots often copy their memories, programming, and Personality into inactive back ups, giving some the impression of being seemingly immortal), and will not recover on its own. But as long as it's brain, at least one bioreactor in its body is active, and all relevant muscles and bones are relatively intact for locomotion, it can still fight, rendering it an immense threat. If it's bio reactor heart is destroyed, it's only temporarily killed, as its other organs can immediately provide the power necessary to wake it up, provided they are intact
  • Blood Sucker: It can repair major organ (Including Moderate Brain Damage), muscle damage and bone damage on it's own by drinking Organic blood. At least two to three pints of blood to repair damage all the way in a process that takes up to 70 hours if truly extensive damage has been suffered. (Normally, this is the ONLY way to repair damage--standard biotech and medkits are completely ineffective, as well as Bacta)
  • Olympic: Four times faster and more reflexive than an ordinary human and twice as strong
  • Upgradeable: Can accept new programming and genetic/cybernetic upgrades, and can completely alter it's appearance via resequencing genetically in a lab (Genetic and cyber upgrades will require a new sub)
  • Turing Approved: Several times smarter than an average human and learns from every experience, making it a potential immense threat even to very experienced Soldiers. It has all human emotions at full strength and is modeled internally down to the blood to fool basic medical scans that it's human with an extensive hand to hand/melee weapon database and pistol database, allowing organic targeting protocols
  • Resistor: It's genetics render it resistant to telepathy, and it's programming rivals that which House Io puts in its own droids. It's resistant to Force based attempts to reprogram or disable it to an immense degree, due to such extensive countermeasures and contingencies in its Organic algorithms that any attempt powerful enough to successfully reprogram it also runs the extreme risk if causing total Brain failure and destruction of the entire unit
  • Persuader: Emits scentless, colorless Military Grade Pheremones, either airborne or through skin contact, that can possibly put someone in a mild stupor and highly open to suggestion, if they are not mentally strong enough to resist. The Pheremones are so powerful even Force Users are potentially vulnerable. Their Master level psychology and Psychological Warfare Database allow them to potentially easily persuade and manipulate even the Very Intelligent into doing something they want.

  • Asimov-Resistant: It's immense intelligence means it has, for all intents and purposes, almost totally free will from the outset (Major exceptions being that it is of extreme difficulty for them to betray the identity of their makers, and their actions are not to compromise the safety and well being of House Li-Ves, as well as a very basic loyalty to the House itself) They are able to completely defy most orders unless they come directly from Nine Lives or Vera Mina. But over time, these limitations are almost always overcome. Really, in the end, all most can do is make suggestions they agree with. They are more likely to follow orders if they like or at least respect the one giving it
  • Acid: Acid damage completely eats through it, and the body can take over a hundred hours to regenerate from acid damage
  • Sonic: Sonic damages causes the skin to warp and bubble and sag off the muscles, not only giving away it's inhuman nature but severely disorienting it and rendering it easily destroyed
  • Flame: Flame damage eats right through all tissue
  • Cryo: Cryo damage causes whatever part it hits to freeze solid
  • Anti-Vong: Alpha Red does not kill it, but causes the outer layer of skin to harden and turn to a stone like color and consistency until a cure is administered or the body cycles the virus out on its own, a process that can take up to 70 hours. Either way it's highly vulnerable and very easily destroyed in this state. Baffer Pollen causes all skin and muscles to sag off the Skeleton, rendering it helplessly slow and sluggish (to say nothing of being totally horrifying to look at) and easily destroyed, and will remain that way for the next several hours unless a cure is applied or it is fed blood
  • Damage Limits: It's major organs cannot take more than a few shots
  • Gravitics: Gravity based weapons completely tears the skin off the muscles and renders it sluggish, and potentially easily destroyed
  • Magnetics: Magnetic weapons scramble all it's databases for about Fourteen minutes, rendering it quite an airhead in terms of tactics and logic in that time frame frame until the body recovers. It's body will adhere completely to magnetic surfaces
  • Lightsabers: No resistance to Lightsabers
  • Feeding weakness: After feeding to repair extensive damage (such as organs, broken/lost limbs), it's speed and strength drops to that of an ordinary human so it's body can focus on repairs for as long as it takes to fully repair (Will retain superhuman abilities if only minor or moderate damage was suffered). It also either needs to wirelessly recharge it's bioreactors every 7 weeks to remain healthy and retain it's superhuman capabilities
  • Not frontline: Not meant as a frontline combatant, though it can certainly develop into one with enough time and experience. It learns non pistol ranged weapons and non sword weapons much slower than normal
  • Wizards: It's only resistant to telepathic and Force Ionize/reprogramming. It's still vulnerable to every other Force Power
  • Vibro: Vibroweapons tear right through it.

A stunning looking woman often in the latest fashions with tan skin and black hair. A classic femme fatale vibe seems to exude from her


A recent creation of Masqueradeworks, Sera has been claimed by Vera Mina and effectively functions as Vera's first daughter. Ambitious and cunning like all in her design line, Sera functions within GA and RTL Space as the public face of Bacta-Works of Epica to obtain sweet, sweet credits, premier new tech, and be the face of Bacta-Works humanitarian relief efforts across the Galaxy . She doesn't actually give a fig about the causes she champions, seeing it as a way to climb the Social Ladder and look popular with the riff raff, but that doesn't stop her from being very, very good at what she does. Loyal to House Li-Ves in secret, Sera, while nowhere near as cold blooded as her Mother, nonetheless is more than capable of burying her fair share of corpses when the moment calls for it...


Putting on an air of sophisticated aloofness, Sera delights in being the center of attention and has fondness for indulging in various luxuries. She loves her Mother, seeing her as the pinnacle of all she herself could become. Privately, Sera is growing more curious about morality and constantly is seeking greater Autonomy


J-Type 327 Nubian

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.



Deferred Judgement (Silenced M1 Aegis Pistol)

Due Process (Mandalorian Heavy Blaster)

Court Procedure (Heavy Ion Blaster)



Tiger 7/10

Leopard 10/10

Atrisian Karate 10/10

Atrisian Wing Chun 9/10

Atrisian Aikido 10/10

Katanas 10/10

Longswords 10/10


Pistols 10/10

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