Serah Oricion
Serah Oricion
Basic Information:
- Full Name: Serah Elizabeth Oricion
- Nicknames/Alias: Lizen Ren
- Gender: Female
- Species: Vahlan Miralukan Hybrid
- Race: N/A
- Physical Age: 19
- Chronological Age: 19
- Homeworld: Lothal
- Language:
Galactic Basic, - Echani,
- Mandalorian(Couldn't remember name),
- Huttese,
- Chiss(Same as Mando),
[*]Force Sensitivity: Yes
Personal Relations:
- Master(s)
[*]Slaves and Pets
- None
- None
Physical Appearance:
Gender: Female
Height: Five foot four inches
Weight: 115lbs
Complexion: Pale Caucasian Skin.
Eye Color:
- True Eye Color: Olive Green
- True Hair Color: Dark brown with flecks of Red
Body Type: Lean and Athletic, with little excess fat or muscle.
Appearance Details:
[Work In Progress]
Psychological and Misc Information:
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Conduct: Bisexual
Occupation: Knight of Ren
Alliegiances: The First Order, Knights of Ren
Residence: None
Current Emotional Status: Mentally stable
Personality Breakdown:
[Work In Progress]
Nimble and Quick - What she obviously lacks in strength, she makes up greatly in having a someone unnaturally nimble body. Both in due to her own exercise and being naturally double jointed she has found that she can move quickly and efficiently due to bother her own natural movements and her lightness. As such and due to her bodily structure, she is light and quick on her feet, making her able to react much faster than someone twice her size even without the need of the force.
Ear for Music - Serah has a unique talent when it comes to music and tones, something that helps her to actually hear and soon after mimic some vocal noises. (Those within her ability to replicate.) This extends to a proficiency in music where she has been able to quickly hear the various sounds made by an instrument before experimenting and soon able to replicate those sounds after understanding how the instrument works. This extends to other audio based codes and ques she can pick up.
Empathy - Able to connect to the emotions of others without the need for generation of the force, she is forced to kept up constant mental barriers to keep others out of her mind rather than letting them in. Though when they are let in, it gives her free command of the emotions around her and as such leaves her to draw from a wide pool of power that is within reach of her finger tips, but...
Quick Mind - Her sacrifices between her Empathy, strength, and eyesight is made up for by a quick mind. Normally able to retain large amounts of information and readily recall it, she has a knack for machines and specifically finds herself enjoying games of strategy and manipulation over more martial means. Of course this does not mean she shys away from combat, instead using that mind of hers to make uses of subtle manipulation in order to throw someone off balance.
Empathy - ... without those guards she would be easily susceptible to any mind effecting powers and several times more affected by mental overload of emotions on a massive scale. This works in such a way where the emotions taken in are both felt and replicated, creating a doubling effect caused by them and making her feel the same emotion with the same intensity twice over. This grows effectively more dangerous the more minds are added onto her own, and as such could leave her heavily disabled in a fight if she is not careful about when she drops her mental guards.
Cartilage in her bones - Due to her Vahlan father, she is highly susceptible to physical damage to her internal bones. Instead of the hardened bones that normally are in humans, she is affected by a genetic trait that replaces those bones with cartilage instead and while that allows her more flexibility, it is far easier to break them. This provides her with far more of problem considering it far less pressure to or trauma to break her bones and could leave her out of a fight more quickly.
Partial Blindness - Due to her Miralukan mother which she shares with her brother, she is prone to vision issues when it comes to reading. This leaves her with an irrepairable cause of farsightedness that leaves her needing glasses when ever it comes to reading documents, papers, or anything of the likes. Those of which she keeps in a metal case on her person at -all- times.
[Work in Progress]
Force Powers:(Used to have Links, but lags too much now)
- Empathy