Serana Treytla
New Member
Primary Information
Name:Serana Treytla
10 Stone 3 Lbs
Near Human
Dromund Kaas
Secondary Information
The Sith
Previous Training:
Four years service in Imperial Military, three years service in special operations division
Lawful Evil
Formerly, Major. Presently, Acolyte.
Midichlorian Count:
14,283 per cell
Marital Status:
The Sith
Previous Training:
Four years service in Imperial Military, three years service in special operations division
Lawful Evil
Formerly, Major. Presently, Acolyte.
Midichlorian Count:
14,283 per cell
Marital Status:
Further Information
Born into a fiercely loyal, yet notably impoverished Imperial family on the world of Dromund Kaas, it was clear from the moment she could run that Serana wasn't destined to live a civilian's life. Notably determined from a young age not to wind up working to her death in the dregs of society that powered the planets economy, Serana was quick to enlist into the Imperial Academy on the world, with the full support of her loyalist parents. During her years in the academy as a cadet, Treytla displayed a solid mind for tactics, and excelled primarily in the training for urban warfare, hand to hand combat, and stealth missions. However, despite this she was never the top of her class, and as such missed out on the more specialist training that would have made her advancement in the military a much speedier process. At the age of eighteen she formally joined the Imperial Guard as a member of their infantry, a process made much easier by her years of training as a Cadet.By the age of 22 she had risen to the position of Corporal, and at the age of 23 she had proven herself skilled enough to be hand picked for the special operations division, receiving the further training that has since turned her into a well disciplined killing machine. Within the next two years of her life Serana participated in countless black-ops missions, and her uncannily high success rate in the field during missions that were generally thought of as suicide runs lead to her being picked out by a member of the Sith Order and tested for Force Sensitivity - a test that she passed with flying colours, leading to her induction into the Sith Order as an Acolyte. Her prior training made her lethal compared to the other untrained Acolytes and she soon grasped the fundamentals of Shii-Cho, the core Force powers and Sith philosophy, placing her for the first time in her life at the top of her class. However, despite her apparently rapid advance in the Sith Academy, Serana was far removed from the regimented drills of military life, and the question always remained... Would she be able to truly adapt to her new path? Or would she die like so many before her had?