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Approved Starship Seredda Automated Shipyards MK II

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"The Seredda Automated Shipyards MK II, designed by the renowned starship manufacturer Byblos Star Drives, stands as the ultimate selection for the efficient production of starships, ranging from colossal star destroyers to the tiniest starfighters in your fleet. Equipped with cutting-edge internal security systems and an array of advanced point defense batteries, it ensures unparalleled safety and protection."
- Mac Tarot, Sales Representative.


  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems

  • Power Generation:
    • The Seredda Automated Shipyards are outfitted with a Hypermatter Annihilator System and a Modified Siphon Generator, enabling the facility to produce a significant quantity of power necessary for the construction of starships. Additionally, it has the capability to ensure a consistent flow of power for the different systems and sub-systems, thus maintaining operational efficiency.
  • Starship Construction:
    • The Seredda Automated Shipyards were meticulously crafted to ensure utmost efficiency in the fabrication and upkeep of a wide array of starships, spanning from colossal star destroyers to diminutive starfighters. This enables factions to effortlessly expand their naval fleet and conduct neccessary maintenance, all without the need to rely on external ship manufacturers.
  • No Offensive Power:
    • The Seredda Automated Shipyards were specifically created as civilian stations to facilitate efficient mass production. In accordance with universal regulations, these shipyards do not possess any weapons for offensive purposes and must not be employed for such activities.
  • High Maintenance:
    • The Seredda Automated Shipyards were meticulously crafted with a plethora of cutting-edge systems encompassing security and manufacturing. The seamless operation of a single shipyard necessitates the dedicated efforts of an entire team of engineers and technicians to ensure even minimum output. However, as is frequently observed with excessively intricate facilities, these shipyards tend to experience frequent breakdowns.

The Seredda Automated Shipyards Mark II were conceptualized and brought to life by Henry McMill, an engineer employed by Byblos Star Drives with the intention of entering the mobile shipyard market, which is less competitive compared to the professional starships and capital ship construction dockyards of Kuat and Bilbringi. The primary objective behind the design was to create a cost-effective mobile shipyard for the general market, while also incorporating sufficient defensive mechanisms to instill confidence in the Trade Federation of Planets, the parent company of Byblos.

Production of the first batch commenced in 890 ABY under the supervision of Director Rulonom Laborr. However, the initial production line was halted after it became apparent that the expenses associated with manufacturing such mobile shipyards far surpassed the estimated budget projections for the project.

The project advanced into mass-production after undergoing a round of redesign and negotiations within the internal operations of the Federation. This progression involved a reduction in size from 4,000 meters to 3,000 meters, aiming to cut down on expenses. Additionally, a diverse range of cutting-edge technologies were integrated into the project to attract potential buyers and investors.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

As usual, very cool sub!
  • The TXA IDCS-60 01x Point Defense Driver has only minor production scale, I would like to ask you to remove it from the sub.
  • The Super Blaster 920 laser cannon is not point defences weapon, but offfensive, please remove it, or make a note, it is only able to target small starships and effective only against them.
  • The K5 "Ion Storm" Defense Battery also offensive, please remove it, or make a note, it is only able to target small starships and effective only against them.
  • About the hangar space/allocation, what you wrote there that is not fits to the Civilian stations. I would like to ask you to edit it:
    Hangar Space: (Civilian stations are not used to hold starfighter or other squadrons of armed vessels. You may list Vehicles or Docking Bays for capital ships or other items of note here.)
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

As usual, very cool sub!
  • The TXA IDCS-60 01x Point Defense Driver has only minor production scale, I would like to ask you to remove it from the sub.
  • The Super Blaster 920 laser cannon is not point defences weapon, but offfensive, please remove it, or make a note, it is only able to target small starships and effective only against them.
  • The K5 "Ion Storm" Defense Battery also offensive, please remove it, or make a note, it is only able to target small starships and effective only against them.
  • About the hangar space/allocation, what you wrote there that is not fits to the Civilian stations. I would like to ask you to edit it:

Fixed per request
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