Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Wanted Dead
Name: [member="Serenity Loveheart"]
Offense: Serenity is a Sith Infiltrator working against Syndicate who has now been outed and removed from the organization.
Condition: Dead.
Prize: Enigma Class Gas Mask, Drifter Class Shotgun, 2,000,000 Credits.
Details: Serenity had been banished from Nar Shaddaa, surrounding Hutt Space, and Wild Space, if you see this woman on any of these planets she is to be shot/stabbed/hung/drawn & quartered/whatever your preferred method of killing is. This bounty IS ONLY TO BE CONDUCTED IN THESE SECTORS.. If you spot her outside of Wild Space or Hutt Space then she's free to go.