Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sergeant Glitch

(But she would never wear make-up)​
NAME: Glitch
RANK: Sergeant
AGE: 25​
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 79 Kg.
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Refer to image (except her hair is black)
SKIN: Brown on the darker side.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Anyone need a gun? - Glitch has a pistol, a rifle, and a mini gun. And she knows how to use them.
+Sense of Justice - Glitch has a heart true to fighting for the right cause and defending the weak.
+Recruiter – Glitch can see the potential in people, no matter how different they may be.
+/- Kevin’s a girl?! - Glitch is a clone that turned out to be a Female; but all her characteristics are still that of all the other clones.
-Defective - Glitch is a defective clone and her immune system isn't as good as others, and being introduced to a new time with new diseases might pose as a problem with her.
-Out of Practice - Glitch has been in stasis for hundreds of years, so her fighting skills and muscles have deteriorated from their lack of use.
-Little Monsters - New germs and illnesses have arisen since Glitch was alive, and with her already weak immune system, new diseases could prove fatal to her.

Glitch is a perfect match for all the other clones except for the fact that she was a girl. She has short, clean cut black hair. Her eyes are dark brown on a dark caramel complexion. She has high cheek bones, and a usually very stern face. She is physically not very mature, unlike her actual personality.
Glitch started out like a usual clone during the Clone Wars, but when the Kaminoans discovered she was a female, they took her out of the usual training courses and made her a janitor at a base on Tatooine. That seemed to be Glitch’s life for the most part.
One day, droids attacked and overwhelmed nearly all the clones, but Glitch stood up and fought with other soldiers. After the battle was over, Glitch was sent to training as a normal trooper would. She proved that she was just as good as every other clone.
As her life went on, Glitch slowly made her way up to the rank of a sergeant and was going to be put in charge of a small squad. Glitch made a request to pick her own team and train them. Being granted that, Glitch traveled to different bases in search of ‘special’ clones. Upon returning, Glitch brought forth nine defective clones to be her squad. Everyone questioned her choices, but the squad proved to be a success.
Glitch’s squad, later referred to as Squad D (‘D’ for ‘Defective’), consisted of: Max (short for Maximum), a trooper only 4ft high, handled all the heavy weapons and was lieutenant; Twitch, a clone who had a serious twitching problem, was the bomb disposer (he had the most steady hands anyone had ever seen); Whisper, who was blind in both eyes, was the sniper (he had robotic eyes); Bucky, a soldier with a mechanical left arm (it was blown off in battle), was the slug thrower; Knives, a psychopath, was specialized with swords and knives, and was the front of the line; Halves, who had a really bad mental issue (schizophrenic), wielded two pistols; Wheezer, a trooper with a terminal illness, was the squad’s med tech; Mother, a pacifist, was the hacker/slicer; and Tails (for his two lekku) was an experiment of the Kaminoans: he was a clone, but he had some selected Twi’lek DNA in him. He was the scout for the team.
The team was such a success, that, even though they were often the punch line of many a joke, they were well known among the clones. Unbeknownst to Glitch, some people were very interested in her abilities.
After a few years of the founding of Squad D, some Kaminoans confronted Glitch and asked her to be a part of an experiment that would (hopefully) be able to preserve troops for future wars. The process would use the highly experimental carbon-freezing technology, being placed in a secret facility underwater on Kamino, and later being restored to see if the experiment was a success.
Through much encouragement from her troop, Glitch accepted the offer and the Kaminoans proceed with the experiment. All went according to plan. Sergeant Glitch was successfully stored in a safe facility underwater.
Sadly, she would not have been retrieved in a few years’ time. Even if she was, she had no squad to return to. Squad D carried on their missions without their sergeant. On one mission, the squad was ambushed and overwhelmed. It was presumed that all were killed in action. Following this incident (but not pertaining to it), Order 66 was carried out, and all clones turned against the Jedi.
When the Empire was established, the Kaminoans tried fighting back with a clone militia. They were intending on recovering Sergeant Glitch to help the cause, but the Empire struck before any attempt could be made and obliterated the rebellion.
Glitch was forgotten.




The color actually doesn't matter. The green was sergeant in the first series of clones. The first batch. Then the rest were colored based on which battalion they were in. The only green battalions were Yoda's and Aayla Secura's.

Unless you're a series one who's survived a few hundred years or you're a recent clone who likes green. Just trying to help understand your character.

[member="Sergeant Glitch"]

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