Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Serin Valrin, Master Shaper


NAME: Serin Valrin
RANK: Master Shaper
SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong
AGE: 873
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.3m
WEIGHT: 204lbs
EYES: Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: White...gray...pasty.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+]Serin is an incredibly intelligent member of his species, he was around during and after the Yuuzhan Vong War at the peak of his people. Back then he was an apprentice Shaper, not keen to the ways of his people. Eventually however towards the end of the war Serin learned more and more about the organic technology his people were famous for. By the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War Serin had joined the elite ranks of the Master Shapers, having realized all that his peoples technologies could be.
[+]Unlike most of the Master Shapers Serin is not controlled by his supposed lack of combat training. Because of his coming up during the Yuuzhan Vong War and life after said war he saw a need to learn how to survive. Under the tutelage of his brothers in the warrior caste Serin learned the ways of Yuuzhan Vong combat. He became brutal, effective, and quite good at killing.
[+]Perhaps Serins greatest benefit is that he was around during the last days of the Yuuzhan Vong Empire. He unlike many of his kin truly believed in the greatness that was the Yuuzhan Vong because of this he was greatly regarded within the “inner circle” of the Shaper Caste at the time. Due to this Serin is privy to many secrets, including the creation of Slayers and other “heretical” material that the Yuuzhan Vong created in that time. He has utilized this knowledge to alter himself, giving him longer life and more strength.
[-]Serin is very much stuck in the old ways. He does not believe in the use of technology, he cannot stand droids or anything electric, and he more often than not refuses to work with other species. Serin is a Yuuzhan Vong that is very much stuck in his ways, refusing to give up a long lost war.
[-]Like many other Yuuzhan Vong Serin is stuck with a very...different appearance. This may not sound like much of a weakness but when wandering around the galaxy filled with humans and other more delicate creatures Serin is often granted cruel looks, evil gazes, and is sometimes attacked randomly. This has not at all helped Serin's xenophobia and has in fact only fueled his hatred of other species.
[-]Serin suffers mostly as an outcast. Although the Yuuzhan Vong are now not technically invaders anymore Serin does not get along with the others anymore. He is an exile among exiles. Because of his sticking to the old ways Serin refuses to associate with any of what he dubs to be the “new Vong” He see's these children as fools and idiots, knowing that they are the doom of his race. Because of this Serin truly has no home, and his ultimate goal is the rise of the Yuuzhan Vong Empire.

Serin resembles many of his brothers and sisters. By all standards he is extremely ugly, his face is pale and mutilated, looking as though someone has skinned a human. His hands are malformed and changed, his outside all and all looks like someone hit him with a train and then kept on going. His insides are not any better being a mesh and mock up of hundreds of different Yuuzhan Vong Biots. Serin is extremely unpleasant to look at. His black dead eyes scare most humanoids half to death and his grim malformed smile is enough to make most children weep.
The Master Shaper is a fairly unpleasant being all and all.

Serin was born before the graces of the Yuuzhan Vong War. His birth came upon one of the many ill-repaired world ships of the Yuuzhan Vong Empire, and like all Yuuzhan Vong his job was designed for him before he could even speak. At the age of ten Serin was inducted into the class of Shapers. He was brought up and raised within the Shapers. It was simple for him, the learning and changing of the Yuuzhan Vong Biots. It all came to him rather easily, it was simple and the things he learned were quire brilliant. Of course eventually, nearly twenty years after his birth Serin had learned nearly everything that the Masters of his Caste had to offer.

He had opened up the 7 gates of knowledge and now only the eighth remained. Of course unbeknownst to him and all of his Kin the eighth was completely and entirely empty. Luckily for Serin however the Yuuzhan Vong were engaged in a war. This war brought on a hundred different things for the Shapers to do. His Caste worked over time, forging Amphstaffs, coralskipppers, and thousands of different things.

Serin delighted in this time. He loved the creation of his gods chosen creatures, and when the time came to create new things, the Yuuzhan Vong jumped at the chance. He became a Heretic, though one that was still somehow devout. He helped in the creation of the Voxyn, and then later the shaping of the Slayers. Serin became a Master Shaper, hailed as the next great.

Then everything came tumbling down. Everything he had worked for for the last ten years fell around him as the Yuuzhan Vong Empire crumbled into dust. The war was lost, his people were broken, and all the things he had come to hold dear were gone just like that.

After the war things began to move quickly, his race was brought back into the graces of the gods. The ancestor of their living war came back, and his kin became pacifists. Serin looked upon his brothers as sniveling rodents, unwilling to accept his new place within the galaxy. He stole one of the remaining warships from the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, taking a company of Yuuzhan Vong warriors and fleeing beyond wild space back into the void between galaxies. There Serin waited, he continued his heretical practices creating more Slayers, more Voxyn, breeding new Yuuzhan Vong Biots and experimenting with things that should never have been touched.

For eight centuries Serin played within the void between galaxies, practicing his crafts on thousands of his brothers until only he remained. Finally, when no one was left Serin made his return to the galaxy. He abandoned the Warship within the void of intergalactic space, leaving the ship behind and taking a smaller vessel back into the place his people had once again invaded.

When he returned to the galaxy Serin found a faction of his people known as the Hrosha-Gul, a group that to him was very like minded. He quickly joined them, becoming one of the few Shapers within the group

Serin owns a single Yorik-vec assault cruiser modified with a Yammosk to allow it to fly an operate nearly by itself. Serin has had this ship for nearly eight hundred years.

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