Hira Mitsae
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Without the mask: [x]
NAME: Serock Hoath
FACTION: Neutral
SPECIES: Exonadianhttp://starwarsrp.net/topic/12246-exonadexonadians-sentient/
AGE: 200 and something. (looks like in his thirties)
WEIGHT: 200lbs
EYES: Icey Blue
HAIR: Brown/Reddish
SKIN: White
Strengths and Weaknesses
Racial Traits
Longevity: Exonad's live for vast periods of time, numbering to several human lifespans, however they are not indestructible, invincible or unkillable.
Pain Threshold: Exonad's are slow to detect pain, meaning that to begin with they will not feel any immediate harm. This does not last forever, however, and the pain can hit them suddenly, catching them unaware.
Hardy: Exonad's are born, and often die, in extreme conditions, almost endless-nights of snow, frost and ice.
Natural Warriors: Exonad's, thanks to their hardy nature and increased pain threshold, are often shaped from adolescence to become warriors and hunters, the only lifestyles suited to their kind.
Hypersensitive Eyesight: Exonad's eyes have adjusted overtime to the darkness they're often raised within.
Pain Threshold: Exonad's do not initially feel the pain of an attack... Which also means that they're more susceptible to falling gravely injured, through underestimation or simply a lack of acknowledgement where wounds are concerned.
Cold and Untrusting: Exonad's are difficult to be around, they are very hostile towards others and it's almost impossible to get them to trust.
Altered Digestive System: Exonad's cannot eat foods such as meat in the same way most sentient beings would, making them difficult to cater for. Cooked food can make them very ill.
Adverse To Fire: Exonad's despise fire, as their bodies are naturally cold, and heat can literally cause their blood to boil.
Distinctions: Exonad's are freezing cold to the touch, lacking any distinct circulatory system, which gives them both the presence and appearance of a corpse. They are slow ageing during their middle-years, which has led to folklore arising, which regards them as the Undead, as many who come into contact with an Exonad will rarely note them to have aged a day, even if decades have passed. Their initial resistance to pain is another notable factor, which adds to the aforementioned Undead myths surrounding the Exonad. Their eyes are usually a vivid blue, due to a lack of sunlight, and some are even born with white, empty eyes signalling blindness.
Personal Characteristics
+ Because of his warrior-like upbringing and hard life during his time as a slave, Serock has excellent stamina and body strength. Combined with his racial aptitude towards combat and survival he is an excellent soldier.
- Bitter and prone to brooding, Serock had everything against him during his short life. Losing everything he loved and cared for twice over it has left him with strong feelings against other peoples suffering. Which is why he holds everyone at a distance, afraid to care again.
+ Brought up amidst the intergalactic community he does not suffer from the same ineptitude towards technology as other members of his species.
- Has severe trust issues because of his past. Serock will need some time to adjust to a new environment and get to know people, before he can work with them well.
The Broken Wodka Bottle
The Shattered Dream
Born on the planet of Exocron, Serock was raised to become a warrior chieftain like his father before him. In his tribe he was unmatched in the art of the Bow and he could hold his own with a sword. Spending long nights in the deep forests of his home world, Serock became one with nature and as a result did not need to find himself religious guidance for his spiritual needs. When he was seven, slavers raided his village capturing his fellow-tribesmen and killing his family. In chains, removed from the only life he had known, Serock had to survive on his own. Sold to a Hutt crime lord, Serock spent most of his days enforcing the will of another. Because of his young age he did not have a lot of trouble adapting to the technological advancements of the rest of the universe.
The natural cold and untrusting nature of his species was only enhanced because of his treatment at the hands of the Hutt cartel. When he was seven-teen he had enough of it and murdered his slave master. Strapping a bomb underneath the Hutt's chair, the explosion disorganized the criminal organization; freeing the general population of its defacto masters. But Serock was already gone, he had stolen a spaceship and headed back to the only place he had felt remotely happy. Exocron.
With his new equipment and spaceship he decided to unite the Exonadian tribes, the ones that resisted were forced into submission. For eight years he ruled the tribes, he married and had children. Then one day his step brother, jealous of his power, decided to betray him. Slaying his own sister and nephews, he usurped the position of Chieftain in the cover of the Night. He exiled the once mighty Chieftain from his home world and started to rule in his steed.
Filled with rage and grief Serock once again was forced to leave his planet, forced to roam the stars to find adventure to fill the emptiness in his heart were once his family resided. Little did he know that four months after he was exiled his treacherous step brother lost control of the tribes and of his life. Once again the Exonadian tribes were free to roam their mountains.
Eight years have passed now and Serock is not sure what he is supposed to do with his life, no money, no prestige. The once proud Conqueror is but a shade of what he once was. But still.. the memories of the forest keeps him going in his darkest hour.
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