Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
Intent: To create a personal transport suitable for high-level diplomats and military leaders; to use existing development threads which had not yet been used. Mostly, to cash in the Fringe's Valen event prize.
Development Thread:
- (184 posts) -- Completed before the new stygium standards were implemented. Yalara, historically, was home to an immense cloaking device capable of hiding an entire planet. As the planet still had sunlight as normal, it could have only been a stygium device. The device was wrecked but its fate remained uncertain. The Fringe Dominion of Yalara focused on recovering the equivalent of a major stygium deposit, comparable to the single shipload of stygium crystals on the OP world of Maramere, but less diffused and picked-over. This was cleared with RPJs at the time.
- (134 posts) -- The Fringe searches an immense maze for a prototype miniaturized gravitic modulator - and the way out.
- (105 posts) -- Taloraan produces Tibanna, and a large portion of the dominion involved securing a TibannaX refinery and saving it from Rebel assault.
- -- " May create 2 unique ships with the size of Frigates that have the firepower of a Heavy Cruiser."
- Total development thread post count: 423.
Model: Seroth-class Frigate
Affiliation: Personal (Isley Verd and Ember Rekali)/The Witchmasters
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-unique (two vessels)
Material: Durasteel, glasteel, duraplast, turadium, condensed-matter composite, stygium
Description: The Fringe Confederation's long-researched elite vessel is, counterintuitively enough, named for one of its greatest enemies, a man who excels at avoiding notice and striking at the perfect moment with disproportionate force. Its primary purpose is as a personal transport; it is not designed to play a role in fleet combat.
Agrocite gleaned from the Fringe world of Simocadia, near Phu, allows disproportionate firepower to be packed into a small spaceframe. The Seroth's four main guns still drain as much power as a full barrage of a hundred normal turbolasers. Additionally, since few standard cruiser-class vessels are designed to fire every gun at once, power drain is an issue for the best degree of reactors which could fit inside a spaceframe this small. Sustained fire eventually becomes problematic for the reactor load. Furthermore, also due to the limiting factor of reactor output, the main guns cannot be fired while the vessel is cloaked. The vessel's weak point is undoubtedly its engines, which are covered by the fields of fire of four separate quad flak cannons. Although the turreted quad mass driver flak cannons have variable ammunition capacity, their main ammunition load is standard anti-fighter/anti-warhead flak.
Composition is fairly standard. Condensed-matter composite dampens harmful vibrations from the ship's immense guns and closely packed components. Turadium reinforces the bridge, which is fully enclosed in the heart of the ship, and capable of a full range of view across all axes. Glasteel, tougher than transparisteel, forms the handful of viewports; this is not a ship for scenic vistas.
The two specific vessels are named Ferocity and Defiance. They belong to the faction and are available for use by nearly any faction members if cleared by Grand Admiral Shira Karrde/Ashin Varanin. As a result, these vessels are a rare sight.
Now stolen and is use by Isley Verd and Ember Rekali) The Witchmasters
Classification: Assault Frigate
Role: Elite personal transport
Height: 60 metres
Width: 90 metres
Length: 210 metres (Frigate classification)
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar ionization reactor (2)
Hyperdrive Rating: 1, Class 10 backup
Minimum Crew: 8
Optimal Crew: 55
- Agrocite-enhanced long-range turbolaser (6, forward, fixed) - total is equivalent to 240 turbolaser cannons
- Dual mass driver flak cannon (15, turreted) - total is equivalent to 30 full-sized mass driver flak cannons
- Heavy intruder missile launcher (5, forward, limited range of motion)
- Assault concussion missile launcher (10, forward, limited range of motion)
Non-Combative Attachments:
- Stygium cloaking device
- Gravitic modulator
- Thrust trace dampers
- Point-defense pressor beam (6)
- Standard tractor beam (2)
- Redundant cruiser-grade shields
- Navicomputer
- Escape pod (4)
- HoloNet connection
Cargo Capacity: 100 tons
Consumables: 6 months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 5.5