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Serra Sol Rhia

The Daughter of Angels

Name: Serra Sol Rhia
Nickname/Alias: "The daughter of angels"
Homeworld: Unknown (raised on one of the Moons of Iego)
Force Sensitive: Yes

Faction: The New Jedi Order
Rank: Padawan
Class: Consular

Species: Half Human, Half Sephi
Height: 5'9''
Weight: Approx. 120
Hair Color: Reddish blonde
Skin Color: Caucasian, pale​
  • Race: Serra's species is an uncommon one among the Jedi, being half Sephi, a race who betrayed both the Republic and Jedi ever so long, but this Sephi blood has such granted her one peculiar physical trait that serves as the only real indication she is not completely human. She possesses, once to her embarrassment, pointed ears. Though in her youth she would often hide them, due to the teasing of her peers, in the strands of her hair. Though she would like to think she is past such things, Serra still feels hurt whenever teased about it, although not nearly as much as she once was. Or at least she does not show it as much. The benefit of her Sephi blood however is her extended life-span, given the potential to grow as old as four-hundred years old, and still very much a toddler in comparison to elder Sephi she still has a long life ahead of her. Though raised by the Diathim, she does not share their DNA in any way, but despite it few have sworn she occasionally carries the same glow to a lesser extent as the Diathim are so known for. Most commonly when channelling a large degree of energy through her. But beyond that, she is nearly indistinguishable from a human.
  • Height: While certainly not on the lesser scale of the height spectrum, when compared to humans anyways, she is not too much further on it either but rather nestled more or less just above average at the height of 5'9''. A comfortable height for when facing an opponent, she often finds her self taller than most females she encounters, but it is not uncommon for her to encounter females either the same height as her or just taller. Of course when encountering the average male human she is just about always on the smaller side, but with so much variation in the galaxy, it is hardly some thing she considers either an advantage or disadvantage.
  • Body structure: In her youth she was always a thin girl, a symptom of being raised by a species where eating was optional, but since joining the Jedi she has developed an athletically slim body stricture. Years of training and physical conditioning has granted her extraordinary health, like any other Jedi, but also a body that expresses that health. Though having not focused on strength she possesses slightly above average muscle build for her gender, gained primarily from her focus on balance, speed, precision, and of course the spiritual aspect of the Force.
  • Hair: Despite its insistent need to shift from one light source to the other, her hair is best defined as blonde with a red tint, but at times it can appear either entirely blonde or entirely red. Her hair falling down to just past her shoulders, with longer strands occasionally even falling further, with the bangs generally parted so not to intrude on her vision. Though bits still manage to do so, especially in times of action. Other times however she will be found simply with a ponytail so to above the issue entirely.
  • Eyes: Her eyes almost serve as a contrast to the rest of her exterior, but aid in her rather fierce aura, with her sclera and pupil the colours one would expect, her iris however the shade of grey. A colour not unknown to humans, nor even considerably rare, but yet seemingly always drawing attention anyways.
  • Face: Even when growing up with a species known to the rest of the galaxy as angels, she was seen even among them as exceptionally beautiful, of course not in comparison to them selves but when placed against her own. A fact not reliant on makeup, clothing, or any other such things, but instead only complemented by them. Her facial structure instead quite naturally attractive. But always carried upon her an expression of sheer determination, ferocity, or an almost apathy. A state that to some only amplify her beauty, and to others diminish it, but it is a fact that she pays little heed to. Serra however has not entirely rid her self of the vanity the Diathim constantly exemplified, still applying the use of some cosmetics. Black eyeliner, and very dark brown lipstick.
  • Clothing: Though possessing robes that still follow the tradition of simplicity, she has however modified them a great deal to better suit her personal taste. On her torso a long-sleeved white top that was rather thin, and over it a tan-gold tunic quite large in comparison to most. Running down to just past her knees and with baggy sleeves the tunic sports ancient symbols she had discovered in her studies, very much like the Jedi historian robes. Except of course the symbols are not Ansatan in origin, and the tunic itself is different, but the lining is similar in concept. Around her waist a gold sash that she has modified to act similar to that of an utility belt, possessing compartments on the interior to hold small objects, including her lightsaber. While wearing loose-fit white slacks that were tucked into boots a similar shade to her tunic. Over this tunic she wears a dark brown robe, one typical of her order, that possesses a hood and similarly loose sleeves but is often removed when pressed with a situation that requires a great deal of movement on her part.
  • Harmonious: As a woman who sees the value in various sources of knowledge, never classifying any one perspective as inherently incorrect, she ultimately takes each one as an opportunity to further expand her perception on the topic. Whether that is the Force, galactic events, or internal affairs. Some would perhaps classify this as wisdom, and to an extent it is, however for the most part it is just a thirst for knowledge on her part. Never seeking conflict unless she sees it as necessary, and those are very rare times, but nonetheless she is an immensely open-minded individual who prefers to not make too much of a judgment on someone before witnessing their characteristics more thoroughly. When presented by two parties in conflict she will attempt to aide in resolving the issue, hoping to logically see the issue, and take the right steps into bringing them to agreement. However harmonious she is though she never does agree to some thing simply to avoid any sort of conflict, she just prefers to weave around it if it is unnecessary, such as when in a debate she will avoid needlessly insulting the other, accepting that they may have a point, and simply present her own opinion. Of course the rate of success can be questionable.
  • Calm and collected: Serra has over the years mastered the ability to remain calm under an unimaginable amount of pressure, using her intelligence to quickly react to a situation as logically as she could, seemingly not weighed down by any sort of emotion. Regardless of the situation she will appear calculating, watching, studying, and evaluating every variable before her. Whether that is locked in combat, in the midst of a battle, reacting to an emergency medical situation, or really any thing else, Serra remains both calm and in control of herself. Though it may at times appear as if she does not care, this is never the case, but simply the urgency of the situation forces her to discard any time given to react emotionally and instead immediately figures out her answer to what is happening.
  • Combat philosophy: This Jedi has developed a specific style of fighting, that guards her weaknesses, and equally utilizes her strengths. However still quite inexperienced as a Jedi, her philosophy on combat is still ever changing and growing. Though it still remains that she would prefer to avoid combat when possible, preferring to take a more peaceful route, but well aware this is not always a possibility she has prepared her self accordingly. Rarely willing to kill an opponent she instead seeks out possible alternatives when possible, and when in combat, her movements are intended to simply make her opponent incapable of carrying on the fight further. Though if given a situation where she feels she has no choice, she will for the greater good, kill an opponent. But these are extremely rare times and are not taken lightly by her where she could justify killing any one she encounters.
  • Cold demeanour: The most noticeable characteristic Serra displays is an almost cold, unaffected demeanour, that can even border to apathy. Though far from the truth she however is just incapable of properly expressing her self, especially when it is noted she is also introverted, albeit not shy. Rarely demonstrating any sort of emotion, whether it is grief, anger, or even actual happiness. When in the company of people she does not know well she will act professional, not making any jokes, not being sarcastic, simply to-the-point. Her voice often expressing interest however, but in addition to her emotionless tone, it can often put people off as being eerie. Having been cited to almost be studying the people she interacts with, and learning their patterns. An observation not by any means untrue. But there are various reasons for this particular part of her personality.
    Diathim upbringing: While being raised by a race of 'angels', as was rumoured in the galaxy, it quickly becomes apparent the species is reclusive by nature. As such she was consistently treated differently from them, though perhaps not to the extent of an outsider, but certainly not one of them. Many were hesitant to even touch her, including her own adoptive parents, and it was this nature she quickly adopted herself. Serra is not the type to invade another individual's personal bubble, nor is she accepting of any one invading her own, quite foreign to the concept of social touching. A handshake, a hug. She simply does not understand the need for these type of physical greetings, or the nature behind needing to touch someone at all, and is noticeably uncomfortable with it whenever someone does attempt to touch her.
  • Emotionless: Many would say that Serra outright lacks emotion, displaying the same cold exterior regardless of situation, and because of it is desensitized to the galaxy around her. However any further attention to her would eventually demonstrate the opposite. Serra is simply unable to properly express her self, having grown up somewhat withdrawn from others, and this presents an issue in any given situation, often being doubted because of this inability to express her self. However that desensitized nature is not entirely incorrect, but it does not stem from this particular trait, and while she does feel emotions it is often only for a moment before being replaced by what her mind perceives as logic.
  • Socially inept: Having grown up so withdrawn from others she never really did learn basic social skills, and so does not make friends with ease as others do, nor does she connect to people very easily when so guarded with her emotions and personal thoughts. While she of course can speak to others, engage in conversation, Serra just does not connect to them much beyond the level of acquaintance, a reoccurring issue for her where there are times she would like to get some thing off her chest, or when she does feel lonely, a symptom of this she experiences more frequently than not.
  • Jedi teachings: What has aided in her guarded, emotionally distanced, and cold exterior however were the Jedi teachings in them selves, and though she does not blame them she has never perhaps noticed how she reacted to some of the lessons. When told not to let her emotions rule her, Serra withdrew them to an extent she did not really feel any more, and when told that family and attachment could lead her down a dark path, she discarded the very notion of such things so she is now absent any actual friend or family.

[*]Honour: While it does not play a pivotal role in her day-to-day life, the Jedi still has a sense of honour about her, one that determines she does not cheat to a goal, or alter an individual's mind just to clear a routine checkpoint. If ever faced with a soldier dying in her arms that she could heal, but is requested not to, she would have to accept their wishes. But it is also this same honour that enables her to stand by a belief until the very end, not shaking in her belief despite the odds or pressure. But because it is not a major factor in her life, where others may speak of honour as a deity they must obey, her own reflects more as personal morals.
  • In combat: This sense of honour plays a role in all aspects of her life, including of course in the midst of a fight. Not using underhanded tactics to get an upper-hand, a decision that can prove quite the disadvantage when most of her opponents lack that same quality, Serra is however clever enough to manage quite successfully without such actions. If in a commanding role during a battle she was to be challenged by the opposing commander, for the success of the battle, she will gladly accept it and face them head-on.

[*]Loyalty: Serra often feels an immense amount of loyalty to those she believes in, and to what she believes in, and though she may not connect too well on a personal level with people if she does befriend them to any degree, she will be a loyal friend and ally by all respects, unless of course it contradicts someone or some thing else she believes in. Thus she has a strong loyalty to the New Jedi Order, believing in the order with all her heart, and willing to defend it as such. Though not to such a fanatical state where she outright ignores any flaws, but when presented with these flaws, they are ones that will ultimately shape her perception of it again subsequent investigation on her part. So it is some thing she does not take lightly. Much like if a former master, or friend was accused of corruption by a third party, she will seriously investigate the claim, before coming to a decision. Unless absolutely sure already in which case she will immediately defend them. But these times are dictated by just as much logic as she always presents, and so it would have to be some thing of the nature she personally knows is to be untrue or misinterpreted. But her need to personally investigate would not lead her to alienating the individual, or the order itself, feeling as if that is a betrayal in itself, not to show faith in them, as she would hope one would express for her.
[*]Education ideology: Even in the midst of her own training she has had a clear belief in how learning, and education should be handled, and though would not try to force it on any one else, she instead practices it with her own training, believing that there is no other way for her to learn, and that it is the best way for others to learn as well.
  • Training/Practising: Believing that constant training and practising of ones abilities is an absolute necessity in being able to master current concepts, as well successfully tackle future ones, she is constantly practising her abilities in new varying ways, trying to better understand the limitations of both her self as well the ability. But she also sees meditation techniques just as important, seeing the spiritual side of the Force just as, if not more important than the actual application of it. So much so she consistently still trains her self via meditations, and varying techniques of meditation, such as Alchaka, though Serra is much more fond of 'moving meditation', a technique where one meditated while performing concentrated action, and still trains her self to one day achieve 'floating meditation'. On a lesser extent employing healing meditation, yet still practising the ability fairly consistently.
  • Study: There is little else that she enjoys more than learning and so study is an important factor to her, to go out of ones way and learn from what they can, and in that effort Serra often visited the library, or archive, so that she may read as many texts as she could and interact with whatever teaching holograms that may be available. Greatly enjoying reading about history as well as philosophy from different groups out in the galaxy, such as the ever evasive Aing-Tii, who is still quite unknown to the galaxy. Serra feels as if constantly broadening ones knowledge, and perspective is paramount to mastering their-self, and in extension eventually mastering the Force.
  • Experience: But the one thing that can prove better than consistent studying is experience in itself, and that plays a large part in her rather self-directed training, a concept her primary master has allowed her to run with. Partaking in various missions whenever she can, feeling as if that is the only way she can achieve true wisdom and experience that will benefit her, and others in the future. Seeing as controlled situations are never the same in actual reality Serra has felt the need to tackle situations as they are actually happening, both for the experience, and would advise any other padawan to do the same once they are confident, but also because it is simultaneously helping someone in some way.
  • Teaching: Moving from master-to-master receiving various lessons, whether it is instruction with the lightsaber, in the Force, in the healing arts, or really any thing else, she believes that teaching should be done with various masters and not a single one. Different perspectives aiding in her overall look of the Force, and the world, and supplying her with numerous other opinions to which she can base her own view around, as well contrast it against.

[SIZE=11pt]Weaknesses and Strengths:[/SIZE]
  • Wanderer's soul: While some many consider this a strength, or even neither, Serra finds her self consistently needing to move from planet-to-planet, area-to-area, and whenever she is in one location for too long she eventually begins to feels agitated, to the point where she has trouble concentrating, staying still, or thinking any thing else other than the need to move on. Though it is not by any means a need to abandon some thing, it is simply a constant need for new experiences, new knowledge, and new sights. However the drawback is in the fact that she misses out on further experience with what she is leaving behind, such as if she were leaving an operation she had aided with; she would not stay to overlook the situation and not develop further connection to them, but rather feel the itch to move on once more to new experiences. Plus the cost of fuel. The economy, man.
  • Technological feats: Serra has never been the type to rely on technology too much, always preferring the spiritual aspect of things, and this has now resulted in a weakness of technology in her life. Preferring to avoid the use of blasters due to an inability to use them, avoids the use of more conventional every day technology, and of course a lack of skill in piloting. So much so that she has purchased a droid to pilot for her, using the freedom to continue with her studies, training, and meditation. Incapable of slicing computer systems, and with a moderate understanding of security, she however despite this drawback will ask questions when necessary so to make up for this lack of knowledge.
  • Determination: Perhaps an odd thing to consider a weakness but it has very little of the time actually benefited her in any situation, and more often than not, just led to frustrating her self over and over. Because she is so determined to achieve a goal she will at times not accept the fact she needs to think of an alternate solution, or outright give up, but instead just keeping pushing and pushing for this one attempt to succeed. To such an extent where her own life is placed into jeopardy, although rarely to the point where she is willingly to place others in danger, however it is a trait not entirely beyond her at this point in time. If she simply does not realize that it is endangering others then she will continue to do so until she either ultimately succeeds despite the odds, or outright fails, finding there never to be a point where she can remain in the moment of continuous trying eternally. Of course it has its benefits, such as belief in victory at all times, a factor that can easily boost the morale of those with her, but this often stems from her arrogance and less from determination, which only serves to make her not give in.
  • Arrogance: As just noted her arrogance does occasionally have an upside, in that it can inspire her allies to a point where they believe they cannot fail, often a deciding factor in any mission. Or even in the intimidation of an opponent, seemingly unable to even fathom the idea of her losing, especially coupled with her cold exterior and occasionally intimidating appearance. But a great deal of the time it only serves to hinder her. Though never condescension, as despite her arrogance, she does not underestimate the task at hand nor the opponent, but simply believes in one way or another success is inevitable for her. So when failure is apparent she does take it harder than she should.
  • Lack of martial skill: By all means she is average in the use of a lightsaber alone, simply having not taken to its use entirely, and though she still attempts to improve her skill with the weapon it is no doubt a long-road before her.
  • Lack of raw power: Though perhaps not as required in the use of a lightsaber, she is not one for physical power, and instead must rely on the Force in such things.
  • Unfamiliarity with political procedure: Being raised by the Diathim did not afford her many opportunities to involve her self in politics, and with a lack of interest in them in general, she has not gone out of her way to educate her self in the procedures of politics. How to address a senator, or a monarch, and such things have never seemed overly necessary to her. Though this does not mean she does not pay attention to the politics of the galaxy, and what is happening, it just means she is far more likely to accidentally insult a politician by her lack of formality when addressing them. Whether this stems from her slight dislike of politicians, or more positively a tendency to view every one as equal, what is guaranteed is that she will confront a politician as quickly as she would a Sith, criminal, or civilian. Often making her better suited for less politically inclined situations.
  • Unfamiliarity with military hardware: This stems less from a lack of interest in military equipment, as is furthest from the case, but rather her deficiency in technology. Often forgetting what equipment is titled and needing someone to remind her what abbreviation stands for what, this however does not make her a poor tactician, but simply a forgetful one when greeted by the complexities of the military, enough that she often describes it almost as its own language that she simply cannot comprehend. Though given enough time surrounded by it and she is certain she can grasp it far easier, but for the time, she still proves amusingly oblivious to the workings of the military.
  • Force affinity: Even when a youngling Serra was noted to have immense potential in the Force, of course not such an extent where she was destined to be the next saviour of the galaxy through will alone or any thing, but upon her discovery they were certain already she was destined to be a Jedi Consular, a powerful one nonetheless. Pushed to explore her potential in various areas of the Force, she proved to be a capable 'Shadow' if not for her lacklustre skill with a lightsaber, a potentially great Healer, as well various other specializations the Jedi at one time or another had created. A Jedi Artisan, Lore Keeper, Researcher, and Seer it was however eventually concluded that due to her success in these potential fields she was best as an age old specialization, one that was deemed to be generalized enough for her, and thus she would be known eventually as a Jedi Sage, although intended more informal than any thing else. However due to her personal interests she showed less skill in the fields of Shadow, Diplomat, and Ambassador. It is this affinity for the Force that allows her to quickly grasp new concepts with the Force, and so adapt to new abilities with surprising ease, and when coupled with her love of study and learning, she progressed in the Force quite exceptionally.
  • Physical condition: With years of training she has obtained an impressive physical health, though that is not uncommon among Jedi, as the constant training leads to it as a result. While not physically strong she is rather quick, and precise, able to pinpoint in a matter of seconds where she wants to land a strike, and for the most part is successful. Though not as gifted with a lightsaber this precision proves useful in many other situations. This physical conditioning has gifted her with the ability to endure long stretches of time in constant movement without growing tired or weak, and that is a factor that proves true in her use of the Force as well, not growing tired nearly as quickly as others in the exertion of the Force. Though that is also due to her focus on the spiritual connection of the Force, and her strong will.
  • Life-span: While not an advantage in the most practical sense, from a biological standpoint, she has far more time than many others. With her Sephi blood granting her the potentiality of living up to four-hundred years old, and being an incredibly young twenty-two, she still has an incredibly long road ahead of her.
  • Use of the Force: While she is indeed highly connected to the Force she also however has shown cleverness in its use, not relying on simple raw power in her manipulation of it, but also being able to utilize it in simple ways that achieve the same thing as an overuse of it would achieve. Understanding both the limitations and lack of limitations when channelling the Force, and being able to adjust her abilities to reflect that understanding. One of the deciding factors in her eventual specialization. Able to effectively use the simplest of abilities to great effect in a fight, as well in situations that require a conclusion that is not normally obvious. Similarly she wields more complex abilities in the same skillful degree.
  • Intelligence: Beyond being clever Serra has always shown herself to be an intelligent person, able to perceive situations from different angles, and figure out solutions in a quick capacity. A very fast learner who can easily absorb concepts both by ear, and through reading, she is also quick to subsequently practice the concepts. Often concentrating on multiple factors and variables simultaneously she is not the type to become easily dumbfounded, always thinking a few steps ahead of a situation so that she may react both efficiency and effectively. Though it is not impossible for her to become staggered, or stuck, it is just a bit more difficult for her. Able to speak Galactic Basic Standard, Mando'a, Huttese, and Sith, Serra is still interested in learning more languages as she comes across them. Additionally she has an immense interest in history, geography, mythology, philosophy, astronomy, anthropology and various other topics.
  • Highly alert: As noted, she is capable of concentrating on multiple things to a good deal of success, and as such this ties into her being quite alert. Always noting the details, and potential use of the area around her, she has found that she is quite capable of memorizing points in an area or of a person with an uncanny success. In association to that is her ability to being highly environmental, and that is less in the sense of being green, but rather being able to note what she can take advantage of around her, whether to use as shrapnel, a distraction, or any other use she comes up with, she will already know where the object in question lies.
  • Spiritual/religious Insight: While her interest in politics is nearly non-existent, and her knowledge of the military is lacking, she is however quite knowledgeable in the field of religion and spiritual pursuits, having so focused on the idea herself in her training. Relating to her interest in anthropology as well as sociology she has taken a great many periods of free time to read up on as much religion as she could, from the Twi'lek, to the Sith, all the way to the Trandoshans. Specializing in the topic she has grown quite fascinated with all things spiritual, religious, or cultural. Perhaps as a result of her own heavily mixed cultural beginnings.
[SIZE=11pt]Education & Training:[/SIZE]
Youth: Growing up with the Diathim had quickly taught her at a young age the importance of grace, and Serra was raised as a dancer from a very young age, one sufficient enough that the lessons had stuck with her throughout the Jedi. Though becoming distant due to her unusual raising, this however was counterbalanced by a sheer love for all things that were beautiful: art, music, dancing, life. From her dancing however she quickly became quite proficient in its subtler skills, both graceful and precise, skills she carried with her when given to the New Jedi Order. Able to figure out a distance mentally and land on a specific point of the area with ease, she also became quite flexible and proved as equally quick in these dance lessons. However her lessons did not persist for very long when it became evident she had potential in the Force, but Serra never did forget those lessons of her life, and would practice these skills regularly while in the care of the Jedi, skills that only became greater in time and far more evident as she carried them over into other aspects of her training. Whether it was her Force training, or lightsaber training, it could always be noted that the daughter of angels was as graceful, quick, and precise as her nickname would suggest. It was also at a young age however that she was introduced to the concept of study, given various texts to read, a hobby she enjoyed greatly, and from these texts she came to learn quite a bit. Primarily of art, as it was a particular interest of her adoptive parents, but also of various other topics. Naturally spending so much time reading enabled her to become an increasingly quick reader, and with it rather attentive to detail, comprehending information at a quick rate.

Jedi Padawan: It was at this point Serra truly started coming into her own, and more so demonstrated a surprising ease in the use of the Force, that quickly became renowned among her peers. Of course her skill with the lightsaber developed at a slower pace, she demonstrated a creativity that many believed would aid in the balancing of that, and still at a young point in her career she was believed capable of improving in time. But her education was very much similar to what most padawans experience, although her's at the hands of various masters, it was not until later in her padawan days she received a primary master, one to travel with and simultaneously apply her knowledge to in the field. But before that her training followed common guidelines expected in most sessions of teaching, and while already having demonstrated some use of the Force in her prior years growing up with the Jedi, this would be the time she exceptionally expanded on that potential.
  • Philosophy: Like every Jedi she was to recite the Jedi Code, but as was common with her, she grew interested in the history of the text. From the version originally given to her, the one crafted by Luke Skywalker, she found her self memorizing both it as well the version refined by Odan-Urr, and finally the original mantra in itself. She in fact preferring the ancient text over the others, if only because of the historical aura surrounding it. 'Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force.' Though it was not enough to simply memorize the words and so of course her attention fell to the meaning behind those words, but having essentially grown up in a Jedi temple, like most younglings, she was already implanted with the ideologies and philosophy of the Jedi. Of course for the most part it was still a skeleton to her, needing to be filled in, but as such it could only be done so through more exposure to the galaxy itself. But at the basic level she proved an understanding as to what it meant to be a Jedi, and more so, what it meant to be a good person. To her there being a faded line between the two differences that did not necessarily go hand-in-hand and seemed to at times be forgotten, as most seem to have thought that simply being a Jedi automatically made one a good person, but very much opposed to that assumption Serra has always paid a particular attention to the difference and strives to be both. Not for the sake of calling her self a good one, but because she knows it is a necessity within the galaxy. A necessary evil was always a temporary fix.
  • The Force: Once the lessons of philosophy had passed a focus was then shifted to her training in the Force, and it was at this time she flourished in her lessons more so than ever, and based on her strengths was taught abilities that complemented them. To many it had become quite clear she was destined to become a Consular of the order, wielding her abilities both with skill and creativity, that allowed her to stretch her powers beyond the basic description offered to her when initially learning them. Proving herself particularly skilled in less offensive abilities, as these were abilities that generally offered far more variety in their use, she became skilled at turning powers normally regarded as more passive to potentially offensive as well, but due to this natural skill in utilizing the Force, she paid less attention to her skill with a lightsaber. But it was this lack of skill that carried her on to familiarizing her self with the various 'Force forms', meditative stances employed to amplify her power. Starting with 'Force Channel' it is a common, and initial stance she chooses, before coming to a conclusion as to what stance would be best for the given situation. Though 'Force Potency' was a rarely utilized form for her, it granted her an exceptional boost in power however simultaneously was based off emotion and thus dangerous, and so she often preferred an alternative, though it had its use when needing to decisively end a fight. Finally there was 'Force Affinity', a form that enabled her to maintain a balance in her connection to the Force even during the most intense of situations, allowing her power to remain steady, or even increase, which was often a phenomenon only possible in utter peace, however it was an endurance form. Meaning she could not maintain it too well when on the offensive her self, but rather when on the defence, allowing her to regain her power. Thus she would often rotate between 'Force Channel' and 'Force Affinity', with 'Force Potency' only when time was of importance.
  • Lightsabers: Like all initiates she was guided through each and every form, at least in a very theoretical fashion, but it was Shii-Cho she was to focus on in her padawan years. Though managing to at least be somewhat competent with the form, at least enough to wield it absent harming herself, she views the use of a lightsaber more as a tool than a weapon and prefers to use it as such.
  • Martial Arts: Though not a skilled duellist she has shown proficiency in unarmed combat, however whether that is because she has far more freedom in the use of the Force, or simply because that is where her skill happens to lie is currently unknown, but either way she has proven competent in the form she has decided to specialize in, believing it to complement her as a Jedi.
    K'thri: A style of martial arts that focuses on speed as opposed to brute strength, this has proven to suit her exceptionally well, especially in the fluid nature of the strikes and movements, and the need of grace in all its techniques. However preferring to use it in the combination of two other particular styles, so as to get the best use out of it, and best handle a situation when presented with one.

[*]Lightsaber Skill:
  • Shii-Cho: The first of the seven forms, and the very basic of them, this is the style she has attained moderate success in due to the fact she had been instructed in it well over the course of her life. Based on deliberate tactics and disarming an enemy, it incorporated the very basics of swordplay, and so served more or less as an introduction to any of the following forms. Wild, and unpredictable in nature this form was generally used when no other form was deemed correct for the situation. Serra however while generally relying on it does her best to mix her two other preferred forms with it, as a constant need to train, though at the moment this is her most accomplished form.

Jedi Healer:
  • Though not by any means her primary specialization, at a time when she was being tested as to where she would best fit, it was discovered she was also competent as a healer and so had received a bit of training in the field, just in case it was a field she would want to later follow. Though not taught how precisely to heal, she was however given instruction on how to connect and draw power from the stones Jedi Healers often employed in their arts. Serra was also shown how to maintain a meditative state that would allow her to harness this healing power, and to effectively bind someone to her in a sense, to hold their life in her palms, and to actually gauge how long they had until either death or the necessary amount of healing they would need. Though it is not a field she wishes to follow specifically, it is a set of skills she hopes to define in herself at some point, seeing the obvious advantage in having the skills and the great benefit she would be to those who would need it. Preferring after all a more pacifist route when she could manage it.
  • Robe: While it is true the majority of her clothing is rather similar to the robes of past Jedi, she has however greatly customized her attire to better suit her own particular style, and as far as cosmetic design goes it is her robe that has been left relatively untouched. Dark brown in colour, and loose on her body, this robe includes a hood to shadow her face, as well sleeves quite wide in design. Falling to the back of her feet the robe often functions as an extra layer in protection against colder temperatures, as well of course rain.
  • Overtunic: Longer than the common tunic found on Jedi-of-old it is however intricately designed, and resembles in some ways a Jedi Librarian's robe, both in length and design. A tan colour with symbols running down the edge of the top, it is held closed by a gold-tint sash that doubles as an utility belt with the necessary modifications present on the interior of the sash, however altered in such a way to make it easier for her to retrieve what items she would need from a sash design.
  • Tunic: Beneath that overtunic lies another that is not nearly as long as the one generally found over it, but instead is akin to that of an ordinary tunic, except in this case it is white and of a less heavier material yet still long-sleeved.
  • Pants: Coloured white her pants are loose-fit, and really unremarkable otherwise. Besides the fact she got them half off. I know! What a steal!
  • Boots: A similar material to her heavier robing, although much sturdier, her boots are however the same colour to her robe with a bit of tan trimming along the top of the boots. Designed to withstand rough terrain but not meant to be armour by any means, and so would not impact her speed in any real way. Of course this means they would not withstand as much damage as some thing that was armoured but it was quite sufficient for its intended purpose.

[SIZE=11pt]Force Powers:[/SIZE]
  • Telepathy: An ability employed by many various force users to a generally successful degree, this particular skill allows her to mentally communicate with a select target over a great distance. In theory the distance of telepathy is infinite, she is however required to be able to sense those she wished to communicate with.
  • Force Empathy: While similar to that of Telepathy she has however proven a bit more skilled in its use, often finding her self naturally picking up traces of an individual's emotions, and though this did not enable her to read thoughts by any degree, it simply allowed her to pick up on the emotions of those around her. Often an advantage in itself. Of course it quickly became useless if an individual was capable of masking their emotions or 'surface thoughts' via seemingly random, irrelevant thoughts. Though capable of this feat her self this is a skill she does not rely on when in the company of enemy force users because of that ability to conjure up multiple, random thoughts to prevent someone from picking up her surface thoughts and emotional impressions.
  • Force Seeing: A simple enough ability that enhanced both her visual, and spatial perception while in the dark, or behind walls.
  • Farseeing: Through the Force Serra is capable of gaining (usually) vague impressions of events occurring in other places or times, and has shown great capability with this ability, both in its use as a way of seeing events great distances away and as a form of instinct for immediate threats.
  • Force Illusion: A mix of mind-tricks this ability enables Serra to cast an image into the minds of those within her range, from any thing to a blaster bolt, a beast, or really any thing of small stature. Her moderate skill limiting her to things of a certain size for the time, however she has grown quite competent in the maintaining of such illusions, especially multiple simultaneous projections. Because the illusion was projected into the mind of the target it was not limited to just sight, but rather became believable to all of the senses. From smell, hearing, touch, to just about any thing. Even cyborgs with enhancements to see differently would still see the projected illusion, although any playback would reveal nothing was present.
  • Force Heal: An ability that fluctuates in degree of required focus, the amount however both dependant on her own energy and the degree of damage either she or the wounded has received. Capable of mending inner organs to a degree as well as heal things such as poisons and disease to a minor degree, she however has become quite competent at effectively healing flesh wounds and other basic wounds.
  • Force Cloak: This ability allows her to manipulate light in the surrounding area in order to conceal her physical body, and while her moderate skill with it enables her to do so easily enough, she finds it an extremely taxing technique and at the moment has difficulty maintaining it for much longer than a few minutes, shortly followed by an exhaustion that limits her other abilities. Of course this only conceals her physical body, rendering it useless when tested against another force user, at least one that is sufficiently trained.
  • Force Concealment: An ability not often finding use alone, though there are certainly times, this particular power gives her the advantage of concealing her Force presence entirely (so not to even appear 'alive'), her ability to use the Force (appearing untrained or just a civilian), or her alignment in the Force, though at her current level of success in this ability, she can at most conceal her alignment for great lengths of time, and while she can still hide her ability to use the Force or her force-signature entirely, she can only do so for significantly less time.
  • Force Speed: A simple power that grants her the ability of speed, capable of moving at intense bursts of speeds for a period of time, and likewise allow her to see things around her in an almost slow motion. Though of course this isn't quite the case, instead more akin to just her perception having sped up to match this burst of speed, however it does enable her greater accuracy in most cases and better ease of dodging strikes. Her skill, a moderate one at this point, allowing her to maintain the ability for a few minutes before requiring a few moments, though it is not exhausting enough to strip of her any other abilities, it simply needs a break in itself.
  • Force Jump: Being able to augment her natural jumping abilities, Serra is able to utilize this technique in various ways, though often finds difficulty in utilizing this skill abundantly much. Capable of leaping further and higher while using this skill she often finds her self limited in situations to effectively use the skill.
  • Telekinesis: A skill she has managed a moderate level of skill in, and as far as most powers go, is remarkable simple while also remarkably varied, being a potential aid in a large multitude of situations and moments. Through this power she is capable of 'gripping' a target, generally an object, and holding it in place as opposed to just throwing it back or forth. Able to move it in whatever direction she wishes, she however requires a line-of-sight with the object in order to maintain this power.
    Force Push: Very much like telekinesis this ability however is generally much less controlled, instead being a rush of energy released from her that drives forwards, pushing whatever may be in its path back. However much quicker in execution as opposed to telekinesis, she still requires a line-of-sight in its use, although once the push is executed that no longer becomes necessary.
  • Force Pull: This power shares the same properties as Force Push, except for the difference being in direction, as Force Pull will quickly bring whatever is in the way towards her. Though it is not unlimited in duration or distance, so she can only pull so much of what is before her and while it too requires a line-of-sight, it is a line-of-sight that only needs a few moments before the power is released.

[*]Plant Surge: A power that requires a fair bit more of energy than others however finds itself greatly beneficial to her, and with her skill in the ability as well her creativity in particular she shines through in its use. By channelling life into plants she could control the way in which they grow, manipulating even how they grow, and could do so to ensnare an opponent, break into floor via weeds, or really a large variation of tactics.
[*]Protection Bubble: An interesting ability that could both be used defensively and offensively. In terms of defence it was capable of creating a spherical shield around her and deflecting blaster fire, offensive force abilities, and a range of physical properties. While on the offensive side it was able to inflict a bit of damage from touch alone, but what was more note-worthy was its capability of being able to trap another individual in the sphere.
“I remember little of my childhood, having been turned over to the Jedi at a young age, but I still do recall the very basics of my life. I never did know my biological parents, and still do not, and while I am curious as to who they are there is no resentment in me for them. Whatever their reasons, whatever forced their hands, resulted in every thing I am now, and I cannot imagine a life I would otherwise wish for. I am unsure how I came to be with my adoptive parents, and when I asked, neither were they. Incapable of having children themselves they sought an alternative means and that means did eventually present itself. Approached by a gentlemanly twi'lek man, and thus a middleman, they agreed to take me in. I never knew to ask at the time but I suspect they knew from day one I would have to leave eventually. Perhaps that is why they were distant while I grew up. I was raised on one of the moons of Iego, by a diathim couple, and by all means they were kind to me. Quickly acknowledging a thirst for knowledge in me that they were happy to engage with texts, and studies, I was presented a large variation of topics at a young age to familiarize myself with.

I even attended a local school, however small in number, and growing up a distant child I had trouble engaging others. Especially so when I, the clearly different species girl, was teased for my odd features. A human with pointed ears. I gained my first nickname at this point in my life. 'Knife-ears'. I was curious as to why my ears were so different to other humans, and arranging a test to be taken, I later discovered I was in fact not completely human. Within me lay the genes of the sephi, and it was theorized one of my parents were indeed human, and the other sephi. It allowed me to cope better with the teasing, and that became a tactic I applied frequently as the teasing did not stop, despite my protests of it being normal for the sephi. In any case such years passed quickly, at least from my current standpoint, and I should state now I always did show some potential for the Force. From picking up on emotions in others, to even seeing glimpses of what was to happen, though I attributed the latter to deejay-vue for a while.

My exact age escapes me, but after some years, my household was visited by a weathered man. A weathered man in robes that struck me as familiar. I had seen it in my readings and I later discovered why. Sent to my room while my parents spoke with the man, my curiosity of course however demanded I try to eavesdrop on the conversation, and it was then I learned who he was. A Jedi. He stayed for supper and it was that night, after supper of course, I was approached as to his purpose. I was to leave home and be trained as a Jedi. I recall the following morning my adoptive mother, for the first time in my life, shedding tears. My father packing what I would need, even a means to contact him if ever necessary, though he reminded me the Jedi could not be held back by attachment. I did not listen the first few weeks while on Ossus, and I know he appreciated the communication. I know now they truly did love me as their own, and I would always be their own. I think that helped me more than any thing. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

That next morning I was strapped into the Jedi's ship, and after some farewells, we left. I asked the Jedi so many questions in that period of travel. I learned he was an Anzat, I learned of his hunger somewhat, and I learned that I was being taken to Ossus. Upon arrival I was processed and placed into my 'clan', the group of younglings I would for the next few years become acquainted with and learn beside. My experience in school made me shy but it was a boy from Coruscant who continuously probed me with conversation until I learned none here intended to tease me. I became very close with them. It was here too they discovered I was raised by the diathim, or as they knew them, the 'angels'. Thus the origin of my longest lasting nickname 'the daughter of angels'. A nickname I found both amusing, and flattering. Here on Ossus I would remain for years. Receiving instruction from a great multitude of masters but never a singular one, and to a point, I found it a far more benefiting experience.

I was later gauged by a few masters as to where my strengths lay, and though it became abundantly clear not with the lightsaber, they however discovered an immense potential in the Force. So much so I was tested with a variety of 'classes' that I could potentially later follow. I proved competent as a Jedi Seer, Healer, Librarian, and really any Force-focused class, they half jokingly claimed I would be the Order's only Jedi Sage. A class long unused by the Order, making a play on my seemingly unlimited potential in those classes. It was of course not true. But the point they were making was received well. I just had to figure out what exactly I wanted to specialize in, however this was a decision not soon relevant, and so I returned to my constant studies. Now in my early twenties I still do train however as of late the call for travel has nagged me, and in addition, I now feel as if I can aid the Galaxy as a Jedi should. I leave this beautiful planet soon. Logging out, Jedi Padawan Serra Sol Rhia.”

Elias Arna

you put a lot of information here that i like its a good read and one question. why do you want to delete her?

And i like the angel part. Infact im called one too.

Serra Sol Rhia

The Daughter of Angels
I don't want to delete her. I want to delete a subaccount called 'Serra Sol'Lynn', not 'Serra Sol Rhia'. I didn't realize I could not remove subaccounts myself, nor rename them, so I made the mistake of making the former account before being sure I wanted to pursue that character idea. Ooooh well.

But yes, thank you. I thought the species was quite interesting and figured I may as well give this character a neat hook to her.

Elias Arna

Ah okay I thought they were the same. my mistake. Im human though. The difference is that I made wings for him. (very long story.)

Serra Sol Rhia

The Daughter of Angels
A story I imagine interesting. I ought to go ahead and read your character's profile.

Serra however is no actual 'angel' or the sort. Simply raised by a species known to the galaxy as angels. But I thought the nickname had quite the ring to it. :p

Serra Sol Rhia

The Daughter of Angels
Tirdarius said:
Interesting biography. There's plenty to work with here, which is always a plus. She does strike me as possibly having Asperger's Syndrome, though :p
Haha. Perhaps a minor Star Wars equivalent, or at least some thing very similar caused by a lack of social conduct in her developing years. :p

Tegaea Alcori said:
Yeah, there are longer.

This bio though was extremely well written and very detailed. Congrats!
Thank you! I am glad to hear that.

Serra Sol Rhia

The Daughter of Angels
As am I honestly. I suppose I will figure that out exactly once I start roleplaying with her. I have a general idea at the moment but nothing concrete.

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