No footfalls disturbed the hush of the academy as the Drenn worked his way from the room and down the corridor, floating as if he walked upon the very shadows that surrounded him. “This is not where I belong.” His whispered to himself, words drifting through the air, echoing from the weathered stone of walls.
Obsessions could be harmless, so long as they remained trapped inside, imprisoned and held firmly; and should temptation be a key, he had failed to bury it deep. In the back of his mind a old voice chattered with excitement. Slowly, painfully, he forced the feeling to the back of his mind, confined it, and held it tight as though it was screaming to get out. It was one he had never truly abandoned.
Now in the same as his Master once more there was darkness in the back of his mind where it dwelled, in silence it writhed, a scratch at the back of Drenn's consciousness. For what felt like minutes had it lingered there. He felt the power of the Force as it sprung from various nodes in his body and around him, yet he still had said the true words to unleash it.
Words rolled in upon his thoughts like waves, syllables which sounded now like honey laced with velvet, where once their baritone had crackled his subconscious mind like thunder.
Twisting two gloved fingers, the young Sith sealed their pact by twirling these digits through the air, enacting ancient symbols both ancient and beautiful in their intricacy, as he drew upon the reservoirs from the Force found through the dark side.
"Qyâsik Mnaiaza."
This power to Drenn was a palpable thing, a phenomenon so primal that he could almost taste it upon his tongue as the force blast was released; and much like wanting to brandish his saber for a duel, his gaze lingered hungrily now while indulging in senses which transcended sight alone.
The Sith savoured the moment