Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sesab Odai

Name: Sesab Odai
Faction: The Republic
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Species: Selkath
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Weight: 99 lbs.
Height: 4'9''
Eyes: Blue with black pupils
Hair: None
Skin: Blueish gray with darker speckles and paler throat.
Force Sensitive: Yes

Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Speed
+ Agility
+ Hand-eye coordination
+ Determination
+ Ability to Focus
- Lack of Strength
- Rebellious Streak
- Stubbornness
- Lack of Insight

appearance: A skinny young Selkath with a stubborn look in his eye, he wears the traditional robes of a jedi, but his outer robe is dark blue instead of a more traditional color.
Biography: Sesab was transported off planet to be a slave at a very young age. However, his master, a wise but harsh former Jedi, soon realized the force was strong in him, and taught him how to handle a blaster, a starship, and other practical things to keep him alive in the real world. For years Sesab would constantly bug his master to be taught the ways of the Jedi, but the wise old man always refused. A few months ago, the old man had died, freeing Sesab as his last act. Sesab immediately set out for the Jedi temple, determined to learn the ways of the light side of the force, and to battle evil.

Weapon: his lightsaber is a small hilted weapon with the grip in the center, made out of regular, cheap materials that Selab got on the move. It has a curved hilt, and a single white blade. He made it with two crystals, allowing him to use it underwater.

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