Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sesha Olan

Sesha Olan
“We all fight our own battles, both internal and external. In that regard, we are all warriors, regardless of creed.”
Name: [SIZE=12pt]Sesha[/SIZE] Olan

Faction: Wanderer
Species: Togruta

Age: 24
Sex: Female
Height: 5’7
Weight: 134

Eyes: Teal
Hair: None, instead has blue and white [SIZE=12pt]montrals[/SIZE] and three head tails.
Skin: Light Orange

Force Sensitive[SIZE=12pt]: Unkown[/SIZE]
With a spring in her step and a blaster in hand, Sesha has optimism to share. Always a talkative and quippy individual she is an extrovert at heart and keeps the interest of the team above her own. Growing up as a Togruta she has been taught to value the group and others as she has always been around many other people. A team player all the way through and loyal to the core she protects her team members with all she has, treating them like an extended family.

She has a way of seeing when someones down on their luck and in need of assistance. Generally, a nice person to talk to, she cares about those she meets and those around her.
Can sense proximity and movement of people or objects around her because of her montrals.
Because of the Togrutas hunter society, Sesha has the finesse of a natural warrior.
Her outgoing nature and enduring willingness to tolerate others have given her a knack for speaking and convincing others to like her.
When she finds a job or a cause she stays loyal and stays with it.
With the abandonment of a child, she goes on her missions with haste and without planning. If she does have a plan it is often hard for her to complete it.
It's her way or the highway. It's very hard to change her mind when it is made up.
Small Frame:
Her small frame allows heavy hitters to damage her more easily.
Too Trusting:
For being a wanderer she doesn't have the greatest sense of trust. Often choosing to see the good in people she trusts them too easily.
She is confident in her abilities, in fact, a little too confident. At times she can be arrogant and overestimate her own abilities.
Sporting a fashionable leather jacket and a black t-shirt under it with a pair of black pants and work boots Sesha is generally normal when it comes to her clothing choice. Strung along her neck is a necklace with an old, dulled Akul tooth that was given to her by her father before he passed away. A blaster holster hangs from her hip carrying her trusty OK-98 Carbine. The carbine itself has several white lines etched into it.​
Her skin is a pastel orange and white stripes run along her arms, face, back, and chest, while her lips are an offset dull grey color. Her eyes are a teal and look round portraying a caring face. The montrals atop her head are light blue and pointed inward taking a shape similar to thick horns. The head tails adorning her are a creamy white with stripes running vertically along them growing darker as they travel downward. Starting at an ocean blue the stripes slowly descend into a dark blue approaching near blackness.​
She has a small frame that favors speed over strength allowing her to be injured more easily. With average height and weight, she bounds about on long legs.​
1x OK-98 Carbine (With ammo)​
1x Leather Jacket​
1x Black Pants​
1x Brown Boots​
1x Brown Backpack​

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