Frontier Base "Jagged", Bakura
Recent history had seen the unification of various scattered pieces: each an integral part of a greater whole. The Imperial Spirit was not lost in the Galaxy, and resurgence was on the horizon. With each passing day, the movement stirring within the Unknown Regions grew stronger. Warlords abandoned their seats of avarice to pledge support to the growing host, recruits from all about the stars flocked in droves...and a Knightood rekindled its flame.
In order to face down the Darkness wreaking havoc about the Galaxy, the Imperial Knights returned from the pages of history. United by their cause, their midst mustered en masse upon the distant world known as Bakura. Recent operations had seen an Imperial presence somewhat established there, including the erection of a prefabricated garrison base. Dubbed "Frontier Base Bagged", this imposing structure was now the temporary base of operations for the Knighthood.
And today, it would be a place of training.
Many new recruits had joined since the movement began, and instruction was in need of occurring. As such, the Council of Barons had ordered a series of "open sessions" to commence. These "sessions" would consist of the whole Knighthood gathering together in order to collaboratively train. Some would spar with the saber whilst others would impart wisdom regarding the Force. In truth, it was a free-for-all; one intended to allow the Knights to learn...and to mesh with their new comrades.
As for Veriks-Kel, one of the most recent members of the Knighthood, a sparring partner was of the top priority. He was not the greatest duelist in the world, nor did he pretend to be, yet he aspired to push his saberplay to the next level. As such, whilst his comrades trained all about the central "courtyard", the Clone simply waited. Seated upon the ground, a standard, Imperial training saber rested upon his lap. His legs were crossed, his arms were folded, and his eyes were closed in a meditative manner. Hopefully a curious soul would happen upon him...hopefully he could get some training in.
[member="Wovoka Vos"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Sai Fel"] | [member="Logan Falkov"] | [member="Abric Korne"]