Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Set Vizsla


| Social Information |
  • Name: Set Vizsla
  • Alias:
    The Dread Wolf
  • Beast Incarnate


[*]Homeworld: Qiilura
[*]Living Situation: Preferred Wayland, Mandalorian Space
[*]Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
[*]Marital Status: Single
[*]Languages Known:
  • Galactic Basic
  • High Galactic
  • Mando'a
  • Binary
  • Huttese

[*]Voice Sample: Brock Lesnar

| Physical Information |
  • Species: Gurlanin
  • Age: 357
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 7'2 (2.2m)
  • Weight: 300lbs
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair: Dark blonde
  • Skin: Polymorphic, base gray
  • Scars: Yes

| Force |
  • Force Sensitive: Racial abilities only.
  • Force Rank: N/A
  • Force Alignment: N/A

| Personality |

Set is an extremely aggressive, arrogant individual who carries himself in an incredibly intimidating demeanor. Set is intelligent, determined, and driven individual who once he sets his sights on something he relentlessly goes after it. Due to his brutal, aggressive nature Set has been described by others as a heartless, ruthless barbarian mastering in cruelty and fueled by rage. It's Set's natural instinct to fall back on inflicting pain and it's something the beast truly enjoys. There is a methodical nature behind Set's cunning mastery of war. A brutal architect who specializes in destroying his opponents and maximizing the pain inflicted upon them.

There is an extremely intimidating aura surrounding those in the presence of Set, the intense gaze on his face when it focuses on someone, and this aura around him when he enters a room that unsettles those around him. The very presence of Set puts people on edge and sends shivers down spines. In his earlier years Set was often considered reckless and even called a loose cannon by those who met and knew the young blood. But as the years went on even the mighty Set was tempered by age to some degree. Patience slowly became one of his virtues.

| Appearance |

As a gurlanin Set can shapeshift to alter his size, shape, and appearance at will. However his natural form is one that rightfully earned the alias of 'the Dread Wolf' that of a massive wolf standing upright at 2.3 meters tall. Set's mouth is filled with many rows of jagged sharp teeth corrected to ensure no lisp, and large sharp claws. His fur is a deep black color as dark as midnight or the abyss itself. Perhaps the most striking feature would be the bright crimson eyes. Set is extremely muscular and even beneath fur these powerful muscles are shown.

In his preferred human form Set is a massive human standing anywhere from six feet four to over seven feet tall weighing in at around three hundred pounds of toned muscle. Through good genes and years of hard work Set has honed his body into the perfect killing machine toned in the white hot flame of battle. The mans body especially his head look as if they were chiseled out of rock into a statue of some sort.

| Possessions |
  • Armor:
  • Weaponry:
  • Transport:
  • Miscellaneous:
| Confirmed Kills |

| Bounty |
| History |

Set was born and raised during the four hundred year darkness when the gulag plague swept through ravaging the galaxy. Set was the second oldest child in a litter of seven, born the biggest of the litter. Unlike his older brother [member="Ra Vizsla"] he was always the more aggressive, wild, and reckless one of the bunch. Set always favored using violence and taking the direct approach to solving problems, often putting him at odds with his sister [member="Nymeria Vizsla"].

The death of his mother and the kidnapping of his older brother deeply affected Set who was always extremely protective of his family felt like he failed them in not being able to save either his mother or his brother. It was this traumatic event that hardened him and set him down the dark path that he took. As soon as he was old enough Set took off into the galaxy after his brother. It was this choice that brought out the dark, rage filled, and brutal side of Set as the naive boy was often taken advantage of and beaten by those looking to take advantage of him.

The young boy found himself in the criminal underworld after following rumors that could only be his brother. It was here that he found himself sucked into the toxic underworld. Set made a name for himself early on as a rage filled brute, destroying those who stood against him. There was talent, unmatched potential in the boy and it was quickly exploited by various Crime Lords. Over the years in his search Set took part in many pit fighting and arena circuits making a name for himself as one of the deadliest and most intimidating fighters to ever step foot in the ring, especially under the infamous, and feared persona of the Dread Wolf.

In addition to his work here Set has worked as a contract killer, bodyguard, and enforcer for many various crime lords who all wanted the Dread Wolf in their organization. This has allowed him to earn vast amounts of money from these exploits.
| Abilities |

  • Racial Abilities: As a gurlanin Set is gifted with a number of racial abilities.
    ​Shapeshifting: As the perfect predators gurlanin have the uncanny ability to take the shape of nearly anyone and anything even humans. Set can also change his size, appearance, even facial features all of it can change.
  • Echolocation: A gurlanin's ears are located within its snout and its through this that they've developed the ability to use echolocation through loud huffing noises. Even without their eyes due to this ability a gurlanin can still in fact see the area around him.
  • Scent: As a gurlanin when Set is in his natural form he can make full use of his heightened senses to pick up on scents just like a wolf.
  • Sensor Blind: Gurlanin are one of the rare species that cannot be seen through the use of either sonar or thermal.
  • Telepathy: Gurlanin are strongly telepathic to other members of their race who they can read their minds, as well as communicate completely through the use of this telepathy.

[*]Martial Skills:
  • Military Hand to Hand Combat Styles: Set has an extensive career in the crimainal underworld and pit fighting and arena circuits throughout the galaxy. In the over three hundred years he's been alive Set's picked up and mastered a number of hand to hand styles including standard military training ranging from Sith and Republic styles learned by former soldiers and more.
    ​Echani Combat: Just one of many military styles mastered in his many exploits. After nearly being beaten by an master of the art in one of the fighting circuits, Set went to their world and mastered the art.
  • Beskad Combat: When Set joined Clan Vizsla he went through all of the trials and tribulations any new mandalorian would, and mastered the art of mandalorian combat and Beskad sword combat.

[*]Firearms: Set is trained in the use of nearly all firearms ranging from pistols, rifles, shotguns, submachine guns to snipers and light machine guns. As a hunter he uses and has used a vast array of combat weaponry. Since Set was not gifted(or cursed) with force sensitivity this has forced him to learn other methods of combat to take down such opponents this has expanded his repertoire significantly.

[*]Crafting: It's in his blood to take on new challenges, and learn new skills to improve himself and ensure he isn't completely dependent on others to do things for him. Set has put a lot of time into learning the art of the forge. It was through these experiences that taught Set the value of patience.
  • Beskar Smith: After passing all trials, tribulations, and being inducted into Clan Vizsla, Set put a lot of time and effort into learning at the feet of smiths to learn the art of forging beskar.

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