Senator of Azbrian

Seth Saaliche
FULL NAME: Seth Choe Saaliche
FACTION: Galactic Alliance - Federal Assembly
RANK: Representative
OFFICE: Assembly Representative of the Azbrian System - Centrist Party
AGE: 29
SEXUALITY: Demisexual/Biromantic
HEIGHT: 5’10
WEIGHT: 141 lbs
HAIR: Ash White
SKIN: Pale
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Pierced ears, under eye and chin tattoos, detachable ceremonial horns, back scars from injuries during the civil war
Seth was born in an isolated impoverished Kage village on Quazite, a planet ruled by the Balugan, a species with an iron grip on the system for thousands of years but occasionally the grip slips oh so slightly and the oppressed Kage people rebel against their masters. When Seth was but a boy one of these point of contention occurred, the poor Kage people living off scraps, near starved and nearly all bandits and thieves asked for anything, any help some autonomy, in response the ruling dictatorial class in their eyes acted accordingly and performed an all out massacre slaughtering millions of Kage across the entire planet, dwarfing the effectiveness of previous genocides. The ensuing civil war was chaos and even with million dead the Kage’s guerilla tactics, greater numbers and terrain knowledge had given them the upper hand, that was until the Balugan elite looked outward, contracting the help of several external corporations for new terrifying weapons, private off world militias and bounty hunters to swing the violence, as he was carried in his father's arms from their burning village watching his mother being mutilated by off worlders in hindsight he learned the most important lesson, men don’t win wars, spirit doesn’t win wars, money does. Seth’s father took what little money they had to have Seth transported off world to safety in the Alliance but at a cost, essentially selling his own son into eternal servitude, Seth, age 8, tears rolling down his cheeks viewing his father wave at him through the freighters back viewport he knew this’d be the last time he saw him.
Seth began his new life on a plantation on the world of Azbrian, one of the largest agricultural worlds in the Alliance heavily involved in supplying foodstuffs around the Alliance and a massive refugee world with most of the inhabitants coming from offworld. Seth’s plantation master was rigid and firm and pushed Seth’s young body to the brink on many an occasion, masters wife always wanted to be a teacher so she ran a makeshift school for the servants with a very simple education in which Seth excelled spending much of his spare time studying mathematics and languages enough to get noticed by master at the age 14 and be taken off field work and to help the aging man with accounting and bookkeeping, enough to make an actual but limited salary. By the time he was 18 he had accumulated enough credits to buy out his servant contract but continuing to work for him as an actual fully paid employee and after another year of work enrolling and getting accepted into a pretty cheap university for economics with a minor in law. By 23 he had graduated and managed to get a job as the secretary of the sitting senator of Azbrian, Leaho Escarrno, a popular senator in the world due to his former refugee status, crack down on Azbrianian corruption and actually speaking to the people, Leaho took a shine to Seth instantly due to their similar upbringing and seeing his potential before long accepting him as his successor.
When Seth was 27, Leaho gave a speech revealing his wishes to not continue for a 5th term and nominating Seth as his faction's successor, giving Seth little over a year to create a campaign and platform to be elected as the systems Representative. As the cycle went on Seth let out his true colours, he wouldn't stand as a successor of Leaho but rather an advancement taking all his ideals further, promising to end corruption in the system, support centralized government and more military to put an end to refugees as a concept not out of alienation but out of social justice. It paid off as he won the election with a landslide designating him the new face of Azbrian on the galactic stage known as the senate at the young age of 28.
If you had to choose one word to define Seth Saaliche it’d be confident, confident in his ideals, his vision and his abilities in his line of work. Seth is an energetic extrovert, passionate and stubborn about his beliefs to the point of often coming across as cold, condescending and even arrogant. The people of Azbrian have described him as an inspiration for people to call out corruption and injustice. In Seth’s private life he is regarded as very charming but also prone to emotional outbursts and not knowing when to back down often only escalating tensions often leading to confrontations.
[+] Compassionate to the blight of others
[+] Positive focus on social justice
[+] Incorruptible and hardset on his ideals
[+] Studies simple hand to hand combat in his spare time
[-] Stubborn to a fault
[-] Major mommy and daddy issues
[-] Clueless in romance
[-] Tends to lash out
[-] Can be cold at times
[-] Has a bad habit of making enemies
Stands for:
-Agriculture Unions
-Defensive War and Peacekeeping
Stands Against:
-Organized Crime
-Commerce Guild
-Trade Federation
-Planetary Autonomy
-Bounty Hunting
-Jedi Interests
-Recognize the Lord-Regent of Kuat: Yay
-Integrate the New Jedi Order: Yay
-Ban the Unlicensed Production & Utilization of Disruptors: Yay
-Aid Concordia in Military Action Against the Bryn'adul: Yay
Formal Attire [Link]
Stal-11 blaster pistol [Link]
MC15 Niathal-class Shuttle [Link]
4 attendants, 2 Pilots, 2 Bodyguards
Concluded - Ongoing - Limbo - Dead
[RP 001 - Taking Centre Stage - Ongoing]: Seth attends his first Federalist Party event and schmoozes as the newly appointed Senator of Azbrian
[RP 002 - Seed of an Idea - Ongoing]: Seth and Senator Dorsian of neighbouring Sanjin system discuss policy and discuss the state if the galaxy
[RP 003 - Some by Virtue Fall - Ongoing]: Seth attends the emergency senate session regarding the multiple recent assassination attempts and the kill of senator Far Zhas

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