Jada Raxis
-Take me out, to the Black-


In the Core worlds the wars raged on. Out in the rim, life was quiet. Jada liked the quiet and that's how she'd ended up at Settlement 37-Zed. She'd long been living in the rim as a simple riff raff freight hauler fighting imperial governments, but now found herself in a pipeline of logistics, brining supplies to the far-flung place. The outpost was really growing into a miniature town now, with a ramshackle mud hut center and its own little market. Miners stripped Tatooine bare under her sands, and the locals bought heavy amounts of necessities with no tariffs from local traders.
She was at the end of one such haul, a bottle of Corellian ale and a data laid out before her in a booth table. It read the following
Revenue from last job 3,000 Cr
Docing Fee 350 Cr
Parts/Repair 1500cr
Profit 1,150
She shrugged. It wasn't too bad of a haul, but not the best either. She read the local news on her data pad and slugged another sip of ale. Her mind worked over the possibilities of her next trip.
Should she get involved in the war? Stay away? or maybe just take some R&R and try her hand at convoy protection gig fending off Tuskens?
Her choices at the current point were limitless. Then her thoughts were disrupted by a raucous noise outside.
The doors of the Cantina swung open, letting in the cool night air and the inky darkness from outside....