Age: 47
Faction: N/A
Homeworld: Naporar
Rank: Admiral
Force Sensitive: No
Biography: Sev'eere'nuruodo was the first daughter and eldest child of career military officers. Her father was a ranking officer within the Chiss Ascendancy Command, overseeing fleet deployments and oversaw supply lines for the eastern fringes. Her mother was an Admiral within the Defense Fleet, and had several notable victories under her belt by the time Veeren joined the navy. She worked hard, but rose slowly through the military. She had only modest achievements under her belt, and the rank of Captain recently bestowed by her own father when the Brotherhood of the Maw began their war against the Chiss.
She took part in opening skirmishes along the border of Ascendancy space and, the largest such engagement saw her mother lost in action. The remnants of her mothers fleet regrouped at Csilla, and took part in the cataclysmic battle that ensued there. She fought throughout the entire battle, and was one of the only ships and Captains to escape the devastation. She fled to Naporar, where her father was mustering yet another defensive line to halt the Brotherhood's advance, but by then the writing was on the wall. Another battle, another defeat, and yet again Veeren escaped with her life, though her father did not.
Gathering the remnants of the fleets near her, Veeren led them away from Chiss space, loading as many survivors as they could into their vessels. A migrant fleet now, Veeren seeks to find a place to take her people, and establish a new bastion of safety in this galaxy.