[Please do not jump onto this thread without first consulting myself/@[member='Dranok Lussk'] beforehand]
Father met Daughter in an open field, if one could call the pit such, a dry, arid area of land with natural sandstone spikes splintering the earth to rise several feet in the air. A harsh, barren landscape if ever there was one, the sun which beat against their skin was far more severe than that which plagued Korriban, producing enough heat that it could become quickly dangerous should one strain themselves too much. It also provided a slight hindrance to the young girl who stood before the Master, elsewise known as the Emperor of the Sith, whose sight was sensitive at best. Yet she had been stood beneath the blistering rays for several hours, allowing some degree of adjustment.Nothing stirred, neither the pair nor the landscape, no fauna, no wind and no audience. Just the two figures, a student and a mentor, blotted the ever unchanging horizon. The conditions were perfect, harsh and testing for both involved. The air was light, or maybe that was a trick of the heat, making breathing difficult to he who was untrained... Which luckily referred to neither of them. Still the silence dragged on, until finally one spoke. "So the Father hath become the Emperor" the young girl breathed, voice barely more than a whisper on what little of a breeze there was. Yet for all the words her chest barely moved, nor her lips. Her body remained as stationary as it had been, as though worried a single movement might shake the very foundations of the desert, disturb the dust which had settled all around. In truth, she was merely waiting...