Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Severon Valgor


Severon Valgor

MusicBible Black
[Darth Equivalent]
BirthplaceSanchina [Now Omnia]
AgeEarly 40's
Personality TraitsBrute
Education TraitsBattlemaster
Lifestyle TraitsLeader
VoiceLegate Lanius [Shocking, I know]
Faction(s)Legio Fortitudinis
LanguagesGalactic Basic (English)
Force SensitiveY
Character AlignmentNeutral Evil
Height6'10" (208.3 cm)
Weight278 lbs (126 kg)

  • Overview
    Severon Valgor was born on a war-torn planet and inducted into a cult-like group known as the Legio Fortitudinis, which worshipped the Force, though they called it Aetheris. Unlike most young warriors of his kind, Severon was called to meet the Verum Dicentis—mystical witches—who gazed into the Diuturna Flamma and foretold that the planet would soon face its final civil war. According to their prophecy, they would emerge victorious by following Severon's strength.

    Fueled by this prophecy, Severon's resolve hardened as he swiftly rose through the ranks. He eventually attained the title of Primarch (equivalent to general) of the Legio Fortitudinis. During the war, after achieving the rank of Decurion—an officer—Severon underwent a critical test to determine his ability to wield Aetheris. He tested positive and began training to become an Imperator—a Sith Master. It was at this point that his combat style shifted from firearms to melee weapons.

    Under his leadership, they crushed the New Republic of Sanchina, securing victory in the civil war. However, Severon soon realized that little had changed. The old government of Sanchina had simply been replaced by the high-ranking members of Legio Fortitudinis, who became a new class of squabbling politicians, achieving nothing of substance. The planet, already ravaged by war and with half of its population wiped out, was in desperate need of decisive action.

    Frustrated by the stagnation, Severon, with the unwavering loyalty of his army, launched a coup. To ensure no opposition would arise, he had the former politicians executed and their bodies burned, placing their heads on pikes around the capital building as a grim warning. Their guards and supporters met a similar fate in a public purge known as the Decerpens Infirmorum. He then renamed the planet to Omnia to help people forget the old ways.

    Despite the harsh rule, Severon's decisive actions sparked a resurgence of nationalism across the planet, even as martial law gripped the populace. His policies revitalized farming and trade, entrusting civilian specialists to manage key sectors under the shadow of military control, a form of dictatorship where civilian administration still played a role. Yet Severon's rule remained brutal. He personally oversaw public executions whenever uprisings occurred, maintaining order through fear.

    As the planet stabilized and its population began to recover, Severon turned his gaze outward. His ambitions stretched beyond his homeworld, seeking to expand his empire and wage wars across the galaxy. In his absence, he entrusted the governance of the planet to a council of representatives from various trades and industries, ensuring its continued growth while he pursued conquest among the stars.
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    Time during the Civil War

    During the war Severon went through the ranks, gradually rising to the top, this is a documentation of his experiences during certain battles:

    Battle of Pugna Sinum
    Rank: Auxilia [Private]
    Battalion: 2nd Pedites
    Opposing: New Republic of Sanchina [NRS]

    During the battle, the 2nd Pedites faced fierce resistance from the NRS while attempting to capture a key port. This port was critical, as its fall would severely disrupt the NRS supply chain. However, the advance proved grueling and slow as most of the 2nd Pedites and the 105th Armata were pinned down under heavy fire. Despite the NRS holding a superior defensive position, they eventually lost enough men to create a significant breach in their lines, allowing the 2nd Pedites to push through.

    Outcome: Legio Fortitudinis [LF] Victory
    NSR Loses: 1,537 KIA | 249 Injured | 843 Captured [Includes injured] | 12 MIA
    LF Loses: 3,853 KIA | 4,923 Injured | 293 MIA

    Ambush at Campus Aeneus
    Rank: Immunes [Corporal]
    Battalion: 2nd Pedites
    Opposing: NRS

    In the Bronze Fields, the 2nd Pedites ambushed NRS forces by emerging from the crops and opening fire. Caught off guard, the NRS troops quickly routed, leaving many of their soldiers exposed to a devastating attack by the Legio Fortitudinis. This battle is widely regarded as the turning point in the war, shifting momentum in the LF's favor after their forces had been pushed back to Ontera. The fighting lasted approximately two hours, with minimal losses on both sides.

    Outcome: Legio Fortitudinis Victory
    NSR Loses: 398 KIA | 532 Injured | 1,238 Captured [Includes injured] | 184 MIA
    LF Loses: 153 KIA | 207 Injured | 26 MIA

    [Seeing as how long this is taking, I will add more over time]

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    Raul - [Black]


    Primarch's War Battlecruiser [WIP Codex]
    Personal Craft [WIP Codex]

    Primarch's Garb [WIP Codex]

    Lightsaber Axe [WIP Codex]
    Rocket-Powered Hammer [WIP Codex]
    Primarch's Glaive [WIP Codex]

    Miscellaneous Equipment:
    Light Dagger

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    Victory through Strength:
    Severon is an imposing figure, towering over most with his hulking physique. His size grants him considerable strength, and some have claimed he is "as strong as a Wookiee." However, this assertion has never been put to the test.

    War Minded: Having spent most of his life in a state of constant warfare, Severon has honed his skills in strategy. This training has made him not only physically formidable but also an effective leader. Many of the decisive victories during the civil war were achieved under his command.

    Fanatic [Good Part]: Raised in what can be described as a war cult, Severon is deeply devoted to his religion. This unwavering loyalty drives him to pursue the defeat of all his enemies, and his soldiers, sharing a similar mindset, are equally fanatical and willing to fight to the death.


    Fanatic [Bad Part]:
    However, his fanaticism has its downsides. Severon will follow the dictates of the Verum Dicentis without question, leading him into perilous situations that have cost many of his men their lives. Despite the consequences, he remains resolute in his obedience.

    Do Not Mince Words: As a war-minded brute, Severon has little patience for what he perceives as time-wasting. If he believes he has extracted all necessary information from a prisoner, he will execute them without hesitation. Any stutter or sign of uncertainty in a hostile setting will be interpreted as weakness, prompting him to take immediate and lethal action.

  • Summon Fear

    Memory Walk




    Force Healing

    Force Drain

    Force Jump/Leap

    Force Dash


    Force Kick

    Force Blast



    Force Choke

    Force Push

  • Come back later

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