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Sexuality in Writing/Roleplaying

Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Exactly what it says on the tin, guys and gals... Nothing too explicit, please! Let's keep this PG-13.

So... Let's get to the good stuff! How do you view and use sexuality in writing and roleplaying? I'll admit, I'm rather old-fashioned and conservative: it's either not mentioned at all or is merely reduced to hugs and kisses and its always heterosexual. I HAVE written porn before (as some of you may know, I was a furry from 2005 - 2018, until about a month ago) and I have used it in EU-related RP and in some of my teen-era fanfics (I was horny and hormone-fueled, at times), so I certainly know how to write textbook-examples of the stuff... And I'll leave it at that.

While I can describe all of the details explicitly and easily, after thirteen years of on and off practice, I prefer to keep it to a minimum or only for "special occasions" between characters. For the most part, as I said before, it's all hugging and kissing for my characters and their lovers.

But enough about me... I want to hear all about what you guys and gals have to say about all of this stuff! Enlighten me, fellow Nerds. Liberal views on this stuff, or are you a prude like me? But, remember, keep it PG-13.

I just don't include it nowadays.

There's plenty of young RP'ers lurking around. I try to keep it as PG 13 and mostly story driven as possible. (Besides real graphic violence cuz let's be honest, there's plenty in SW)
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
[member="Jade Whisperwind"]

If it doesn't involve story-driven purposes, it has no place in fiction, regarding sexuality, politics, (the best politics are solely created from an in-universe perspective, alone, IMO) etc. It's all interesting if properly grafted into a universe, but only in small doses before moving on to the next adventure. The lack of classic archetypes and emphasis on character development and classical morality are what the Mouse fails to realize, and that's what's doing them more harm then good, as I'm sure most of us can agree.


In my often disregarded opinion I feel that sexuality in roleplay should only be used if it 1. brings about the story in a new innovating way 2. is the result of a long built up romantic status that isn't just random unexciting and overall dissatisfactory story wise 3. Has a major and complex consequence on your character or characters involved in a morally just manner and 4. is PG-13 and isn't overly explicit or exaggerated in a socially awkward or uncomfortable fashion.
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Darth ravenous said:
In my often disregarded opinion I feel that sexuality in roleplay should only be used if it 1. brings about the story in a new innovating way 2. is the result of a long built up romantic status that isn't just random unexciting and overall dissatisfactory story wise 3. Has a major and complex consequence on your character or characters involved in a morally just manner and 4. is PG-13 and isn't overly explicit or exaggerated in a socially awkward or uncomfortable fashion.
Disregarded... Seriously? That all sounds about perfect to me. You're a man who knows the classical meaning of storytelling. More power to you, fellow Bard!


Ravenous has yet to ever mate with someone and the one time he tried to the person DIED. :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
One character of mine is an asexual murder machine that's currently being used to power a inter-dimensional horror's gateway into this galaxy.

The other is a feral cannibal who's only just starting to be reminded on what it's like to be a functioning member of society.

Suffice to say, to include these concepts into either of my character's arcs or thread is highly unrealistic and would ruin the character entirely.


Disney's Princess
A good love story is best story. :D

As for RP? Nah. Been there, done that. Kept the mermaid. I'm G rated these days. Keeps the Admins happy. Keeps the kiddos from teaching me new things. I'm good.


The Nameless One

​what your saying actually makes a lot of sense that's part of the reason I didn't like Finn and Rose's ark in TLJ because it felt extremely rushed it was out of the blue and overall completely unbelievable. People say that attack of the clones was rushed but at least the plot takes longer than like A DAY AND A HALF.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Darth Carnifex said:
Carnifex has ten wives and a notable male lover.


OK....That maybe a little extreme but I'm with her on this one except for the cross thing. SRSLY man pick ONE and stick with her.
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
[member="Darth ravenous"]

I've no luck with women, myself, but I'd stick with one if I could find one, for sure. I was in love once, but, like what happened to Ms. Puff's husband, we don't talk about that...


You know I have always fancied how a extraordinarily diverse contingent of people can just sit down and talk about something we can all agree on.

I also took 5th in that competition

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