Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shaap Australis

ARC 5607 "Woods"​



NAME: Shaap Australis

Clan: Australis


AGE: 24

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.83 m

WEIGHT: 170lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: White




Advanced Training: Shaap like the rest of his squad of Alpha-class ARC's underwent training on a personal level with Jango Fett and the Mandalorian advisors. His ability with advanced weapons, vehicles, and equipment shot passed that of the standard clone flash training. Furthermore after operations in the early part of the clone wars the 104th ARC squad underwent cultural training to better understand and deal with the Deathwatch for their Anti-Insurgent operations.

CQB: With each squad member of the 5 man 104th Battalion ARC team came to a role of specialty. Shaap had his role within close quarters battle. Using various pieces of equipment such as explosives, flamethrowers, and Jump packs.


Memory Loss: Shaap's true body died hundreds of year ago and his mind is trying to catch up to its new body. His gaps in memory and constant headaches are not of any help to him. Furthermore, his body adapting to a new mind causes loss of the old memories.

A lack of Birth: Shaap was not born but cloned as an Alpha-class ARC trooper. For this reason, he had no family or knowledge of a modern culture. Because of this his language and social skills are somewhat limited.

APPEARANCE: Being 6 foot tall and of a muscular build Shaap is a Mandalorian male donning a black and light grey set of Mandalorian armor. See images for reference. Out of armor, Shaap can be found in more common civilian clothes.

Young Life and Backstory

CT 5607 "Woods" that is what he went by for as long as he could remember or his number at the very least. He wasn't born at least not the same as most but he did grow up with a family. Most had siblings that would share toys whereas his brothers shared a genetic structure. So it is safe to say that his family was not a normal one and that would be true.

Through the early part of his life, he went only by his number. The four numbers were the closest thing he had to a name and an identity. His life consisted of training and all other factors that were attached to that of the other clones of Jango Fett. It was however later that he was pulled from the pack and informed of his altered genetics as a successful Alpha-class ARC trooper and was part of a small and tight-knit brotherhood that would eventually give him everything.

For the select few that had been engineered as ARC troopers, they were subject to specialist training by their template and other groups of Mandalorian advisors appointed under the Bounty Hunter's supervision. This led to the ARC's becoming well known throughout the rest of the galaxy as some of the top fighters amongst the GAR within the era of the clone wars. Now, most would continue to be divided and spread across the long fronts within the war when needed.

Pre-Chaos Character Development (104th battalion scripted RP)

Whence appointed to his first service 5607 or as he would later be known "Woods" was the replacement to the five-man squad of ARC troopers deployed under the command of Master Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe. Due to the combat death of the fifth team member 5607 was brought from his stasis and appointed as the fifth member.

The squad now consisted of himself, the replacement breacher and demolitions expert. Shadow, the marksman. Lion, their medic, Palv the heavy weapons gunner and finally Tex their squad leader. Now this team of ARC troopers had been close to its previous member and felt the boots of their fallen comrade being filled was not without its issues. Woods had to learn to fit in and after a few months, he started to feel more at home. After all, they had all undergone the same training and held that in common as something to set them apart from the rest of the battalion. Finally, they came around to Woods' first large-scale operation under the new guidance of the 104th battalion. This occurred when the orders came through for the ARC's to drop ahead of the main force onto a CIS held planet and provide information on armored formations as well as large separatists communications areas. Within this mission, 5607 was separated from his squad within the drop and had to fight his way back through an occupied woodland where he eventually guided in the assault. Because of his actions and eventually regrouping with the rest of his squad after they were found surviving on a mountain range he was given his new name.

As the war slogged on and the battalion was given mission after mission, the squad became somewhat like a family. It was however towards the time of the second battle of Geonosis that other special forced elements came to be under the same area of operations as the 104th's ARC squad. With this happening they found themselves being used more and more as an independent entity and were being pulled from their original battalion with whom they had fought through the worst of the war with. The squad had even undergone a specialist Mandalorian cultural course from one of the advisors that had been based on Coruscant before they were deployed to hunt down the deathwatch on Carlac. During this period Tex became heavily influenced to live up to the Mandalorian culture and warrior ideology when fighting for the republic. He started to implement further language sessions each week for his squad and any others that wanted to attend as well as sketching into his armor symbols of the people.

Woods at this point had become family with his brothers both within the 104th and with their commander. It was thanks to this that the ARC troopers of the 104th stayed with the battalion for the remainder of the war and performed with their battalion compatriots. However as the war did draw to an end and the 104th battalion were on their final mission, the ARC troopers would soon find themselves outgunned and turned on by those they had fought with for years upon years. With the arrival of order-66, almost all troops within their battalion engaged the Jedi that was accompanying them and somewhere far above Master Plo Koon was shot down and killed.

Upon the receiving of the order, the squad found themselves not compelled to do any such thing as kill the Jedi and therefore failed to engage on their targets much to the dissatisfaction of their fellow soldiers eventually leading to them being branded as the "enemy" by their brothers and hunted after the LAAT which carried them was shot down.

As the clone wars ended and a Republic became an empire. The squad went into hiding. Ditching their armor and looking for a way to slink away into the galaxy un-noticed. This opportunity arose when they came across an old stasis station in Mandalorian space. The space station seemed abandoned and was functioning only under the backup power with a variety of deactivated battle droids in place. It was here that the squad bar that of Shadow put themselves into stasis for the hope of better times and set the dials for six months.

It was during this period that Shadow revealed his own treason to the squad and turned over the now stasis-bound squad to the empire.

Stasis Period to the present:

Upon being recovered by the empire and sold out by the traitor of the squad it is unknown exactly what took place bar the face that a genetical template was taken from ARC 5607 and changed hands throughout the empire for a variety of tests.

Eventually, Woods awoke with a snapshot of his past, yet his time and place were in that of the future. His squad is gone. His body had gone and as he stared into the Mirror a new face stared straight back. What had happened is as of yet unknown but for now Shaap (Mandoa for Wood) will return to the only people that he has left in a strange new galaxy.

From there on out his story begins.






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