Shaden Vekarr

NAME: Shaden Tychon Vekarr
FACTION: Show me the money
RANK: Captain, smuggler, entrepreneur, explorer, retired Ladies man
SPECIES: Correlian ... Oh, and human
AGE: I'm a fine wine, I just get better with age
SEX: Yes
HEIGHT: 5'11
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: a refined salt and pepper
FORCE SENSITIVE: I'd rather shoot myself
(+) Old Dawg: To say that Shaden has seen his fair share would be an understatement. He was born to the life, lived the life, raised family in the life. There isn't much he hasn't seen. Even less that he isn't prepared for. Experience can be a hard teacher, abbr life has given him plenty of mentors in that regard.
(+) Family: Blood is thicker then water. The Vekarr family stands by their own through thick and thin ... Even if they suffer from handwavium disease.
(+) Brawler: You grow up around roughnecks in every seedy port throughout the galaxy and then tell me you don't pick up some skills. Fists, feet, head, knife, or a chair ... You don't work around the dregs without learning how they fight and using it too.
(+) Gunslinger: Shaden was raised with one hand on the pilot's yoke and the other with a pistol. The family had near perfect hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness that made brandishing and using firearms an innate skill.
(+) Pilot: If it can fly, then Shaden can do it. Raised from a babe watching his father pilot taught him from an early age how to captain any vessel. And although Corellia boasts a great many feats of starships, she also has a hunk of junk birthed for every impressive ship. His father flew them all as can Shaden.
(-) Freedom: Being captain of your own fate has a bit of a fairy tale ring to it. However the truth is that when you are running solo ,just you and your crew, any trouble that you get into falls squarely on your own shoulders to get out of. And sometimes its a messy extraction.
(-) Daredevil: You never tell a Corellian the odds because they will just prove you wrong. Taking the typical stereotype a step further Shaden will take any challenge to prove that what others can do, a Corellian can do better and with more swag. This attitude has gotten even more pronounced as he had gotten older.
(-) Prejudice: "You think just because you wave your hands and make osik happens makes you better then me? You're wrong. You pull your pants on the same as me. You drink a beer the same as me. And when i put a slug in your head, you'll die the same." To say he isn't a fan of force users is an understatement. And Shaden is not afraid to say it.
(-) Old Dawg: Time has taken it's toll and life has seen his body battered. While he's learned much in life the old saying, " You can't teach an old dog new tricks" does have some validity. Shaden sometimes forgets he's older and answers scenarios in the same manner he would have thirty years earlier. And it has a cost.
(-) Alone: A man comes into the galaxy alone. And thats how he leaves it. But life in betwixt should not be lonely. However being thrust into a father figure role for his brother, losing his mother, then brother, and daughter has seen him withdraw. You can't have your heart hurt if it's closed off.
:Shaden is a fairly average human male, standing at five feet and eleven inches and weighing around two hundred and five pounds of mostly muscle. He wears casual clothes that might befit a smuggler with special lining in his clothes to help with the cold of space though he has become quite accustomed to it. He has a rugged, good looks that is not always the most welcoming view when he's angry. Although he's older he looks and acts like a man two decades younger due to good genetics and an active life style.

Born on Corellia, Shaden began his life well immersed into the life of smugglers. His father was a skilled smuggler and a even more skilled pilot who traveled from planet to planet seeking jobs and high bidding whales. Spending most of his time on board a freighter Shaden grew closer to his mother than his father who was constantly at the controls or dealing with crime bosses, which meant playing a lot of holoboard games.

When he reached the age of twelve his father started to pay more attention to him and began the long arduous process of transitioning him into smuggling.
He learned fast, developing a knack for evading even the most dangerous of pursuits, which he chalked up to being fairly clever. His father continued to teach him the ropes for the next six years until he was killed in a skirmish with pirates. Shaden's mother watched as his father and childhood friend Raahil faced off against a group of pirates after the goods stored on the freighter. Though the spices and other goods were kept safe Shaden's father was killed by jumping from the ship through the docking hatch and detonating a thermal detonator on board the pirate's vessel. That event was the turning point of Shaden's life as he now had a nine year old younger brother, Kavis, to look after and his mother to consider. So he turned his eyes to the future.

He began by modifying the YT-2000 Light Freighter he'd inherited from his father. Boosting it's speed and defenses were his primary goals and with the help of Raahil they were able to get back up and running into the smuggling business within two years. By that time he was twenty years old and found his way into the pay roll of much deeper pocketed employers than his father. One of these employers brought he, Raahil and his family to the planet of Coruscant for a job that would prove more dangerous than even the pirate attack two years prior. Shaden accepted but insisted he needed time to prepare, in which time he fell in love with an aristocrat's daughter.

At first it seemed like a dream he could never have that would be short lived Shaden was left with a choice. Settle down and give up the life of danger and adventure he'd become so used to or leave her forever. A decision he couldn't possibly make. A decision he didn't have to make whether it be by a stroke of luck when the girl, Zulara, chose to go against her father's will and leave with Shaden and his family. Yet, despite a joyous addition to his entourage, he was forced to leave his mother behind due to her ailing health vowing he would come back another day.
Within the same year Zulara became pregnant with and gave birth to their daughter Tyria Vekarr. Together they raised her in the life of a smuggler as a navigator until Zulara received word from Coruscant that her father had died and she was urgently needed to keep the peace. Saddened by this news Shaden let Zulara go with wishes to his mother for her health and gave her the same promise he gave his mother. Zulara's last gift to Shaden before departing was to leave Tyria in Shaden and Kavis' care before Shaden once again disappeared into the cold of space to complete the charter.

About eleven years later after the job had been finished Shaden found it difficult to return to Coruscant, learning that his mother had died and that Zulara herself became ill with the same sickness that ailed his mother. Furious with this turn of events Shaden returned to Coruscant to find Zulara well and invigorated by his presence which made his happy beyond words. Together they saw their daughter through two years of academy training until it was time once again for Shaden to leave, but not before adding a new member to his crew, Naomi Dergar. A woman good at getting what she wants through both mind and body, a gambler, con artist, negotiator and strategist.
With heavy hearts Shaden and Tyria said farewell to Zulara as they set out in search of more adventure.

His love, his ship, his crew. One contract at a time and one illegal cargo after another. Life was good. But fate was never kind to Shaden. Making a return to Coruscant saw his wife fall ill to the same disease that took his mother. When she passed away he took to the skies swearing to never return to the planet that had taken so much.
In his grief he found comfort in the arms if another woman, Naomi Dergar. The pleaure and peace found in Naomi's embrace soothed his troubled mind for a time resulting in the conception and birth of a second daughter.
And for a time he was content.

The fates always seemed to take an interest in the Vekarr family. And so it was that the serenity that Shaden had found was stripped away. His sister-in-law passed away and in grief his brother poured his attention into Katria to teach her what he had neglected. At the same time Naomi left with Lora. Finding solace in the family business Shaden taught his niece the use of his old trusty DL-44. And as the years passed he felt the pangs of loss lessen. But , again, the fates had different plans in store for Shaden.

Ten years. Seemed he had blinked and time had flown by. On a lucrative job Shaden and his brother went to the unknown regions to track down a lost artifact. Leaving Katria behind the brothers made landfall and began to search the ruins of an old temple. But unbeknownst to them the temple had once been the site of an ancient battle between jedi and sith which had caused a force nexus to come into existence.
When they found the artifact it disturbed the balance that had been previously maintained for so long and a vortex of force energy sprang to life consuming the temple ruins. As well as the two brothers. They disappeared without a trace.

Seven years later...
He was spat upon the earth of the planet he had disappeared from. Shaden searched for his brother to no avail for weeks. Finally he returned to his ship to find it had still been sitting dormant all this time. Leaving the planet behind he recruited a new crew to continue the search for his brother and reestablish relations with the other Vekarr throughout the galaxy.
A Vekarr always survives.
A Vekarr always thrives.