Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shadow boxing


@[member='Wrale Elerel'], are you free to be attacked by anyone? Or is this for someone specifically because I don't see anything suggesting that.

If it is open to anyone I'd like to jump in (maybe someone wants to hire me to collect a padawan braid?)

Well at any rate. Would anyone be interested in fighting a Shadow trooper?
To the question above.....what did you have in mind? All out battle, martial arts, ranged, if you could give me an idea of what interests you we might be able to work something out.


I was thinking full gear.

For me that would mean my oh so stealthy Shadowtrooper armor, my magnetic boots to combat force push/pull. A repulsor pack for a silent way of getting around in the sky. A CryoBan grenade, and an Adhesive grenade. After that all I have left is my E-11 Blaster rifle to shoot at you with, though I am considering the use of the DC-19 "Stealth" Carbine. Could be quite useful. Oh, and I also have an Archaic Shadowtrooper Lightsaber. You know, the ones from Jedi Outcast and junk

What would that mean for you?
It is doable. I propose a duel then:

Post the location where the duel will take place, number of posts allowed for each writer, extent of damage allowed if you can and if these are acceptable we can start a duel post.


I'm thinking either a City world or a Forest/Jungle world. So something like Curoscant lower levels (maybe?) or Kashyyyk and possibly Yavin 4.

I'm not sure on the post count, how long do these normally take? What would your suggestion be for that?

It'd be preferable if there was no death involved. However, I will accept injury's that could effectively put one out of the game (i.e., loss of limb, ect...).

Are these terms acceptable? (On an unrelated note, I'm up for hire on anything bounty-hunter-y and Mercenary-y related)


I don't see any reason as long as Daxton is alright with it, why you can't join in too. Three way duel. I'm doing one as Shaper Haru elsewhere and it seems to be okay. However, there is the problem of teaming up. I don't think that will happen here though if it was three way.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Teaming up? That's no concern. Me and Daxton would just be stabbing eachother in the back xD


That's not what I meant, I was thinking that you might have a motive with teaming with me, considering Daxton is a Sith you hate and I'd be trying to kill him too.

But if you have no concerns about this than neither do I!

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

I don't have any plans to team. I'm a murderous, backstabbing, honourless son of a queen. And a Mandalorian.

Jorn Mair

IC: Whats the thread?! Ill shot some many Damn holes in ya you will look like swiss cheeze!!!

OOC: good luck lol


IC: Please, you can't see this brother! *stealths and then sneakily fly's over head with Stealth carbine mentioned above^*

OCC: Yup, lol

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