Jaster Awaud
Elder of Clan Awaud

Criminal Organization Name: Shadow Legion
Type: Syndicate and Smuggling organization
Affiliation: None
Alignment: True Neutral
Operations: Smuggling, Arms Dealing, Fencing, and Criminal Enforcement
Dia Specter: Tydus Wryeen
High General: NPC
Sargent it the Legionnaires: NPC
Legionnaire: NPC
Dia Sha-Dows: FU and NFU who specialize in Espionage and Sabotage, wearing masks during Gatherings and meet ups. Usually working in groups of 3 as Cells, they do the bidding of the Dia Specter.
The Syndicate is a marvel of its own, ran more as a secret society instead of a criminal enterprise. It prefers to keep its head under the spotlight of the Galaxy. Many of its business is more along the lines of putting out request, hiring thugs, and dealing in weapons. It's leadership of well known as the Arms Dealer, Tydus Wryeen. Other then that however, membership is quite secretive. In recent month though, they have been defining their borders and enforcing the criminals in their areas.
The Shadow Legion first consisted of a loose network of spies. Then turning into a secret society of like minded individual who wanted to keep a lit on crime in their prospected locations. Many of the membership of the Syndicate are still very unknown, only a select handful choose to reveal themselves as members. Mostly working in the realm of stealing and selling weapons as well as buying stolen goods. They prefer to deal in trade over money, providing gear, ships, and other goods instead of cold hard credits.
One of the hard realities of the Syndicate is that if any Criminal Activity happened within their organized borders, they "Request" a payment. Those who don't pay the toll either go missing, or a bounty is posted for their capture.
Once called the Black Hat, they were a very loose network of Spies and Saboteur. Kidnapped and transported to unknown locations across the Galaxy, they were trained to be the very best. They were an elite membership of the Black Suns, only answering to the Head Specture, who was a member of the Heads of the Underworld. They were very good at their job and were so stealthy, members of the Black Suns never knew of their existence.
That was until they became under new leadership. An Arms Dealer named Tydus Wyreen became the new head of the Black Hats, after their previous leader was found dead of "Natural Causes". Tydus lead the BH to a new and stronger path, making members into cells of operators, instead of lonely informants feeding information. This made membership more important, making kidnapping higher and qualification lower. As membership soared the leaders around Tydus wanted the organization to spread its wings away from the Black Suns, Tydus agreed.
Using Tydus connection within his Arms Dealing Contracts, he build warehouses to store their weapons and house their Specters between mission. One off the planet of Commenor, the other on Conglomerate Prime. Separated by vastness of space, smugglers are used regularly to transport higher end supplies while the bulk product is transported by Galactic Trade Inc. a company owned by Tydus used as a front to transport his ill gotten goods. Now build around the premise of being a secret society outside the prying eyes of the government, their power lies within the Core Worlds.
Planet Name: Commenor
Key locations: Warehouse 42
Planet Name: Conglomerate Prime
Key location: Warehouse 66
Other: None
Members: Tydus Wryeen