Ice walked into his companies R & D lab one morning, with an idea to create a new stealth suit to be worn by the Shadow Empires elite forces. He entered the room, and his staff began to take there seats. He gave them all a welcoming smile and said, "Good morning everyone. I don't mean to rush, but please. Let's have everyone take a seat and get ready. I have a particularly interesting challenge for you all."
He too, took a seat and waited till he noticed everyone was ready and listening. "Ok. What I want to do today is come up with a concept for an active camo suit. Something our elite forces can use to get in and around places unnoticed. Standard camo is not good enough. However, I want to eliminate the use of stealth technology. Those things are expensive, and we have already created numerous items which unfortunately have a hefty price tag."
He nodded his head a bit. "They work great mind you, and are impressive. But this I want to rely more on standard items. I'm looking for something no heavier than standard medium armor. Active cammo, good defense against blasters, and flexible."
The looks around the room he got, weren't very encouraging. This was a tall order true, but he felt they could do it. "So come on. Start throwing ideas out there."
He too, took a seat and waited till he noticed everyone was ready and listening. "Ok. What I want to do today is come up with a concept for an active camo suit. Something our elite forces can use to get in and around places unnoticed. Standard camo is not good enough. However, I want to eliminate the use of stealth technology. Those things are expensive, and we have already created numerous items which unfortunately have a hefty price tag."
He nodded his head a bit. "They work great mind you, and are impressive. But this I want to rely more on standard items. I'm looking for something no heavier than standard medium armor. Active cammo, good defense against blasters, and flexible."
The looks around the room he got, weren't very encouraging. This was a tall order true, but he felt they could do it. "So come on. Start throwing ideas out there."