Ice had made a couple ships designs so far. But no matter what he did, he just couldn't seem to fit everything he was after into the design. So finally, he was done with frigates. He was tired of trying to cram everything into small spaces and always coming up short. Sticking to his normal fashion, he opened up a new project. One that he would go all out on. A heavy support cruiser. This vessel would be STI's command ship. All they would ever need to house and protect those people, items, designs and whatever else that was most important to Ice.
It wouldn't be a fighting vessel, he knew. But Ice was determined to make this ship a fortress. He'd bring in all the top scientists and engineers he could find. he would go over every detail meticulously until the ship was exactly what he wanted. The first thing he would start with would be the ships armor. Without waiting another second, he called in his armor engineers...
It wouldn't be a fighting vessel, he knew. But Ice was determined to make this ship a fortress. He'd bring in all the top scientists and engineers he could find. he would go over every detail meticulously until the ship was exactly what he wanted. The first thing he would start with would be the ships armor. Without waiting another second, he called in his armor engineers...