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Approved Armor Shadow Trooper Mk. VI Variant

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Manufacturer: Revelation
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average

The clandestine organization Revelation paired up with the Empire -- that ultimately provided Tarra Vos her training and equipment -- to develop a new model of clandestine operative armor. Both parties came away with a few variations of the design in exchange for materials and skills needed to produce it. The ultimate goal was to fashion operatives able to get into secure areas, monitor targets, acquire materials, and even eliminate threats. Several models had extra defensive capabilities to ensure the same operative could make it back out again as both suit and wearer were not cheap to come by.

This particular variant was for a long-term operative that might need to traverse difficult terrain, lurk within sight of the target, and being so far from regular supply lines or reinforcements defend them self against opposition if they were discovered. It was one of the most expensive designs given the variety of use cases it had to cover. Unavoidable weaknesses cropped up as a result, of course; the inability to close joint-gaps, limited lightsaber defense (enough to survive, but not meant to tackle an army of Force Users alone), and most notably the lack of robust EMP/ION protections. Other variants had greater electronic protection to ensure their cloaks weren't overwhelmed, or faster/stronger jetpacks, arsenals of accessories (e.g. flamethrowers), and so on; but putting everything into a single suit would have made it bulky, slowing down or hampering a mobile operative's movements.

Of special note was the inclusion of cortosis in the helmet so the wearer had a reduced presence in the Force to avoid highly sensitive Force Users from instantly sensing an invisible presence. Even that isn't a perfect concealment to those exceptionally strong, skilled, or at times close enough to interpret the unnerving sense of being watched. The cortosis weave is also not dense enough to be an effective disruption of lightsabers; this choice was made to limit the amount of expensive cortosis needed, and avoid introducing structural weaknesses (brittleness) in the helmet's design.



  • Stealth: Through use of material such as stygian-triprismatic polymer and cortosis, and technologies such as a personal cloaking devices, the wearer is able to go undetected in many circumstances. Extensive training is also necessary as the suit alone cannot provide the greatest results, but together make for an effective scout, spy, or clandestine operative.
  • Shock & Awe: Ballistic shielding bolsters the physical defense of the polymer, while pkrik-enhanced lower arm and leg guards provide limited defense against lightsabers in close quarters. Most have come to look down on Trooper-style armor, but this is no mass-produced model; it isn't the strongest, but it provides the wearer a fighting chance when the cloak is down.
  • Survival: The environment underlay, filters, enhanced optics suit, oxygen tank, and utility belt enable the wearer to trek across rough terrain and survive exposure in the wild in order to reach their destination undetected.
  • Swift: A jetpack and acceleration compensators enable the wearer to pursue quarry, or facilitate a rapid escape from otherwise lethal encounters.


  • I Find You: The right kind or strength of electronic disruption or negation can interfere with the cloak/stealth field, enhanced optics, and other electronic-based gear. Disruption to the Heads Up Display can leave the wearer blind until the system recovers or the helmet is removed.
  • I See You: Materials and technologies afford protection by evading detection, but it is not impervious. Designed to fool common sentient and technological detection methodologies, it cannot account for every kind that might be encountered. Additionally, while there is a sound-dampening component to the technology it cannot suppress a wearer who makes unnecessary noise, fires a weapon, or otherwise shatters the metaphorical (and literal) veil of concealment. While it can be adjusted to meet a particular theater of activity, it will never be an impenetrable veil.
  • I Stab You: While the gaps in the armor are a bit tighter in tolerance, and don't stand out like they do on white Stormtrooper armor, there is still weaker armor at the shoulders and crotch that could be exploited by a skilled (or lucky) combatant.
  • I Feel You: Furthermore, removing the helmet eliminates the Force-dulling effect that reduced trained Force Users' ability to detect the wearer. Unrelated, the cortosis woven into the helmet is not dense enough to cause lasting effect to lightsaber blades on contact.


  • Classification: Stealth Combat Armor
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Other:
      • Elemental: High
      • EMP/ION: Low



Out Of Character Info

Intent: Personal Armor for Tarra Vos
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Tarra Vos
Model: Shadow Trooper Mk. VI Variant
Modular: Yes
Material: Stygian-triprismatic Polymer, Phrik
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):

Lightsaber: High

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