Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shadow Vire

species: human/
age: 12
height: 1.2
weight: 90 lbs
eyes: green emerald
Hair: black short hair that sometimes spike back if not managed properly
skin: pale
force sensitive
strength: has a tactical mind that think out side the box in hard press situations
weaknesses: is human and is very emotional can get angry or fustrated
appearance: hes young black hair and green eyes give him a cheerful look
biography: shadow vire doesn't remember much of his life past 5 years ago he is a traveling orphan hitch hiking on ships he was found by a old human jedi master who was dying of old age who explained to him that he was force sensitive the jedi only trained him to force jump, pull and push before dying of old age but now the padawan must find a jedi master to further his training
ship: hitch hikes and works on a ship for free passage
kills: none
bounties: none
powers: beginner force powers
i would like to note that im totally new at this and would appreciate some help if u see some errors or see that this is lacking in some way


Well-Known Member
He walks in, reading a book on his datapad, then looks up. He blinks, raises a hand and opens his mouth to say something, then closes it again and walks away, baffled.

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