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Approved Tech Shadow Walker MK.I

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[SIZE=9pt]Image Source: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To create a set of armor usable by the members of the Shadow Dynasty, mainly the Shadow agents.
Development Thread: If Necessary
Manufacturer: Iscariot Industries
Model: Shadow Walker Mk. I
Affiliation: Shadow Dynasty, Iscariot Industries
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Armorweave, Molytex, and flexisteel[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Classification:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Multipurpose
Weight: [/SIZE] 8 kg
Quality: 4
Special Features:

[SIZE=9pt]Thermal-infrared scanner[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]360 degree Field of view[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Description: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The Shadow Walker armor was put into the development stages after Judas Zambrano’s rise to Crimson agent. With so many lightsaber users running around the galaxy it was becoming a large threat to the shadow agents, and they needed a way to survive such an encounter even if it only increased their odds by a fraction. So the Shadow Walker armor was created. Using the above materials the armor was obviously made for use against Lightsaber, and blaster wielding opponents. Using layers of Armorweave and Molytex a energy resistant armor was created to where it can take glancing blows from a lightsaber, but a dedicated strike could cut completely through it. Blaster pistols, or weaker rifles are almost useless against the armor due to its protection against them. Yet anything on par with a sniper rifle or more powerful will pierce the armor. The Flexisteel is used as the outermost layer due to it’s pliable nature allowing the wearer a great amount of flexibility. Being so light people are able to move at a extreme speed. Yet this armors main downfall are slugthrower weapons as they can easily pierce this armor and kill the wearer. The HUD is made to provide the user a full three hundred sixty degree field of vision which allows them to be aware of their surroundings at all time as well as having a thermal scanner that allows them to pick out targets in the dark. [/SIZE]
Judas Zambrano said:
Using layers of Armorweave and Molytex a energy resistant armor was created to where it can take glancing blows from a lightsaber, but a dedicated strike could cut completely through it. Blaster pistols, or weaker rifles are almost useless against the armor due to its protection against them. Yet anything on par with a sniper rifle or more powerful will pierce the armor. The Flexisteel is used as the outermost layer due to it’s pliable nature allowing the wearer a great amount of flexibility. Being so light people are able to move at a extreme speed. Yet this armors main downfall are slugthrower weapons as they can easily pierce this armor and kill the wearer.

Going to go ahead and make a big point to explain that:
  • Armorweave is not lightsaber resistant, a glancing blow is the very outer-most edge of the tip of a lightsaber coming in brief (less than 1 second) contact with the material.
  • This material is far from impervious to blaster pistols/rifles/etc, although it is resilient and useful to protect against these in comparison to the alternative of nothing or other materials (armorweave provides assistance for this).
  • At 8kg this hardly allows for any increases in speed, far from it. 8kg is 17.63 pounds, generally about 13% of the average human body weight.
[member="Darth Vitium"]

I didn't mean it as a increase in speed by more of it won't hold someone back as much as heavier armor would. As you said it does equal 17 pounds and is still lighter than what the Army uses. Which they aren't slow at all wearing their gear. I also used personal experiences such as having a twenty pound backpack and still being able to jog home from school which was two miles away with almost no problem.

As far as the armorweave that's why I said it and molytex were layered in a way to provide a bit more protection from things such as blasters and lightsabers since Molytex does have a similar effect. In light of this I said that it would be near impervious to blaster pistols, but anything more powerful would be a problem. I agree with you on the lightsaber part as well. It was only meant to take blows such as that.
There's a difference in wearing a backpack to standing inside a suit of metal and restrictive clothing, but that isn't the point, I am clarifying this so that others do not see the description and take it literally.

That being said, the quality of your armor is directly proportionate to the amount of punishment it can take, and there are blaster pistols which can do far more damage than almost any blaster rifle you will find out there. Keep that in mind.

In any case, the points have been made, this is pending secondary.
[member="Judas Zambrano"]
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