Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Shadowmane

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"The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."

  • Intent: To sub Hircine's chosen warriors
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: Mercenaries
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: Shadowmane
  • Affiliation: [member="Hircine"]
  • Classification: Commandos
  • Equipment: Various
  • Availability: Rare
  • Deployment: Limited
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
    Enhanced: Each member of Shadowmane is enhanced in some sort of way whether it be cybernetics, alchemy, etc.
  • Diversity: The multitude of species within Shadowmane is it's greatest strength. People from different backgrounds and skills allows Shadowmane to perform nearly any operation required of it.
  • Diversity: While being diverse is a great strength, it's also a strong weakness. Conflicting ideals and beliefs causes much infighting among the group.
  • Psychosis: Some of the procedures used to enhance members of Shadowmane have left their minds irrevocably altered to the point where they have hallucinations ranging from small to so vivid they believe them to be real.
  • Divided, We Fall: Members of Shadowmane have learned to fight in such a cohesive matter that one fighting on their own would be at a severe disadvantage. Each member has a specialty that works alongside the others and without others there to reinforce them, they would be certainly outmatched.

[*]Description: There was a time in Hircine's life when she had a family, a group of her blood relatives that would die for one another. Hircine was young and naive and could not see the importance to have people close to you in such a way. Since then, she has grown much more knowledgeable and aware. She knew that if she were to survive in the galaxy, she would need a family. She needed a pack.

Hircine began scouting out special individuals throughout the galaxy that she could use at her side. Her travels take her to different corners of the galaxy, searching far and wide, high and low for these people worthy enough to be apart of her entourage.
[member="Arekk"] | [member="Hircine"]

My apologies for the wait.

I have talked things over and it seems this group might be better served as a combat unit, rather than a NPC group. Mostly because this seems to be more focused on combat whereas the Group template is meant for non-combat applications.

You could either swap this into a combat unit template or edit this to the extent of fitting the NPC group context.

Let me know which way you want to go.

Please note the functional advantage of these enhancements- I don't need direct multipliers, but just the usual 'faster' or 'stronger' or something else will work here.

Also, if you don't want to link to specific gear, just mention something in the way of 'standard gear', so people don't get confused here.
[member="Jairus Starvald"] That would require me to know each and every npc I'm going to make for this which will be a lot. They each will have their own specific enhancements that will be laid out in their own separate NPC subs.

With the understanding you will be filling out the blanks with separate NPCs submissions, I am okay with this, as this isn't grossly overpowered or anything. As long as things remain reasonable this should be fine.

Pending secondary approval!
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