Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shadows in the Snow



TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The stealth systems on the Reaper did the job. Got the two of them into the system unnoticed, and Jonyna thanked her lucky stars for Si Tech's advances. As they landed, Jonyna slipped her coat's hood on and zipped it up. Benefit of it was how warm it was, but she knew that Hoth was well below freezing.

"The Rebel Base should still be there if we're lucky. Last time I was here, Senator Leia was pissed about something." Jonyna looked to Val with a concerned look. "What kinda thing you think the Sith have here? Not sure they'd get much use of Wampa meat."



Outfit: Winter gear | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery grumbled.

It was no secret that she hated the cold, and her constant grumbling and muttering to herself made it obvious all over again. But with an important mission that could help change the future of this war, she forced herself to focus. They were going to try and locate an old rebel base, one they could maybe set up as a secret outpost.

Perhaps a listening post?

It was risky. If the Sith discovered it, they'd not only bring it down but also reinforce the planet. If they went unseen, though, this could offer vital intel.

"Here? I doubt much of anything. This planet isn't along their border and doesn't really have any strategic importance. Well, not yet, at least."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna led them up to the cargo hold, Jonyna's astromech Dice having set up and tuned a pair of Speeders for the pair. "We should be fine. Unless there's some sith out in the tundra, I think we should be good. Now..." She pulled out a datapad, typing in some coordinates. "We should have about a 15 minute drive until we hit the entrance. Scans are showing the entrance has about 10 feet of snow covering it, but..." She chuckled. "Fire should deal with that. Grandmaster and the Firestarter, eh?"

It had been quite a long time since she'd called herself that, but it stuck still. "You ever driven a speeder?"



Outfit: Winter gear | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I doubt Sith visit his frozen wasteland unless something gives them a reason to." Their current mission could, but only if they were caught or if the old rebel base was discovered. It was still a surprise to her that these bases existed without having been taken over, but perhaps there had been more than one on Hoth?

Turning to the speeders, Valery smirked, "I've got one myself that goes ridiculously fast. It's one thing I enjoy very much." Valery hopped on and fired up the engine.

Once Jonyna was ready, the Jedi Master blasted off across the surface of Hoth. As much as she hated the planet, this rush of adrenaline briefly made her forget about the cold.

"Let's make this a 10-minute drive!"


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Valery Noble, Adrenaline Junkie.

Jonyna would remember that.

Blasting off behind her, Jonyna let out a laugh as she tailed behind the grand master, using her comms to let Val hear the laugh. “I didn’t take you for a speed queen. You ever thought of getting into Podracing?”



Outfit: Winter gear | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I've joined several podraces in the past, actually," Valery said as she used an elevated piece of ice to jump across flat snow. "I also joined a race on water on Pamarthe and a swoop bike race on..." She couldn't remember which planet, but it had been an interesting change of pace from her usual racing.

Not that she did it too often, but she enjoyed it when she did.

"It has been a while, though! Maybe if a new race is organized, I can bring you along."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"So noted." Jonyna chuckled. "I'd love to come along next time. Speeders used to scare the crap out of me, but then I met a friend. Zash, former Imp pilot turned rebel ace. She was obsessed with speed. Must be a pilot thing, but she helped me learn the basics on how to fly. Definitely didn't take you for a speed freak though. That's Turbo~" Jonyna giggled, quoting one of Zash's old phrases. "What else don't I know about you Val? Come on, share up. I got nothing to hide, and we got 15 minutes before we hit the target. What's your favorite food?"

Jonyna admittedly did see the appeal of speeders like this. It reminded her of the thrill of tree-surfing, and the freedom of the open fields. She needed to take Val to the open savannah on Cathar sometime. 1500 kilometers of open grassland on the southern side of the planet.

But really, she just wanted to know more about her friend.



Outfit: Winter gear | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery snickered, "You want to hear about my spicy secrets and it's my favorite food you ask about?" That was certainly a choice and also a very easy question for her to answer, "My favorite food is steak. Nothing beats steak dinner with a glass of wine, some romantic candles, and maybe a bit of music in the background." It's how she spent a lot of her date nights with Kahlil and she could never grow tired of it.

Maybe that's what she'd ask for when she came home after this mission.

"Anything else you want to know?"


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Oh shit, now you're making me hungry. I got some steaks back at the Reaper, we'll have some on the way back. Same here, I make a mean steak. Alright, uh...what's the weirdest place being a jedi has taken you? For me it was a crashed CIS ship, way out in the Tingle Arm. We had to go looking for this scientist, actually how I got the Reaper. Stole it off the imperial scout party that went to look for us."



Outfit: Winter gear | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery blinked, "A CIS ship, hm?" she hummed in thought, trying to think of weird places she had been to. Probably a lot of them but if you've seen what Valery has, very few things really feel weird anymore. But she had plenty of stories about interesting places, and she assumed that Jonyna just wanted to hear something special, funny, or absurd.

"I once infiltrated a sinister dance party where cultists ended up killing everybody in attendance. It was very weird until it got really intense," she said with a chuckle.

"Not sure if I'd really describe anything else I've seen as weird."


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