Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shadows on Bilbringi

Barrien Siegfried

Bilbringi was a foreign world type to him.

He had been to a great many worlds since he left Oaken Dawn, but he had never been to a shipyard planet. It was by far the most industrial world he had been to, and that was readily noticed in the choked atmosphere. Choked for him, at least. For most people it probably wasn't much different from the norm. He couldn't help but stifle a cough as he exited the transport. Even the starport had terrible air quality for him. He didn't see anyone else coughing, though. Probably he just had sensitive lungs. Too much time on Midvinter with the clean air, he told himself as he entered the mass of people moving through the building.

He was supposed to be meeting an apprentice by the name of Alera Vangelis near the entrance to the starport. To make it easier to spot him, he wore a typical High Republic Jedi Guardian robe. He didn't carry the typical lightsaber, however. He had never been much for swords, and sabers were too similar for him. Instead he had opted for a saber lance. It was similar to the pikes and spears he used at home. He also had a black, phrik shield on his arm. Being a Guardian meant engaging in dangerous situations. Though he always telried to deescalate, sometimes that just wasn't possible and he had to engage in battle with people. Better to do that with sturdy defense.

Though he had drawn a few curious stares, nobody seemed inclined to approach him for the moment. He was not familiar with Alera, so he didn't know who to look for, either. He had to hope that she would recognize his garb and find him in that manner. In order to pass the time as he waited, he approached a vendor and purchased a cheesy meat pie with pepper. Better not to work on an empty stomach, anyway.

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