Barkt Melan
Next-Gen Bothan
Intent: To create a special piece of tech for the usage of Heofon, and to make a better defined version of this in pertenence to starships
Development Thread: Here
Manufacturer: Heofon Industries
Model: ShadowWing Coating
Affiliation: Heofon industries
Modularity: No
Production: minor
Material: Various Polymers
Description: ShadowWing is an experimental technology designed to mimic a Stygium cloak’s reflective abilities, without actually needing to use Stygium from the Protectorate or Mandalorians. The Polymer works by absorbing the signals of scanners, and then shedding them off as a trail behind the ship. While this does provide the obvious advantage of hiding from sensors, flying at high speeds will cause the trail to become easily detectable. Also, anyone familiar to the Technology will know exactly what to look for: the trail is a major weakness if you know what to look for.
Another weakness is that the whole ship can’t be covered, as to do so would stop the pilot from seeing out of it. So, it is possible that the ship could be detected, but this is somewhat unlikely. Another simple thing to note is that the coating, as it is not a perfect mimicry of Stygium, it does weaken the sensors of the ship it’s used on.
Development Thread: Here
Manufacturer: Heofon Industries
Model: ShadowWing Coating
Affiliation: Heofon industries
Modularity: No
Production: minor
Material: Various Polymers
Description: ShadowWing is an experimental technology designed to mimic a Stygium cloak’s reflective abilities, without actually needing to use Stygium from the Protectorate or Mandalorians. The Polymer works by absorbing the signals of scanners, and then shedding them off as a trail behind the ship. While this does provide the obvious advantage of hiding from sensors, flying at high speeds will cause the trail to become easily detectable. Also, anyone familiar to the Technology will know exactly what to look for: the trail is a major weakness if you know what to look for.
Another weakness is that the whole ship can’t be covered, as to do so would stop the pilot from seeing out of it. So, it is possible that the ship could be detected, but this is somewhat unlikely. Another simple thing to note is that the coating, as it is not a perfect mimicry of Stygium, it does weaken the sensors of the ship it’s used on.