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Shagrath Ishahn

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NAME: Shagrath Ishahn
AGE: 30
HEIGHT: 5ft 8in
WEIGHT: 212 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dirty Blonde
SKIN: White


Ishahn is devious; the type of man who could convince you to sell him your dying grandmother's home for a power converter. While his stature is small, he is adept at hand to hand combat, with a specialty in melee weaponry. His weakness is his hubris. Unaware that he is a force adept, Ishanhn relies on his inherent abilities and squanders his untapped potential. He thinks he is god's gift to the universe, and therefore constantly gets in over his head due to over-estimating himself. He has a fear of ships and vehicles, refuses to pilot anything, and depends on others to get him from Point A to Point B. He has enough credits to pay for transportation, for now.
He is leasing out the service of two Rodians, Leevix and Neveef, to drive a beat-up old Hutt HH-87 Starhopper he received, as payment, for a major Spice deal he supervised on Nar Shadda. Shagrath was not pleased with the deal, as it is barely functional and seems to be practically dead, already, after one trip.

Shagrath Ishahn was born to an wealthy family on Corellia. The Ishahn Dynasty had a finger in nearly every major part of Corellian infrastructure and industry for centuries. Shagrath was the heir apparent to the family's small empire, but began squandering his opportunities at a young age. Instead of wining and dining with his peers, networking with the future of power in Corellia, he traveled to the lowest sectors of the planet. He began dealing high-quality death sticks to the youth at a bargain, working his way up to spice and weapons on the black market. In many ways, Shagrath continued the family legacy. He had a finger in every major segment of the Corellian black market by the time he was twenty. Soon enough, Shagrath's luck began to run out as he had stepped on too many toes over the years. Drug lords, arms dealers, and eventually his parents, all wanted his head. Knowing he wasn't safe, he fled Corellia and hopped from system to system, scheming and dealing his way around. This routine worked for him for some time, but his luck and nest-egg are wearing thin.







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