Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Shai Moss

NAME: Shai Moss
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Jedi Knight, Consular
AGE: 33
HEIGHT: 6ft 0in
WEIGHT: 157lbs
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, trained by the Jedi Order.

A fairly average sort of man. Fair skin marked with freckles and the signs of wear and tear, creased slightly at the eyes and corners of his mouth. His hair is dark-brunette, nearing a warm brown, and most often loosely tied into a short low tail in a futile effort to keep it from his vision. A short, well trimmed if slightly scruffy looking beard covers most of his lower face. His eyebrows are not kind, though his hazel-blue eyes are.

Shai is a man of keen charisma and sharp mind, though his physical training do not trail far behind. He is most often soft spoken, opening up deeper for those he considers friends. He is strong in the force, though not to the point of the Heroes and Legends of the Galaxy. Not nearly. His strength stems from force of will and personality, and from deep understanding of the history and mechanics of life.

A meditative man more interested in knowledge than war, in these times of conflict, Shai Moss has had to adapt. He draws from quiet thoughtfulness in his actions, even in the heat of danger. Shai is first and foremost a historian and scholar of the Force, and second a general. He does not feel the Jedi have no place in battle, however, and cares deeply for all life in the galaxy. This is what spurs him to the defense of others and to the speartip of the conflict with the New Sith Order.

In times of tumult, times of shifting balance, the Force guides men and women towards their destinies. Shai Moss was born to the lesser Mandalorian clan Moss, a runt with poor lungs. The draconian drills and training of the warlike people strained his small body day in and day out until blood welled up and blackness took his vision time and time again. For the years of pain, Shai was given nothing but disdain amongst other children. Until his own family cast him out, to adopt a more promising foundling as their child. So, a child of eight standard years found himself on the dusty back streets of Balmorra, fighting for any scrap of work available to keep himself fed and watered. Through the will of the Force, looking back, he met a savior on those streets after two and a half years of strife. A woman in a brown hood with a Holocron. The Jedi order. Each child at the home was tested for Force aptitude, and a small handful were selected to begin training. Shai was among them. He was taken to the academy on Yavin IV to become a youngling, though somewhat older than the others. Advanced age, and surprising aptitude in the Force allowed Shai to quickly ascend to the rank of Padawan under the tutelage of Jedi Knight Taali Vaas, a Miralukan Consular and Keeper of Jedi histories. Though combat was inevitable in the defense of the Republic, Shai's Padawan training consisted primarily of expeditions and research into the ancient cultures of the Jedi. Places strong in the Force, and places that are wounds in the Force. The rise and fall of Jedi and Sith in an endless cycle of Light and Dark. Now grown, Knight Shai Moss has been dispatched from the Dantooine Enclave for some time to walk the Outer Rim. Systems on the Frontier of the Unknown Regions of space with histories that need study, and understanding. Places holding the mysteries of the Force.

Shai is strong in the force, this is his greatest tool and greatest weakness. While stalwart of mind and heart, his sensitivity to life makes him susceptible to the pain and others and the forces of the Dark Side. He is also an adept in the Jar'Kai stance, wielding a saberstaff and favoring Ataru and Shien (forms V and VI) to supplement his Force powers when needed. He is a trained Force healer, and can skilled in the various forms of kinesis, stasis, and more physical applications of the force. More energy focused and elemental force powers are not something he has attained, as of yet. Perhaps with training. He is also a proficient enough pilot and mechanic to keep his ship in the air, though not some genius mechanic.

While Consulars typically play the diplomat and academic, the Outer Rim is a dangerous frontier that demands respect. Shai wears light, durable clothing and robes of wool and leather, plated at the chest and elsewhere with thin durasteel. Jedi armor, as opposed to purely robes, in the style of the Jal Shey (however far adapted over the thousands of years the Order has been using it). His lightsaber is double bladed, and houses a violet khyber crystal. The beam is bright, and heavy, especially for one who relies more on the Force than dueling.

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