Lord Depravious
Shaidin Kamari
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[SIZE=21.33333396911621px]Lord Depravious[/SIZE]
Image: Lord Depravious wielding his weapon of choice, his Ax forged in the flames of his ancestors hatred.
NAME: Shaidin Kamari
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Master
SPECIES: Yashuvhi
AGE: Unknown.
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 196 Lbs
EYES: Black
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths include;
Incredible Intelligence, and a near mastery of Makashi and Atra Manua. Incredible Mastery over Cryokinesis.
Weakness' include;
Hand to hand combat weakness, along with his infallible faith in others. It could have been his destruction with Osamu, and may still be his destruction. There are also hints of arrogance in his actions as of late, which could lead to blinding him. Vanity has also become a long lasting problem over the years due to being a perfectionist in literally everything possible.
Also a particular weakness to brutish strength as most of his strength comes from that if he is over powered he can easily be taken down. He rely's on his strength; however, if he is unable to overcome an opponent with strength things could get ugly.
MC-18 light freighter.
Biographical Information
The in-universe biography -
It all started out as a Thyraelsar.. Shaidin thought that he knew exactly what it was he was getting into and exactly what it was that he wanted from the order; what he didn't know is that what he did would echo through the eons of time not only into the future but also into the past. The Sith Empire was what it was called on the front to everyone else so that the Order could attract the members that it so desired; however, it had it's own language of Sithese able to be spoken by those who possessed power and most of all trust in the order. Thyraelsar was exactly as it probably sounded degrading and offensive to all who bore the name. It was meant to spark fire in the young acolytes in order to give them ambition of rising through the order or to run them from the order for they did not possess the true heart that the Sith of that time had desired. With his torn robings and his rusty blade that had been bestowed upon him, Shaidin moved forwards through the dark halls where whispers greeted his skin. It was as if the voices were so strong in the force that they could literally be felt caressing the skin as they spoke to the person of their choice. The Darkness of the Order upon Eisalai was daunting to say the very least. Shaidin, however, accepted this darkness into him instead of resisting the urge to fight it he wished to consume it and all the power that it would bestow upon him. You must understand something though before we continue our story any further, The Order poured information out to us, even if we were not being directly taught we were always being taught. As my brother used to say, "there is always a test within a test." Not only the people of the order but the order itself was testing all of us. Continuing on though, Shaidin upon entering the Arena in a test of skills bested nearly everyone there was in combat, none could stand against him.. Or so he thought. That was until a man by the name of Lord Naga approached him, his head held high. With a last name like Lionheart Darth Naga was the epitome of an honorable Warrior.. He served the leader of the order well and fought in many battles and served as a warlord of the order. And served it well. It was Lord Naga who took Shaidin under his wing and trained him in the arts of combat, knowledge, and the force. Lord Naga had an uncanny ability in every single one of those and expected nothing but perfection out of Shaidin. Day-in-and-day-out, they trained together, fighting one another practicing together, writing together, and theorizing together. Often times Lord Naga would even give Shaidin something as simple as writing a poem about what a true warrior was. Under the tutelage of Lord Naga Shaidin excelled at almost everything he was put up to. So much that it got the hierarchy of the Sith Orders attention, and even more.. It got the hierarchy of the Dragon Sith Orders attention..
You see years before the dawn of the reign of Lord Shadow Kamari, there was always bickering and fighting and destruction over the rank of Dark Lord of the Sith. The caste system allowed for such bickering and fighting and so self-righteous people who had no more power than the other fought each other over it. Each of them had their own ideologies and each of them had their own ambitions that they wanted to fulfill. Absolutely disgusted of the bickering and fighting Lord Shadow Kamari put an end to it all by taking the title and sealing it away. Never again to be used by the Sith bickered or fought over. He took co-owner ship of the Sith with another, and took the title of Eternal Lord. The Sith from then on would have respect for each other, honor, and nobility along with blood thirst. United under a new banner the Sith prospered under their new ruler enjoying every minute that he sat upon the throne of the Sith. The invasions were nothing more than dominations over worlds that could do nothing to defend themselves from this onslaught of people. However, the ranks became more strict it was harder to get into anything, it was harder to learn the language of the Sith. The tongue that so many missed out on knowing. At the time of achieving Sith Knight Shaidin was not a Kamari.. No to be a Kamari was one of the greatest honors within the Order of the Sith. It was sacred, the name of Kamari was not to be defiled by anyone even the strongest in the galaxy was to quake in fear at the name. Still under the tutelage of Lord Naga Shaidin continue to plunder and pillage every-where he went. Doing the bidding of the Dark Council and eventually the Eternal Lord. It was upon his undertaking of Tython the ancient home of the Jedi that he was awarded with the title "Warlord of the Sith" and Sith Master.
The conquering of Tython was no easy task as much would believe by Lord Depravious' current state of domination; however, during that time he was still Shaidin the Sith Knight. Under the treaty of Kelesh the Nightsisters of Dathomir were quite close to the Sith Empire. Considered Sisters to the Sith Order they were regarded with the highest respect in the order and outside of the order. Their priestess' screams still resonate on the battle fields today. Oh how I miss the sounds of their screams and the glory that it was to go into battle with the witches. Their powers were beyond comprehension by most and the ability to cognate their powers rest with only a few people. Shaidin to be able to execute and undertaking of this size would need the Nightsisters of Dathomir now more than ever. They were quite easy to convince to come however, they seemingly loved the Sith and all who resided within. They also despised the Jedi with a fiery and raging passions in their hearts. So they accompanied Shaidin to Tython. Shaidin knew that this was also a test to see if he could handle something of this magnitude; he had been seen as one of the better warriors within the order, besting even that of Sith Masters; however, he had never handled something of this magnitude before and they were sure that he would crack under the pressure. The resources meant nothing to them that they may waste on this youth, simply that they proved a point to him that he was not invincible.. He proved them wrong.. It was all the same to them however, they conquered their enemies and gained a stronger Shaidin out of the mix. In the battle itself however, Shaidin stepped through the battle field eloquently hacking and slashing with his lightsaber as if it were nothing more than childs play, the Jedi stood no chance to him. Only his brothers and sisters in the Sith could hold a candle to him. There would only ever be one Jedi in his lifetime that would give possibly hold a flame to him that would come much further down the rode in Ex General Ka'ar. After his battle on Tython he allowed the Witches of Dathomir to have their fun on the remaining bodies that lie on the desecrated ground. His expression resembled nothing more than hatred for the blood that lay on the ground. What a putrid thing it was, Jedi thinking they could stand up to the Sith in such a way.. How disgusting.
Upon completing a few tasks for the Dark Council Shaidin was invited to step into the Eternal Lords chamber. Something that did not happen to anyone outside of the Dark Council Shaidin pondered on what it could be; nonetheless he respected and loved his leader so he did as commanded. It was here that he would be introduced to the Dragon Sith Order. As he stepped through the Darkest beings in the galaxy lined up along the wall to watch his entrance, whilst the Eternal Lord sat upon his throne. "Greetings" was all they said to him as he walked in and watched every single one of them with his own darkened eyes. "What would you do with me?" He asked the Eternal Lord while the man stared back at him with a face of stone. "You have proven yourself well.." The Eternal Lord uttered to Shaidin in a strong valiant voice. "It is time that you were truly rewarded by joining the ranks of the Dragon Sith." Dragon Sith.. Only whispers hinted at what the Pandryli could be. Those whispers were quickly stomped out by any in the hierarchy who either did not believe in them himself, or would have been apart of the Dragon Sith. The Dragon Sith was an elite sector of the Order comprised of the best at everything. The best fighters, the best poets, the best warlords, all of it. They were also deathly loyal to the Eternal Lord and the ideologies that they sought to protect by being Loyal to him. Aside the Eternal Lord stood his Paer Mor Shaes the black guard. They were the nameless of the order, but by far the most elite and deadly force in all the galaxy. They never left the home-world, they were there not only to protect the Eternal Lord but also the Sith that resided there as well. "I humbly accept this honor that you have bestowed upon me.. My Lord." It was with his acceptance into the Dragon Sith that he received a Crested Hilt from none other than Lord Shadow Kamari himself. This hilt was a sign of honor among the order, a sign of power, and a sign of perfection. To be bestowed with this was the highest known honor that someone could ever receive within the order. Those Sith who carried crested hilts into battle were to be feared above all else.
The Dragon Sith you see were the Internal affairs for the Eternal Lord of the Sith. They were not only his most elite and loyal, they also watched over the order from the inside. No one at the time knew who the Dragon Sith were, some of the Dragon Sith themselves didn't know who the others were. They simply reported to the Eternal Lord himself, which is the way that he liked it.. It ensured that no one was seen as prejudiced or of a higher caliber than the others. After all the Sith were about respect now, no more of this blood and violence that had plagued the faction from the day that it was brought back from the dirt. Shaidin, however, was the enforcer of the Dragon Sith. Seeing as how he was one of the greater duelists of his time he was used for killings and to make sure that the Empire did not falter in the slightest. If it did he was there to pick up the pieces and reform them back together. Moreover, because of this he was stereotyped as some-what of a brute.. That's all the galaxy of that time had got to see from him was that he destroyed everything in his path. Worlds left in complete ice, temples desecrated single handedly. Nonetheless, the Eternal Lord knew that he had to do something to continue to appease and quench his thirst for leadership. It was at that time that Shaidin was invited to a ceremony known as blooding. He was to be blooded into the House of Kamari; the highest respect and honor within the order even beyond that of receiving a Crested Hilt from the Eternal Lord himself. This was different.. It was more personal to Shaidin.. It meant more. The ceremony consisted of the two new brothers, Shadow Kamari, and Shaidin cutting one another with a ceremonial dagger. As the dagger soaked up the blood of the two it began to glow red with the power of both of the Sith Masters emanating through it. With a touch of the dagger to a pendant that had engraved in it, "Through faith, we shall conquer" blackness filled the pendant with power that radiated to even the corners of the world where it could be felt. Was the pendant to be worn around his neck? No.. That is far too simple, this culture was anything but simplistic. Via the force the pendant was infused with his chest. Seeping through his skin and moving into his chest cavity it was imbued. Exploding inside of him with the blood of the Kamari and the power of the Eternal Lord, Shaidin threw his arms out wide as his chest radiated with power, and with pain. His face cringed at that pain that was undertaking his chest; however, he absorbed the pain and the force that resided within him into his own body, a new blooded Kamari. Others around the two chanted in their hoods and their fiery eyes pierced through the Darkness at the Eternal Lord and his young prodigy. It was upon that day that Shaidin Kamari was also told that he would be the heir to the entire Kamari house, and in turn the Sith as well.
It was then that he met a man who Shaidin considered his equal in many ways. The third in command of the Kamari Dynasty, someone who he knew as Xin Zhiang growing up was now Osamu Kamari. The man was relatively humble and didn't ever ask for much or want much. He knew his duties and he did them to absolute perfection, his loyalty to Shadow was undying and nothing that anyone did would stop that Loyalty. Shaidin honestly had respect for that. For someone to be so loyal and yet know that they would possibly never get the throne should Shaidin get it and chose that Osamu was un-worthy. Yet none of that mattered to Osamu, he loved the people he loved the culture, and he loved his wife. You see, during this time it was encouraged within the Sith Order to take on a mate. Not only did it breed better Sith and increased the Empire's numbers as a whole, but it was recognized as a necessity. Osamu was madly in love with Shadows daughter, and what a beauty she was. Fiesty, but a beauty nonetheless. Their story of love is not mine for the telling though, all that can be said is that she gave her crested hilt to Osamu before leaving where she was never seen again. Only a select few including Shaidin knew that she had gone to kill her father where she was struck down viciously and mutilated beyond the point of no recognition. Shaidin had someone else in his sights though, someone of whom will be mentioned very soon. Back to the main point of the paragraph however, Shaidin and Osamu became brothers to one another. And i'm not talking about brothers of blood or brothers that the rest of the Sith Order considered themselves, no Osamu and Shaidin became brothers of the soul. The genuinely loved the other as a brother and would die for him in a moments notice should the situation call for it. Their endeavors stretch far and wide with far too many stories to tell for one sitting. Nevertheless as always Shaidin continued his duties to the Eternal Lord of the Sith by being the enforcer around the galaxy, killing and slaughtering all those who attempted to rebelagainst the Eternal Lord himself.
As aforementioned family meant everything to the Sith of this time. To betray ones family meant the betrayal of your entire being itself. It was the highest form of disrespect and would force those involved into exilement. Something Shaidin had never thought would come, was coming soon. He had heard rumors floating through the order as they always did that Shadow no longer believed in him and thought of him only as the attack dog that he had used him over the years for. These rumors were natural, despised and crushed, but natural. The Sith were to have respect for the hierarchy of the Order, and for each other. They were all equals no matter what the Eternal Lord said they all considered each other that respected and loved them at the same time as well. However, rumors still spread. Shaidin payed no attention to the rumors until he was called before the throne and the rest of the Dragon Sith where he took a knee. They all stood fiery eyes blazing through the darkness that over took their faces underneath their hoods. "I have brought you here today to tell you that I do not believe you to be the person of prophecy that will take over my grand empire and my family. Osamu Kamari will be that person that you can never be." A hint of despair lay in his tone, but Shadow was also quite confident in his own abilities. By the look and body language of Osamu Kamari he had no idea such news was coming. Shaidin Kamari simply looked upwards from his once kneeled position and glared up at the man for the first time in his entire life. The love and compassion that he had for the man was now gone. He had been lied to and cheated out of a position that he had been told for years he would take. That he had trained for years to take, and put his life on the line to prove he was worthy of. "I will need to take leave from the planet to process what you have just said." Shaidin said with a menacing tone, also the first time he had ever spoken in such a way to the Eternal Lord, which was bold in front of the elite of the Order, as well as the Black Guard. Even at that, the Eternal Lord knew that he must give Shaidin some time away to be able to calm himself down, after all he had been lied to for the majority of his time within the order. His honor was crushed, it was to be expected. Something that was no expected, however, were the events about to unfold in rapid succession of one another.. Upon his departure he took his love with him, which also happened to be the wife of Shadow Kamari. He took her to the well known world of Ziost, where he hid her from Shadow. Not only because he loved her himself and would do what he pleased, but also to see if Shadow was acting in his right mind and was still fit to lead the Sith. You see at this point though, Shaidin had the respect of the entire Empire and most of the Galaxy. He could walk into the Jedi temple out of their fear for him raiding their temple and sacking the City single handedly, thus he got away with most of what he wanted.
Yet, out of all of it Shaidin was proven right. Shadow was not fit to be the patriarch of the family, nor was he fit to lead the Sith anymore. His reaction attested to that, he threw away everything.. Our ideologies, our love, our culture to find this one woman. He knew that Shaidin had taken her, who else could it have been? He also knew quite well were they would go, so he sent the Black Guard from the home world of Eisalai... This was his first mistake, the Black Guard were never to leave the planet of our home, they were there not only to protect him but our home itself. Instead he cared not for lore anymore he cared only for retrieving his love back and holding her once more.. A chance he would never get.. Shaidin made a representation out of the Black Guard that came for him. He slaughtered every single one of them without a second breath taken. It was then that Shadow crossed the line once more.. Instead of coming himself to retrieve his love, he sent a man that he knew would strike deepest into Shaidin, Osamu. Out of rage, anger, hatred, and disgust Shaidin cut the wife of Shadow Kamari's head from her torso, and had sent a message to the Eternal Lord that if he was to find her he would have to scour the planet of Eisalai. Another mistake was made.. The man betrayed his brothers and sisters and in a fit of rage destroyed the planet, leaving it to be nothing more than rubble. Upon Osamu's arrival betrayal was discussed, the other thinking the person across from them had been the true betrayer. Though Shaidin grew not to think that of Osamu, he did not know the full story or the reasonings behind it, he simply wanted his brother to understand on his own, because that meant that he would truly be loyal. Shaidin had begun to call himself Lord Depravious by this point, he had deprived Shadow Kamari of everything that he loved and wanted so badly. He had to make a choice, his love or his empire and he chose his love, but then wanted the Empire back. That would not happen, the Eternal Lord was unfit to bear the patriarch decisions or make decisions for the Sith Empire any longer. The battle began with the two brothers in stunning fashion, each of them clashing their curved hilts into the other, each of them manipulating the Darkside in such a way that to others, fear would be struck into them..
You see, the way we fought was not as a normal Sith, we did not fight to kill so quickly we fought to take everything away from the person before they were able to die. The last light of hope in that person would be gone before we ended their lives, or worse we would let them live knowing there was no hope for their civilization. We knew that simply killing someone does not win a war over the Jedi or the Republic, their form of freedom was a mindset, and the only way to crush that mindset is to induce fear and take away their hope. It sickened Depravious that he had to fight his brother Osamu, it was far from what he had wanted, but it was what must be done. Osamu was a great fighter, one of the best in the order for sure but no-where near the level of Depravious. With a quick spin and an elegant flourishing of his crested hilt Depravious struck the saber arm of Osamu, before following through down to his knee. Osamu couldn't truly fight the Sith Lord in this condition, he knew that and Depravious knew that.. Yet, Depravious could not let him sit there in his shame so he held his hand out for a moment watching down to the man. Unleashing a force lightning at the man, he burned Osamu's body harshly and watched as pain coursed through his body. Turning from the man he began to leave.. This was something uncharacteristic of Lord Depravious, why did he not kill Osamu as he was deathly loyal to Lord Shadow? For reasons that he could never know, Shaidin left him alive. And so, Lord Depravious headed for the home world of Eisalai and their treasure world of Tresajai. Upon arriving at the home world Lord Depravious gave the remaining Sith a chance, they could either fight and die for Shadow a man whom already sacrificed their ideals to save one, or fight for Depravious who was the true ruler of the SIth at this time. Civil war, was being waged. Lord Depravious set fire to their temples and pit brothers against sisters and visa versa. It was the only way, how could they serve someone so loyally after watching him destroy every ideal they stood up for? He stepped into the throne room and engaged in battle with Lord Shadow himself, the man hadn't been engaged in battle in quite some time. However, that lack of experience in quite some time was the death of him when Lord Depravious struck him down and claimed the Kamari as his own along with the Sith. Lord Depravious unsealed the forgotten title of Dark Lord of the Sith and bore the tainted crown all for his own.
Slowly though, the order began to fade out from Lord Depravious and he was forced to move to a larger form of the universe instead. Where there were more people to conquer and more people to subjugate to his own will. A few of his people followed him into the new universe that was full of corruption and chaos, something that Lord Depravious despised about it, but he would bring order. They attempted to fit in but were ridiculed, they attempted to make friends but were ridiculed as well, so the majority of the followers left. Not out of spite to Depravious, out of disgust for this universe that he had brought them to. They could not stay in this place once they had a taste of the culture there was before this. Shaidin understood though, he could not expect his people to prosper in so much filth or be able to stomach it in the slightest, he hardly could. Furthermore Lord Depravious came to control the title of Dark Lord upon this realm as well, seizing all power that he could find for himself, none could stop him wherever he went. He froze entire planets, set fire to temples and watches as the people would soon come to bow to him. He was to bring order to this new Empire. It was at that point that he met one of the most fearsome Dark Lords of all time Darth Axurion. A man who's name would echo in time itself as one of the most powerful beings to walk the galaxy. He carried a lavasaber, something only rarely seen before. He was also a lot like Lord Depravious, he had never been truly beaten in his later years. Everything that he did was to perfection, but it still wasn't enough for the Dark Lord of the Sith. He wanted more than he always had, he wanted better.. This Sith Lord was also not used to defeat, it was something that he simply hadn't had in quite some time. Upon finding Lord Depravious he thought it was simply another person attempting to claim the title of Sith Lord, that he could easily crush and move on with his plans of creating an Empire that would last hundreds of years under his rule and prosper to new heights. And so with that he engaged Lord Depravious in a duel, for his life. The man that everyone feared, the man that could not be beaten in their universe and if he could you wouldn't walk away from it unscathed huh? Lord Depravious did something that no one had ever done before, he made a mockery of the "Great Dark Lord Axurion". There would be no mercy, there would be no hope at the end of the tunnel for Lord Axurion. He was a fool for believing Depravious to simply be another Sith Lord, he was the Eternal Lord and the Dark Lord of the Dragon Sith there was no higher title in all of the universe. Thus, during their duel Depravious had both arms gripped and a foot in his back, ripping the arms of Axurion from his torso. After having de-limbed the man Axurion attempted to Dark Mend his wounds if only to stay alive.. That would not happen.. The man who could not be beaten, the man who would bring the empire to new hieghts and prosper, was beaten to death with his own arms. The Sith of the day watched in awe as the elegance and yet subtle brutality overwhelmed Darth Axurion. The day of reckoning had come, none could defeat Lord Depravious, not even the greatest of this new universe. And so Lord Depravious surrounded himself with those that he could trust, not particularly the most elite of the order, but those that he could trust around him.
So much of this story I can not tell you, for it was forbidden in our lore, and our lore means everything to us. However, the Dragon Sith never died off.. They simply went into Shadows waiting and hunting. Knowing that the day would come that they would be able to exact their vengeance upon me. You see, even though Lord Depravious was the true leader of the Dragon Sith, they had believed that I never took it from their almighty Lord Shadow. Nevertheless, they would never be able to defeat Shaidin, led by Osamu Kensei they sat and waited in the darkness for the right time to strike, but that time never came. All that Lord Depravious wanted from his brother was to join his side. He didn't care about the Dragon Sith or any of that, simply that his brother come to his side and help him conquer the universe. That day... Would never come. And so, the story of Lord Depravious continues, in a new Universe.
Out of Character Explanation -
The reason that the names of my armor and lightsabre are in a different language was because during this time we didn't quite have any knowledge of the Language of Sithese so we made up our own, and that was what came of it. If this is accepted and I make my bio I will tell you more of it in that.
A refuge that I went to in order to incite some roleplay and got turned down.
A group that I made on our chat site delineating my character a bit.
A story about a new order that I would come to create in time in order to bring the galaxy to its knees. Ignore the fact that I capitalize every word. Our culture varied in things, and that was merely a phase that we went through to be "different."
Yet again another website made by my friends in order to rebirth our community. Our beacon was ignored by our brothers and sisters, for reasons i'll get into with our history.
That's about all that I have or that I can share the rest of the sites and posts were destroyed and taken down. There is a history to our people beyond my own words and beyond my own pain for them. We were some of the darkest beings to walk the galaxy at a time leaving entire worlds covered in ice. And it was because of the actions of a few that we descended into poverty and war. Our people are only engulfed in sadness now, and regret. I apologize if this all seems to be a lot, something you must understand though is that we were not only a community such as the people on these forums but we had our own culture. We did not just consider the people around us in character as brothers and sisters but out of character as well. Family meant everything to us, to betray ones family was to betray their entire state of being. We spoke how we did, walked how we walked, not because it was how we felt that day or how we thought we could get attention.. No.. Because it resided in our very core, it was who we were and who we desired to be.
You see, there is so much of these stories that I can not put into words, and so much of these stories that I simply can not say. As stated above we were not only a community as all of you are but also there was a hidden culture within it. Something that I unfortunately can not describe in words to help you all out. The roleplaying that we did had meaning to us beyond comprehension. We took what we did very seriously no matter what, that's why when I "Betrayed" Lord Shadow, I was called Bane and some people said that I was exiled from the order, whilst some followed me into the abyss at the end of it all. Our people are riddled with eons of rage and sadness now, never again to see the prospering temples of gold that we once had, or the brothers and sisters lost forever. You see in our community we put so much work into our characters because like this one once you died you died; however, that meant that the majority of people who died were no longer able to come back into the Sith, that was it for them. It was a way for us to create a bond with those peoples characters and allow them to love and create progression on those characters, or forever be stagnated in time. This is why when I defeated Lord Shadow there was quite an uproar when he came back from the dead. He betrayed the lore once more out of a personal grudge towards me. I know that none of you can understand the magnitude of me telling you even the amounts that I did without being Dragon Sith. These stories have never been told to people outside of our order, and may never again. The reason that I bring this character back is not only because I love him and can roleplay him well, but also because these stories are very personal to me. They mean so much.
I'm sorry that I could not provide you with more information on my character, however, from other sites as the majority of them were completely destroyed and brought down after the Betrayal, and the rest simply died off and no longer grant access to anyone. They were all sealed away after the, "betrayal". Thus I come to you with the information that I do have, and the stories of my people.
[SIZE=21.33333396911621px]Lord Depravious[/SIZE]

Dossier Uploaded

Image: Lord Depravious wielding his weapon of choice, his Ax forged in the flames of his ancestors hatred.
NAME: Shaidin Kamari
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Master
SPECIES: Yashuvhi
AGE: Unknown.
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 196 Lbs
EYES: Black
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths include;
Incredible Intelligence, and a near mastery of Makashi and Atra Manua. Incredible Mastery over Cryokinesis.
Weakness' include;
Hand to hand combat weakness, along with his infallible faith in others. It could have been his destruction with Osamu, and may still be his destruction. There are also hints of arrogance in his actions as of late, which could lead to blinding him. Vanity has also become a long lasting problem over the years due to being a perfectionist in literally everything possible.
Also a particular weakness to brutish strength as most of his strength comes from that if he is over powered he can easily be taken down. He rely's on his strength; however, if he is unable to overcome an opponent with strength things could get ugly.
MC-18 light freighter.
Biographical Information
The in-universe biography -
It all started out as a Thyraelsar.. Shaidin thought that he knew exactly what it was he was getting into and exactly what it was that he wanted from the order; what he didn't know is that what he did would echo through the eons of time not only into the future but also into the past. The Sith Empire was what it was called on the front to everyone else so that the Order could attract the members that it so desired; however, it had it's own language of Sithese able to be spoken by those who possessed power and most of all trust in the order. Thyraelsar was exactly as it probably sounded degrading and offensive to all who bore the name. It was meant to spark fire in the young acolytes in order to give them ambition of rising through the order or to run them from the order for they did not possess the true heart that the Sith of that time had desired. With his torn robings and his rusty blade that had been bestowed upon him, Shaidin moved forwards through the dark halls where whispers greeted his skin. It was as if the voices were so strong in the force that they could literally be felt caressing the skin as they spoke to the person of their choice. The Darkness of the Order upon Eisalai was daunting to say the very least. Shaidin, however, accepted this darkness into him instead of resisting the urge to fight it he wished to consume it and all the power that it would bestow upon him. You must understand something though before we continue our story any further, The Order poured information out to us, even if we were not being directly taught we were always being taught. As my brother used to say, "there is always a test within a test." Not only the people of the order but the order itself was testing all of us. Continuing on though, Shaidin upon entering the Arena in a test of skills bested nearly everyone there was in combat, none could stand against him.. Or so he thought. That was until a man by the name of Lord Naga approached him, his head held high. With a last name like Lionheart Darth Naga was the epitome of an honorable Warrior.. He served the leader of the order well and fought in many battles and served as a warlord of the order. And served it well. It was Lord Naga who took Shaidin under his wing and trained him in the arts of combat, knowledge, and the force. Lord Naga had an uncanny ability in every single one of those and expected nothing but perfection out of Shaidin. Day-in-and-day-out, they trained together, fighting one another practicing together, writing together, and theorizing together. Often times Lord Naga would even give Shaidin something as simple as writing a poem about what a true warrior was. Under the tutelage of Lord Naga Shaidin excelled at almost everything he was put up to. So much that it got the hierarchy of the Sith Orders attention, and even more.. It got the hierarchy of the Dragon Sith Orders attention..
You see years before the dawn of the reign of Lord Shadow Kamari, there was always bickering and fighting and destruction over the rank of Dark Lord of the Sith. The caste system allowed for such bickering and fighting and so self-righteous people who had no more power than the other fought each other over it. Each of them had their own ideologies and each of them had their own ambitions that they wanted to fulfill. Absolutely disgusted of the bickering and fighting Lord Shadow Kamari put an end to it all by taking the title and sealing it away. Never again to be used by the Sith bickered or fought over. He took co-owner ship of the Sith with another, and took the title of Eternal Lord. The Sith from then on would have respect for each other, honor, and nobility along with blood thirst. United under a new banner the Sith prospered under their new ruler enjoying every minute that he sat upon the throne of the Sith. The invasions were nothing more than dominations over worlds that could do nothing to defend themselves from this onslaught of people. However, the ranks became more strict it was harder to get into anything, it was harder to learn the language of the Sith. The tongue that so many missed out on knowing. At the time of achieving Sith Knight Shaidin was not a Kamari.. No to be a Kamari was one of the greatest honors within the Order of the Sith. It was sacred, the name of Kamari was not to be defiled by anyone even the strongest in the galaxy was to quake in fear at the name. Still under the tutelage of Lord Naga Shaidin continue to plunder and pillage every-where he went. Doing the bidding of the Dark Council and eventually the Eternal Lord. It was upon his undertaking of Tython the ancient home of the Jedi that he was awarded with the title "Warlord of the Sith" and Sith Master.
The conquering of Tython was no easy task as much would believe by Lord Depravious' current state of domination; however, during that time he was still Shaidin the Sith Knight. Under the treaty of Kelesh the Nightsisters of Dathomir were quite close to the Sith Empire. Considered Sisters to the Sith Order they were regarded with the highest respect in the order and outside of the order. Their priestess' screams still resonate on the battle fields today. Oh how I miss the sounds of their screams and the glory that it was to go into battle with the witches. Their powers were beyond comprehension by most and the ability to cognate their powers rest with only a few people. Shaidin to be able to execute and undertaking of this size would need the Nightsisters of Dathomir now more than ever. They were quite easy to convince to come however, they seemingly loved the Sith and all who resided within. They also despised the Jedi with a fiery and raging passions in their hearts. So they accompanied Shaidin to Tython. Shaidin knew that this was also a test to see if he could handle something of this magnitude; he had been seen as one of the better warriors within the order, besting even that of Sith Masters; however, he had never handled something of this magnitude before and they were sure that he would crack under the pressure. The resources meant nothing to them that they may waste on this youth, simply that they proved a point to him that he was not invincible.. He proved them wrong.. It was all the same to them however, they conquered their enemies and gained a stronger Shaidin out of the mix. In the battle itself however, Shaidin stepped through the battle field eloquently hacking and slashing with his lightsaber as if it were nothing more than childs play, the Jedi stood no chance to him. Only his brothers and sisters in the Sith could hold a candle to him. There would only ever be one Jedi in his lifetime that would give possibly hold a flame to him that would come much further down the rode in Ex General Ka'ar. After his battle on Tython he allowed the Witches of Dathomir to have their fun on the remaining bodies that lie on the desecrated ground. His expression resembled nothing more than hatred for the blood that lay on the ground. What a putrid thing it was, Jedi thinking they could stand up to the Sith in such a way.. How disgusting.
Upon completing a few tasks for the Dark Council Shaidin was invited to step into the Eternal Lords chamber. Something that did not happen to anyone outside of the Dark Council Shaidin pondered on what it could be; nonetheless he respected and loved his leader so he did as commanded. It was here that he would be introduced to the Dragon Sith Order. As he stepped through the Darkest beings in the galaxy lined up along the wall to watch his entrance, whilst the Eternal Lord sat upon his throne. "Greetings" was all they said to him as he walked in and watched every single one of them with his own darkened eyes. "What would you do with me?" He asked the Eternal Lord while the man stared back at him with a face of stone. "You have proven yourself well.." The Eternal Lord uttered to Shaidin in a strong valiant voice. "It is time that you were truly rewarded by joining the ranks of the Dragon Sith." Dragon Sith.. Only whispers hinted at what the Pandryli could be. Those whispers were quickly stomped out by any in the hierarchy who either did not believe in them himself, or would have been apart of the Dragon Sith. The Dragon Sith was an elite sector of the Order comprised of the best at everything. The best fighters, the best poets, the best warlords, all of it. They were also deathly loyal to the Eternal Lord and the ideologies that they sought to protect by being Loyal to him. Aside the Eternal Lord stood his Paer Mor Shaes the black guard. They were the nameless of the order, but by far the most elite and deadly force in all the galaxy. They never left the home-world, they were there not only to protect the Eternal Lord but also the Sith that resided there as well. "I humbly accept this honor that you have bestowed upon me.. My Lord." It was with his acceptance into the Dragon Sith that he received a Crested Hilt from none other than Lord Shadow Kamari himself. This hilt was a sign of honor among the order, a sign of power, and a sign of perfection. To be bestowed with this was the highest known honor that someone could ever receive within the order. Those Sith who carried crested hilts into battle were to be feared above all else.
The Dragon Sith you see were the Internal affairs for the Eternal Lord of the Sith. They were not only his most elite and loyal, they also watched over the order from the inside. No one at the time knew who the Dragon Sith were, some of the Dragon Sith themselves didn't know who the others were. They simply reported to the Eternal Lord himself, which is the way that he liked it.. It ensured that no one was seen as prejudiced or of a higher caliber than the others. After all the Sith were about respect now, no more of this blood and violence that had plagued the faction from the day that it was brought back from the dirt. Shaidin, however, was the enforcer of the Dragon Sith. Seeing as how he was one of the greater duelists of his time he was used for killings and to make sure that the Empire did not falter in the slightest. If it did he was there to pick up the pieces and reform them back together. Moreover, because of this he was stereotyped as some-what of a brute.. That's all the galaxy of that time had got to see from him was that he destroyed everything in his path. Worlds left in complete ice, temples desecrated single handedly. Nonetheless, the Eternal Lord knew that he had to do something to continue to appease and quench his thirst for leadership. It was at that time that Shaidin was invited to a ceremony known as blooding. He was to be blooded into the House of Kamari; the highest respect and honor within the order even beyond that of receiving a Crested Hilt from the Eternal Lord himself. This was different.. It was more personal to Shaidin.. It meant more. The ceremony consisted of the two new brothers, Shadow Kamari, and Shaidin cutting one another with a ceremonial dagger. As the dagger soaked up the blood of the two it began to glow red with the power of both of the Sith Masters emanating through it. With a touch of the dagger to a pendant that had engraved in it, "Through faith, we shall conquer" blackness filled the pendant with power that radiated to even the corners of the world where it could be felt. Was the pendant to be worn around his neck? No.. That is far too simple, this culture was anything but simplistic. Via the force the pendant was infused with his chest. Seeping through his skin and moving into his chest cavity it was imbued. Exploding inside of him with the blood of the Kamari and the power of the Eternal Lord, Shaidin threw his arms out wide as his chest radiated with power, and with pain. His face cringed at that pain that was undertaking his chest; however, he absorbed the pain and the force that resided within him into his own body, a new blooded Kamari. Others around the two chanted in their hoods and their fiery eyes pierced through the Darkness at the Eternal Lord and his young prodigy. It was upon that day that Shaidin Kamari was also told that he would be the heir to the entire Kamari house, and in turn the Sith as well.
It was then that he met a man who Shaidin considered his equal in many ways. The third in command of the Kamari Dynasty, someone who he knew as Xin Zhiang growing up was now Osamu Kamari. The man was relatively humble and didn't ever ask for much or want much. He knew his duties and he did them to absolute perfection, his loyalty to Shadow was undying and nothing that anyone did would stop that Loyalty. Shaidin honestly had respect for that. For someone to be so loyal and yet know that they would possibly never get the throne should Shaidin get it and chose that Osamu was un-worthy. Yet none of that mattered to Osamu, he loved the people he loved the culture, and he loved his wife. You see, during this time it was encouraged within the Sith Order to take on a mate. Not only did it breed better Sith and increased the Empire's numbers as a whole, but it was recognized as a necessity. Osamu was madly in love with Shadows daughter, and what a beauty she was. Fiesty, but a beauty nonetheless. Their story of love is not mine for the telling though, all that can be said is that she gave her crested hilt to Osamu before leaving where she was never seen again. Only a select few including Shaidin knew that she had gone to kill her father where she was struck down viciously and mutilated beyond the point of no recognition. Shaidin had someone else in his sights though, someone of whom will be mentioned very soon. Back to the main point of the paragraph however, Shaidin and Osamu became brothers to one another. And i'm not talking about brothers of blood or brothers that the rest of the Sith Order considered themselves, no Osamu and Shaidin became brothers of the soul. The genuinely loved the other as a brother and would die for him in a moments notice should the situation call for it. Their endeavors stretch far and wide with far too many stories to tell for one sitting. Nevertheless as always Shaidin continued his duties to the Eternal Lord of the Sith by being the enforcer around the galaxy, killing and slaughtering all those who attempted to rebelagainst the Eternal Lord himself.
As aforementioned family meant everything to the Sith of this time. To betray ones family meant the betrayal of your entire being itself. It was the highest form of disrespect and would force those involved into exilement. Something Shaidin had never thought would come, was coming soon. He had heard rumors floating through the order as they always did that Shadow no longer believed in him and thought of him only as the attack dog that he had used him over the years for. These rumors were natural, despised and crushed, but natural. The Sith were to have respect for the hierarchy of the Order, and for each other. They were all equals no matter what the Eternal Lord said they all considered each other that respected and loved them at the same time as well. However, rumors still spread. Shaidin payed no attention to the rumors until he was called before the throne and the rest of the Dragon Sith where he took a knee. They all stood fiery eyes blazing through the darkness that over took their faces underneath their hoods. "I have brought you here today to tell you that I do not believe you to be the person of prophecy that will take over my grand empire and my family. Osamu Kamari will be that person that you can never be." A hint of despair lay in his tone, but Shadow was also quite confident in his own abilities. By the look and body language of Osamu Kamari he had no idea such news was coming. Shaidin Kamari simply looked upwards from his once kneeled position and glared up at the man for the first time in his entire life. The love and compassion that he had for the man was now gone. He had been lied to and cheated out of a position that he had been told for years he would take. That he had trained for years to take, and put his life on the line to prove he was worthy of. "I will need to take leave from the planet to process what you have just said." Shaidin said with a menacing tone, also the first time he had ever spoken in such a way to the Eternal Lord, which was bold in front of the elite of the Order, as well as the Black Guard. Even at that, the Eternal Lord knew that he must give Shaidin some time away to be able to calm himself down, after all he had been lied to for the majority of his time within the order. His honor was crushed, it was to be expected. Something that was no expected, however, were the events about to unfold in rapid succession of one another.. Upon his departure he took his love with him, which also happened to be the wife of Shadow Kamari. He took her to the well known world of Ziost, where he hid her from Shadow. Not only because he loved her himself and would do what he pleased, but also to see if Shadow was acting in his right mind and was still fit to lead the Sith. You see at this point though, Shaidin had the respect of the entire Empire and most of the Galaxy. He could walk into the Jedi temple out of their fear for him raiding their temple and sacking the City single handedly, thus he got away with most of what he wanted.
Yet, out of all of it Shaidin was proven right. Shadow was not fit to be the patriarch of the family, nor was he fit to lead the Sith anymore. His reaction attested to that, he threw away everything.. Our ideologies, our love, our culture to find this one woman. He knew that Shaidin had taken her, who else could it have been? He also knew quite well were they would go, so he sent the Black Guard from the home world of Eisalai... This was his first mistake, the Black Guard were never to leave the planet of our home, they were there not only to protect him but our home itself. Instead he cared not for lore anymore he cared only for retrieving his love back and holding her once more.. A chance he would never get.. Shaidin made a representation out of the Black Guard that came for him. He slaughtered every single one of them without a second breath taken. It was then that Shadow crossed the line once more.. Instead of coming himself to retrieve his love, he sent a man that he knew would strike deepest into Shaidin, Osamu. Out of rage, anger, hatred, and disgust Shaidin cut the wife of Shadow Kamari's head from her torso, and had sent a message to the Eternal Lord that if he was to find her he would have to scour the planet of Eisalai. Another mistake was made.. The man betrayed his brothers and sisters and in a fit of rage destroyed the planet, leaving it to be nothing more than rubble. Upon Osamu's arrival betrayal was discussed, the other thinking the person across from them had been the true betrayer. Though Shaidin grew not to think that of Osamu, he did not know the full story or the reasonings behind it, he simply wanted his brother to understand on his own, because that meant that he would truly be loyal. Shaidin had begun to call himself Lord Depravious by this point, he had deprived Shadow Kamari of everything that he loved and wanted so badly. He had to make a choice, his love or his empire and he chose his love, but then wanted the Empire back. That would not happen, the Eternal Lord was unfit to bear the patriarch decisions or make decisions for the Sith Empire any longer. The battle began with the two brothers in stunning fashion, each of them clashing their curved hilts into the other, each of them manipulating the Darkside in such a way that to others, fear would be struck into them..
You see, the way we fought was not as a normal Sith, we did not fight to kill so quickly we fought to take everything away from the person before they were able to die. The last light of hope in that person would be gone before we ended their lives, or worse we would let them live knowing there was no hope for their civilization. We knew that simply killing someone does not win a war over the Jedi or the Republic, their form of freedom was a mindset, and the only way to crush that mindset is to induce fear and take away their hope. It sickened Depravious that he had to fight his brother Osamu, it was far from what he had wanted, but it was what must be done. Osamu was a great fighter, one of the best in the order for sure but no-where near the level of Depravious. With a quick spin and an elegant flourishing of his crested hilt Depravious struck the saber arm of Osamu, before following through down to his knee. Osamu couldn't truly fight the Sith Lord in this condition, he knew that and Depravious knew that.. Yet, Depravious could not let him sit there in his shame so he held his hand out for a moment watching down to the man. Unleashing a force lightning at the man, he burned Osamu's body harshly and watched as pain coursed through his body. Turning from the man he began to leave.. This was something uncharacteristic of Lord Depravious, why did he not kill Osamu as he was deathly loyal to Lord Shadow? For reasons that he could never know, Shaidin left him alive. And so, Lord Depravious headed for the home world of Eisalai and their treasure world of Tresajai. Upon arriving at the home world Lord Depravious gave the remaining Sith a chance, they could either fight and die for Shadow a man whom already sacrificed their ideals to save one, or fight for Depravious who was the true ruler of the SIth at this time. Civil war, was being waged. Lord Depravious set fire to their temples and pit brothers against sisters and visa versa. It was the only way, how could they serve someone so loyally after watching him destroy every ideal they stood up for? He stepped into the throne room and engaged in battle with Lord Shadow himself, the man hadn't been engaged in battle in quite some time. However, that lack of experience in quite some time was the death of him when Lord Depravious struck him down and claimed the Kamari as his own along with the Sith. Lord Depravious unsealed the forgotten title of Dark Lord of the Sith and bore the tainted crown all for his own.
Slowly though, the order began to fade out from Lord Depravious and he was forced to move to a larger form of the universe instead. Where there were more people to conquer and more people to subjugate to his own will. A few of his people followed him into the new universe that was full of corruption and chaos, something that Lord Depravious despised about it, but he would bring order. They attempted to fit in but were ridiculed, they attempted to make friends but were ridiculed as well, so the majority of the followers left. Not out of spite to Depravious, out of disgust for this universe that he had brought them to. They could not stay in this place once they had a taste of the culture there was before this. Shaidin understood though, he could not expect his people to prosper in so much filth or be able to stomach it in the slightest, he hardly could. Furthermore Lord Depravious came to control the title of Dark Lord upon this realm as well, seizing all power that he could find for himself, none could stop him wherever he went. He froze entire planets, set fire to temples and watches as the people would soon come to bow to him. He was to bring order to this new Empire. It was at that point that he met one of the most fearsome Dark Lords of all time Darth Axurion. A man who's name would echo in time itself as one of the most powerful beings to walk the galaxy. He carried a lavasaber, something only rarely seen before. He was also a lot like Lord Depravious, he had never been truly beaten in his later years. Everything that he did was to perfection, but it still wasn't enough for the Dark Lord of the Sith. He wanted more than he always had, he wanted better.. This Sith Lord was also not used to defeat, it was something that he simply hadn't had in quite some time. Upon finding Lord Depravious he thought it was simply another person attempting to claim the title of Sith Lord, that he could easily crush and move on with his plans of creating an Empire that would last hundreds of years under his rule and prosper to new heights. And so with that he engaged Lord Depravious in a duel, for his life. The man that everyone feared, the man that could not be beaten in their universe and if he could you wouldn't walk away from it unscathed huh? Lord Depravious did something that no one had ever done before, he made a mockery of the "Great Dark Lord Axurion". There would be no mercy, there would be no hope at the end of the tunnel for Lord Axurion. He was a fool for believing Depravious to simply be another Sith Lord, he was the Eternal Lord and the Dark Lord of the Dragon Sith there was no higher title in all of the universe. Thus, during their duel Depravious had both arms gripped and a foot in his back, ripping the arms of Axurion from his torso. After having de-limbed the man Axurion attempted to Dark Mend his wounds if only to stay alive.. That would not happen.. The man who could not be beaten, the man who would bring the empire to new hieghts and prosper, was beaten to death with his own arms. The Sith of the day watched in awe as the elegance and yet subtle brutality overwhelmed Darth Axurion. The day of reckoning had come, none could defeat Lord Depravious, not even the greatest of this new universe. And so Lord Depravious surrounded himself with those that he could trust, not particularly the most elite of the order, but those that he could trust around him.
So much of this story I can not tell you, for it was forbidden in our lore, and our lore means everything to us. However, the Dragon Sith never died off.. They simply went into Shadows waiting and hunting. Knowing that the day would come that they would be able to exact their vengeance upon me. You see, even though Lord Depravious was the true leader of the Dragon Sith, they had believed that I never took it from their almighty Lord Shadow. Nevertheless, they would never be able to defeat Shaidin, led by Osamu Kensei they sat and waited in the darkness for the right time to strike, but that time never came. All that Lord Depravious wanted from his brother was to join his side. He didn't care about the Dragon Sith or any of that, simply that his brother come to his side and help him conquer the universe. That day... Would never come. And so, the story of Lord Depravious continues, in a new Universe.
Out of Character Explanation -
The reason that the names of my armor and lightsabre are in a different language was because during this time we didn't quite have any knowledge of the Language of Sithese so we made up our own, and that was what came of it. If this is accepted and I make my bio I will tell you more of it in that.
A refuge that I went to in order to incite some roleplay and got turned down.
A group that I made on our chat site delineating my character a bit.
A story about a new order that I would come to create in time in order to bring the galaxy to its knees. Ignore the fact that I capitalize every word. Our culture varied in things, and that was merely a phase that we went through to be "different."
Yet again another website made by my friends in order to rebirth our community. Our beacon was ignored by our brothers and sisters, for reasons i'll get into with our history.
That's about all that I have or that I can share the rest of the sites and posts were destroyed and taken down. There is a history to our people beyond my own words and beyond my own pain for them. We were some of the darkest beings to walk the galaxy at a time leaving entire worlds covered in ice. And it was because of the actions of a few that we descended into poverty and war. Our people are only engulfed in sadness now, and regret. I apologize if this all seems to be a lot, something you must understand though is that we were not only a community such as the people on these forums but we had our own culture. We did not just consider the people around us in character as brothers and sisters but out of character as well. Family meant everything to us, to betray ones family was to betray their entire state of being. We spoke how we did, walked how we walked, not because it was how we felt that day or how we thought we could get attention.. No.. Because it resided in our very core, it was who we were and who we desired to be.
You see, there is so much of these stories that I can not put into words, and so much of these stories that I simply can not say. As stated above we were not only a community as all of you are but also there was a hidden culture within it. Something that I unfortunately can not describe in words to help you all out. The roleplaying that we did had meaning to us beyond comprehension. We took what we did very seriously no matter what, that's why when I "Betrayed" Lord Shadow, I was called Bane and some people said that I was exiled from the order, whilst some followed me into the abyss at the end of it all. Our people are riddled with eons of rage and sadness now, never again to see the prospering temples of gold that we once had, or the brothers and sisters lost forever. You see in our community we put so much work into our characters because like this one once you died you died; however, that meant that the majority of people who died were no longer able to come back into the Sith, that was it for them. It was a way for us to create a bond with those peoples characters and allow them to love and create progression on those characters, or forever be stagnated in time. This is why when I defeated Lord Shadow there was quite an uproar when he came back from the dead. He betrayed the lore once more out of a personal grudge towards me. I know that none of you can understand the magnitude of me telling you even the amounts that I did without being Dragon Sith. These stories have never been told to people outside of our order, and may never again. The reason that I bring this character back is not only because I love him and can roleplay him well, but also because these stories are very personal to me. They mean so much.
I'm sorry that I could not provide you with more information on my character, however, from other sites as the majority of them were completely destroyed and brought down after the Betrayal, and the rest simply died off and no longer grant access to anyone. They were all sealed away after the, "betrayal". Thus I come to you with the information that I do have, and the stories of my people.